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ringing in your head // guild meeting - Printable Version

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ringing in your head // guild meeting - axiom - 08-14-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress keeps her mind too busy to linger on troublesome worries; forged in a war-torn home, she knows she can lead a warfare faction to victory. The only trepidation lies on the peaceful nature of her new home - she switches between contentment at the laid-back nature of the group and raw frustration at its sleepy nature. While she enjoys the gentle bustle of the small town, the silence sometimes feels like a hammer against her head. Much like the sun feels, beating down on her as she meanders around the deck of the beached battleship.

Shaking off the sensations, she finishes laying out the plates of small game and fish for the meeting; she doesn't want anyone going hungry, and she knows free food usually draws a crowd. "The first warfare guild meeting in Sunhaven's history is about to start!" she calls out, her voice shifting into a deep, rumbly roar so that those on the beach can easily hear her announcement.

[ sign up link for the guild is here! ]

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - Mama - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]A child of a coupling that should never have happened, one of blue-blood and the other beneath him, a peasant brought high for the attention she garnered, given to a world she was expected to paint with crimson. From her first breath she had known war and pain, tasted the ash of bodies burning and felt the brush of a headache caused by the screams of pure, unadulterated joy as the soldiers celebrated their victory, terrified of the next day for it might mean their death. She had been amongst their numbers for a time, had enjoyed the dark humour which had touched the barracks, fought against brothers and sisters uncaring of her pelt for she was but fodder for the war, as they all were, until she had seen him die.

The call broke through the fragile reverie of memory, a soft sound of surprise rising from her as the fragments of a life she had left behind her fell away into little more than dust. It had been sometime since then, when she had felt adrenaline coursing through her veins, a soldier amongst many, nothing more than a piece of meat to be thrown to the dogs of war, a life she had fought hard to escape. And yet she rose as the call faded away, an easy pace drawing her along the beach, no hitch within it for there seemed no trouble within her mind, no voice screaming at her about how bad an idea this was. From the beginning Ishayu had been a solider and still was she though she had placed the past behind her, sought more peaceful action, and like a solider she followed orders without question.

Walking the gangplank was strange to her, a path she had never walked and she found her gaze drawn to the water between the side of the boat and the beach, watching it as it grew further away, each step drawing her closer to the ship itself. The first step was warm, the metal having picked up some of the heat of the sun as it beat down upon it, heat she was accustomed to and welcomed readily. Slowly her gaze rose and found the tigress, her approach slow and measured, taking her time to navigate the ships deck.

“Greetings Quantum,” a gentle smile curled her pale lips as she spoke, head lowering in a short nod. Ishayu knew well her appearance within the meeting might be taken as odd for there seemed little a serval missing a leg might accomplish within acts of war but she had been alive for some time, had killed and learnt to utilise her telekinetic abilities for the purpose of fighting, she knew her way around a fight though she proved hesitant to join within any.

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - miss ririchiyo - 08-14-2018

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...=720&h=720]
"Ah, yes.. Such marvelous beauty is thee, yes?" Persephone chimed from her position, walking over to simply lay down and listen, quietly after her comment.

//rushed holy fuck

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - buckingham barnes - 08-15-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham had been in the floating seatown, his docked boat more specifically, when his ears pricked up at Quantum's deep, rumbling roar. If Bucky had been in the territory, without a doubt he would have been able to hear her without a problem. But all the way in his boat, his enhanced senses helped him in this case. Due to his time as an asset, Bucky became very alert- and even though he's his own person now, he can't get rid of that habit. Buckingham had been planning to patrol the territory when Quantum called for them. He can easily do his solo patrol after the meeting, which is at the warship- so it works out. He can just start his patrol at the warship afterwards. With a flick of one of his ears, the maine coon left his docked boat, and silently made his way out of the floating seatown and into the territory.

Padding through the territory and onto the beach, the former assassin silently slipped into the warship, his paw steps as light as feathers. As he entered the warship, he noticed three individuals already gathered, two he knew. Persephone wasn't a familiar face, telling himself in his head to remember if he sees her again outside of the warfare guild, that he'll remember where he saw her from. His gaze tore away from Persephone and settled on Mama Ishayu for a moment- a mere glance, and then onto Quantum- who was recently assigned the role of 'Head Slayer'. His light blue eyes blinked, his bushy tail slowly swishing behind him. He gave her a nod of greeting as he sat himself down on the ground, wondering if they're going to wait for any other members before beginning.

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - axiom - 08-23-2018

© lexasperated
Quantum, admittedly, felt a bit awkward arranging a meeting for the warfare guild - she almost thought it silly that she felt so, but she didn't quite know what to do with a warfare faction that couldn't raid and pillage. She felt sure she'd feel more comfortable if she stood before them drafting war plans on deciding where they'd take their next batch of crucial supplies or how best to prepare the children for their first kill. Her thoughts drifted in and out of this conundrum as she nodded to each of them, her ears flicking at Ishayu's greeting. "Good to see you three," she spoke with a nod to them, though she gave Persephone a slightly confused gaze. The warlike woman didn't recognize the strange accent, and couldn't figure out if the canine complemented her or simply the lovely beach scenery; it seemed neither appropriate to thank or agree with her, considering her puzzlement.

"I'm glad to have you fine lot in the warfare guild. As I'm leading the guild, I'd like to get opinions on what everyone thinks we should devote our energy towards - training, patrols, escorting merchants to trade with other places... those come to my mind, anyway," Quantum spoke with a slight huff, laying down and crossing her forepaws in front of her. She hated straining her neck to keep looking down at these smaller creatures - besides, it seemed a bit demeaning to stand so much taller than them. With a flick of her tail, she added, "I'll make no secret of this shit: I'm not used to peacetime, and my first impulse is to keep training the young here and keep have the warfare guild meet with our enemies on trading expeditions. If we can give the warlike groups the illusion that most Sunhaven members are like us - or, like me, at any rate - we can probably deter them, make them more likely to choose a softer target like the squishy snowmen and stargazing animals." There were a few other matters, but... talking two major points seemed enough for now.

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - Character Graveyard. - 08-24-2018

Cloud — Male — Sunhaven — Sunbearer — Medium
A meeting, for the Warfare Guild. Cloud finds the thought of Guilds very interesting, if he had to be honest. The muscular male would make his way in the direction where Quantum's roar had come from. His whiskers slightly twitching, the grown domestic feline would take a seat as he arrived to the meeting site. Sapphire-eyes would focus on the Guild's leader and he would offer a brief nod of his head, perking up both of his ears to listen to the warlike woman speak. Patrols. Training. Escorting merchants to trading posts or other groups. None of those really sounded interesting aside from patrolling and training, but he would give another nod of his head anyways.

The male would simply blink, before he would open his mouth to speak. "All options sound interesting." He would say, before falling silent, as the female had spoken once more. Now, this caught his attention. A way to keep their enemies focused on the weaker and smaller groups and the idea of training the young members of the group. How clever.

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - Mama - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“I agree we need to make sure everyone is trained, after Stellamaris...” her voice trailed into silence as she remember the scene. There had been little left beyond scraps of fur and crimson smeared across ground torn apart within a scuffle, a scene she never wished to see again. It would take time but she had already planned to gather the necessary materials to be sure each Havener had a weapon of some kind, but holding a weapon and knowing how to use it was a different matter all together. “Even if it was a single person we need to be sure no Pitt member can get in and they made it clear they know how.”

Familiar was the next face to approach and for a time Ishayu struggled to keep a smile fixed in place, edges shaky as she looked towards him. All too fresh was his joining, the way he had seemed unable to control himself for a time, and still the worry was there, curling about her stomach. She had no want for another to be hurt or killed in the fashion the deceased Hearthkeeper had been, yet the threat behind this one was something she couldn't ignore no matter his status as one of them.

Re: ringing in your head // guild meeting - Luciferr - 08-27-2018

the future is not a river to carry us, it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
"True peacetime I find is something of a myth, it's always wise to be ready for anything" Anzarel voiced his own opinion inline with quantum's on the subject as the 9 foot god made his way to sit beside the group - having recently joined both the clan and the guild, but he found more often than not the idiom held true - a truthful peacetime even in his era had been via an benevolent empire and even they'd had incursions.

it just seemed to be the nature of things - his sister would say, there was always a chaos interwoven into any order, one did not thrive without the other less they stagnate.