Beasts of Beyond
TELL THAT BITCH I'M SORRY THO && joining. - Printable Version

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TELL THAT BITCH I'M SORRY THO && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 08-14-2018


male ♦ san creado ♦ 18 y/o ♦ tags
[div style="background-color:#51CF94;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Blonde hair accompanied green eyes as Adrien pushed his way through whatever hell this place was, spooked by the ghosts he saw in the corner of his eyes. While he was okay normally in his costume, this was different. I mean, Hell, Chat Noir was fearless! But Adrien Agreste.. Maybe not so fearless.

Sitting down at what seemed to be borders, an imaginary line that seperated people from each other, the blonde watched, silently, with a dazed look on his face.


Re: TELL THAT BITCH I'M SORRY THO && joining. - Rialto - 08-15-2018

There was nothing to fear here. Well, okay, Alex on a bad hair day was one thing, and Cat actually smiling was another, but Marko had done a good job at ironing out all the errant troublemakers - that is, the ones that actually did things, like breaking windows and stealing from the minimart. (Maybe some people still did that. The stoic storeowner never made any statements, but Rialto had seen them the other day waiting behind the register with a steel baseball bat.) At any rate, the actual levels of physical violence in San Creado wasn't anything higher than what you'd get in a normal town.

Which was amazing, you know. They needed a medal for that. They deserved one.

Rialto's brand of troublemaking leaned more towards blessing people with pretty (very useless) gadgets, drawing a big graffitied Cat with a butt for a face on the outside of the pineapple whenever Rialto got mad. The typical harmless fun and games.

A few moments after Adrien arrived at the edge of town, next to the sign - the air still and the surroundings totally silent - Rialto tapped the boy's shoulder from behind. "Hi, buddy," he whispered, right by his ear, and immediately stepped back with the slyest, most annoying grin imaginable.

notes WEEPS chat noir MY BOY,, hello and welcome!!!

Re: TELL THAT BITCH I'M SORRY THO && joining. - CATHERYN - 08-15-2018

San Creado is not a scary place to be, but maybe Catheryn only thinks that because she's got two very sharp teeth, and a moral code that very closely resembles a roulette wheel, that is to say, she wouldn't think twice about snapping someone's neck. Also, she's pretty sure Alexander had told her once that whenever she walks into a room, people leave because they're afraid of what she'll do to them. Catheryn isn't sure if that's the entire truth but refrains from asking because she doesn't want to give Alex more of a chance to speak.

The arrival of a stranger, followed by Rialto's very loud, obnoxious voice, has her looking up in wan interest. Catheryn had been busy knitting, but she sets the ball of yarn aside, placing it on top of her needles so nothing flies away while she's gone. It's late evening, just a couple hours before San Creado really comes to life, but she figures it wouldn't hurt to start the night a little early. Catheryn vaults herself out of her bedroom window, landing solidly on her feet before snapping her fingers and phasing into existence next to Rialto.

"You've spooked him," she intones, almost expressionless as she turns to survey Adrien. He seems ... lost, a little boy who's gone down the wrong path. Hmm, perhaps they're not the best welcoming community for this fearful human. Ah well, this is all Adrien is going to get for now.

Re: TELL THAT BITCH I'M SORRY THO && joining. - alexander - 08-15-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Ah, they had waited a little too long to play their own tricks. Alexander sighs loudly as they drop down from the tree they were hiding in, a few feet above Adrien's head. They immediately come to lean against Rialto, tugging a little harder than they usually would at his hair, teeth bared playfully. "You beat me to him!" They hiss, throwing the stranger a mischievous smile. They move to take their place between their friends, almost forcefully shoving themselves between the two so they can hook their arms around the twins' shoulders.

Alex gives the man standing in front of them a once over, eyebrow quirking before they're back in action. "You've wandered into the very special town of San Creado, mister. Welcome! I'm Alexander, and these two are Rialto and Catheryn. You are?"