Beasts of Beyond
THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - Printable Version

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THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - GRIMNYTE - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Esklav was familiar with running to and fro, completing every task thrust upon him with the utmost efficiency possible - and when he failed to do as told, which had happened only once, he was greeted with torture. Mental, of course, because bleeding didn't much bother Esklav, not being able to feel pain and all. He remembered it vividly, but for the most part, avoided the memory completely. It did not help that it had been programmed to appear upfront in his head whenever he did something remotely wrong. With Father's gruesome death, the block seemed to be fading.

As the newly promoted warpriest ― (unnecessary, as he was not one to partake in senseless wars, nor was he of holy flesh) ― was instructed by his ... what was Yes Man to him? A new master? By Ardent Yes man, as that was his title and it was not in Esklav to regard him informally, Esklav would be handing out jobs. It was odd. He did not usually partake in commanding others to do something. He could not deny being enticed by the idea. "Members of The Pitt, I have been instructed by Ardent Yes Man to hand out jobs for you to complete. I would advise doing them by the week's end." or else.

The ballsy leopon was standing at the plaza, looking oddly out of place on the pedestal. He was unsure if he belonged here, evidently.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - Cosmic - 08-15-2018

The elderly bear came forward with a delicate but strong approach, giving the higher ranking member a once-over. Ursa sat down, tilting her head. She hoped that her tast would be healing related. She always had a connection with nature and all of its beauty, and had a knack for medicine. She was a natural caretaker, it seemed.

"I'll take one, sir." The bear's tone was quiet, as though she had other things on her mind at that moment. Which was a lot if we were being honest.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-15-2018

Oh, great, he had to be given a task by this guy. Dante huffed as he made his way over upon hearing Esklav's call, his shark-like tail flicking behind him as he walked. "Give me one." He rumbled in response, looking up at the leopon.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - Lokisaurus - 08-15-2018

Butch trotted over as well, settling down next to his wife with a gruff 'harumpf'.  As much as he wanted to just lay down and rest after the events of the past week or so, it seemed foolish to assume that the members of the Pitt would let him even snore.

"One here, please."

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - ninazu - 08-18-2018

The healer clicks her tongue as she approaches, the harsh sounds drowning out her soft pawsteps in the sands. The slender wildcat adjusted her chain necklace idly with one paw as she looked up at the large warpriest, her chin tucked to her neck as she squinted. The sun hurt her eyes something fierce, and she wants to get her task as quickly as possible to get out from the day's heat.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]"Throw one at me then, edgy man." Dabi yawned from his place as he trotted over, the stitched up wolf showing no restraints on how fucking lazy he was right now.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - Cosmic - 08-20-2018

"I would like one, Esklav." The small white feline would approach in her bright pink D.Va ultimate hoodie inspite of the heat of the desert. She would sit down, her knife in its holster that had been fitted to her arm. Honestly, she didn't want anything too violent for once, so perhaps he could give her a healing one? Or do some beneficial research for the Pitt?

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - melantha - 08-20-2018

Melantha trots over silently, making a point of avoiding Dante like the plague as she arrives. In fact, she avoids most everyone. She is in a wonderful mood this morning, and would probably bite someone's face off if they even looked at her funny. "I would like a task, please," she says in a cold voice, only raising her gaze to meet Esklav's. Mel would not go so far as to say that she likes him the most out of everyone, but she is the most accustomed to him given the fact that she follows him everywhere. And not by choice, either.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - Stryker - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  Seeing that he realized his post got deleted, Stryker just approached and gave a soft nod in hopes that he would receive a task.

Re: THE FAST LANE ― WEEKLY JOBS (8/15th - 22nd) - GRIMNYTE - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Skipping Ursa, Dante, and Butch as they've already received tasks.

[member=2040]ninazu[/member]  : Stock up on Desert Marigolds before November. Collect as many as possible. If needed, bring a patrol with you.

[member=1854]DABI.[/member]  : Hold a spar and sharpen up on your fighting skills.

[member=2055]HOPE INFINITIUM[/member]  : Scavenge the old ruins for anything usable - books, paper, antiques.

[member=321]melantha[/member]  Take a break for the day doing something you enjoy. You brood too much.

[member=1738]Stryker[/member] Raid another group (besides Sunhaven) for slaves and prisoners to use as bargaining chips in the near future.