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I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - Printable Version

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I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018

Re: I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018

You're The Boy Who Murdered Love
☆ adare | aka 'oriole fallbriar' | nicknamed as 'ori, ri' etc
☆ adare means 'from the ford of the oak tree' | oriole means golden
☆ history has long since forgotten his fae name | he, however, remembers it
☆ usually never includes his last name in his introduction | sees the surname as a simple reminder of the past
☆ he's one of the original four faes that went to hawthorn | extremely hecking old, but looks 19
☆ member of san creado | leader of hawthorn grove
☆ has lost count of his actual age | immortal/ageless, looks to be 19 | created on 8/14
☆ male and identifies as such | can be seen wearing girly things when he's bored (skirts, dresses, etc)
☆ homoromantic demisexual | preference for males | single and not really looking icly
PLEASE NOTE > ori is very clueless when it comes to love. his free spirited and somewhat absentminded nature tends to not paint that particular picture clearly for him. if he's the one to initiate a romance, or trying to, he'll be extremely stubborn and pout-y about it. he doesn't take rejection lightly, but he'll take it with a grain of salt. he's very persistent when it comes to things he wants, or likes, but he knows when to not overstep his boundaries. somehow he's oddly perceptive when it comes to people matters.

Cold hands and a heart of stone
character information
☆ has a big, black wolf companion affectionately named cookie | cookie appears to know various commands
☆ cookie sometimes listens to ori | other times she doesn't | doesn't like people that aren't oriole (may tolerate some)
☆ he has a very eccentric, and rapid way of talking | especially when he's excited | may slur, run words together, or skip words
☆ boy likes his hand gestures | extremely expressive with words, and body language
☆ slight fear of buildings | won't freak out if he stays in them for too long, he just doesn't like to feel boxed in
☆ doesn't trust human made things | won't entirely disregard them, as some have there uses, but still
☆ hardcore nature lover | if you touch his plants or animals, you're dead | vegetarian
☆ love-hate relationship with being picked up | depending on his mood, he'll try to knee someone
☆ likes to wear baggy clothing | especially his cloak and hoodies | also likes to play with his lighter
☆ he's really messy | forgets where he places things all the time
☆ knows some traditional dance moves | really likes to dance as such | likes music as well
☆ odd talent includes juggling | likes knives and blades | he's an odd one

You're a Midas in reverse
☆ ori is an extremely small breed of fae, resting at only 5'3. although dainty, he's quite agile and quick. he relies on his intelligence and ability of stealth to usually get the upper hand on people. he has natural silvery hair, that he dyes bright pink. some of his original hair color can be seen underneath, however most assume it to be another hair dye incident. he likes to dye his hair frequently, although his favorite to do is pink. he has heterochromia, where his left eye is a deep blue, and the right eye is a doe brown. he has very beautiful butterfly wings, that are usually tucked away and kept hidden. they are multi-shaded and resemble this. on his back, and usually never shown to the general public, he has scarred tattoos, that were obviously carved by a blade. the language is in a foreign tongue, presumably that of the fae, although the words have long since been forgotten by the newer generation of fae folk. if ori knows the meaning of them, he never tells.

he wears black leather gauntlets around his wrists, akin to this picture, but not as long as them. when he's not wearing them, he can be found wearing loosely put on pink ribbons, usually tied in bunny loops. he usually does not wear shoes, and when he does, he can be found wearing these, a gift from long ago. he tends to wear dark clothing, and especially baggy clothing. he has a black cloak he particularly likes, and since it's handmade by himself, it has a lot of inside pockets in them that hold a lot of junk. sometimes he'll reach into a pocket and be surprised in what he pulls out. he's an extremely messy, and forgetful person. he can also be seen wearing this necklace. at times, he can be seen adorning a peony pink and yellow buttercup alternating flower crown.

☆ faceclaim is woozi from seventeen | voice claim is woozi, as well | partially resembles woozi physically as well
- voice is generally thought of to be calm and soothing, although it can certainly go high pitched when he's feeling playful. he has an eccentric way of talking, and an odd speech pattern, at times. may slur words, run words together, or skip them altogether due to excitement.

You're the king of pain and hurt
“THE CAMPAIGNER” (ENFP-A) | overall good mental state (although some would say otherwise)
exterior traits (seen on the outside)
independent | energetic | eccentric | stubborn
free spirited | overly curious | highly emotional | sociable
easily distracted | hyperactive | impulsive | airheaded
overly affectionate | honest/blunt | happy-go-lucky | defiant
playful | fearless | clumsy | nature-lover | messy (no organizational skills)
interior traits (not visibly seen)
compassionate | observant | creative | wise
patient | manipulative | loyal (to the end) | can be hot headed
surprisingly reliable | self doubting underneath his mask | supportive | selfless
overprotective | lonely | conflicted | possessive
can be arrogant | highly intelligent | dramatic | bitter

And the stars turn into fire
☆ he's extremely fidgety and shifty | doesn't appear to have patience if he's doing something boring
☆ oddly enough, does mediate when stressed | or throw daggers, or dance
☆ does like to read | actually really smart, despite his outwards appearance
☆ will mess with people just for fun in the forms of pranks or teasing | doesn't usually do them to start fights
☆ not really petty but can be if pushed | childish but offers good advice
☆ although social, he doesn't tend to think before he speaks at times | means well but delivery is off

And the roses change from red to black
combat, interaction, & relations
☆ ori isn't opposed against violence, despite his nature loving ways | if he has to get aggressive, he will
☆ he will instigate fights, when he's feeling bored | usually causes them himself with his pranks or bad humor
☆ he approaches problems generally head on | he's highly intelligent, and because of this, he's almost always several steps ahead, which can lead to presumed reckless abandon to an outsider's perspective
☆ physically difficult + mentally eh | there are rare times when he actually has to rely on brute strength alone, therefore making it hard to actually catch him enough to fight. although he is in a good mental state, he usually does things impulsively, and at the drop of a hat. pinpointing his next movement is basically impossible. (he might be crazy, who knows)
☆ he introduces himself with a quick smile, or an absentmindedly put cute gesture. he usually chants his name, or a greeting, in rapid fire slurs. he has a very eccentric talking pattern, to match him.
☆ he is wary when meeting any kind of people, despite his outwards friendliness. he doesn't usually intend to get close with anybody, finding it difficult to truly connect to anyone, due to the amount of secrets he bares for his people.
☆ roleplayed by happeh | main character | allowed to be promoted (although should he really be trusted with power lmfao?)
☆ based off of no one tbh | although he is similar to two other characters i've played before + he physically looks akin to woozi from seventeen so
☆ physically the son of no one | no relations, except the original four
☆ adopted siblings include the original four fae that came to hawthorn

Re: I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018

Re: I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018

Re: I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018

Re: I SEE THE HATE IN YOUR EYES | storage | & I LOVE IT - oriole. - 08-15-2018