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IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - Printable Version

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IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - SOCKING - 08-14-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
ah... Movie night. An absolutely glorious weekly task assigned to the person who was perhaps the least qualified to pick out a movie for the whole clan.

If Mirabella were here, perhaps she'd be regretting her decision dearly.

It was something of a struggle to find a place to set up a movie. They were trapped in a bootlegged town and electronics were scarce (god this place sucked ass), but thankfully, this was where conjurers came into play.

All it took was a smattering of clanmates with considerable power; conjuration to provide the projector, outlets and wires needed to make the movie, and those with electrical elementals to power those mechanations. Ah, technology was a wonderful thing.

Next were the snacks, and the various accommodations. It wasn't hard to find blankets and throw pillows to scatter about the room. Something to keep them warm while they witnessed this inevitably glorious and masterful film.

Now, for the movie itself.

Stocking had quite a colorful taste in movies. When her decision came to a head, her best interests had not been in the clan as a whole, but rather, herself.

And stocking believed she had found a very interesting movie to watch. the angel just found herself jittery with thinking about it.

When she requested it to the npc assisting her, the boy's face twisted, unsurprisingly, into a grimace before he relented and the bane of all good and pure tanglers was summoned into existence.


The cabin she had chosen to situate the movie night was a wide and roomie one; unused, empty and ideal for the task she was set to do tonight.

As she stepped out of the cabin, cool stars twinkled overhead. Perfect timing.

"Movie night! Get your asses here if you're watching. Theres food and drink and blankets inside, and I have a... Special movie picked out for this occasion."

// The movie has not started playing yet :^) she's keeping it a secret up until enough people arrive
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - ophelia. - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Hearing Stocking's call, Ophelia approached. She didn't really like the way she paused on special, implying that it were something heinous, but... Well, the winged cat wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to see what the tanglers around her had to offer. Getting to know her new group had been nice, and she wouldn't miss out on getting to know even more of them. A gathering like this would be nice to attend, if only for that.

"I do hope it's kid friendly." she said as she entered the room, though there wasn't any real heat in her voice. She looked more amused than anything. It would be fun to see whatever was in store, even if it were less PG than she hoped. At least it would be a fun story to tell. Laying down on one of the provided blankets, she curled her paws under herself and waited for the fun - or terror, either would be fine - to begin.

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - arrow - 08-14-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"I hope it's not." Arrow responded to Ophelia's comment about the rating of the unknown film, hopping over at Stocking's call. She was always down for a movie, although she was cursed to be the movie watcher in the group that fell asleep first or in rarer cases, second. Early, she knocked out early.

She was determined not to do that this time, and judging by the suspicious tone of Stocking's voice, it would be a waste to doze off during this. Arrow's whiskers twitched as she grinned. "Suspicious, you sneaky girl. My viewing pleasure is at your mercy." She was not afraid.

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - ABATHUR . - 08-14-2018


He rolled the word around in his head over and over, to no avail, a fruitless effort in trying to figure out when he had last actually sat down and seen a film. It had to have been so long ago, back to his days in a scorching desert, based on how little recollection he had of the event despite the feeling that he knew what a movie was and how it operated. So, so long ago, back to his adolescence, when his mind was still developing, when he was more akin to a machine than a well-developed human. Some might still call him robotic to this day, considering his mannerisms - but at least he had shed the shell of inner mechanical thought, developing over years and years until he learned how to love. Unfortunately, he learned how to love after the tragedy of realizing everyone he knew was dead the first time, but... He was getting off track and off tone from a movie night, he realized, as he crawled into Stocking's cabin at the prospect of a cinema night, shifting to the back where he could get the best look at the film. Though considering how the hostess was talking, he was beginning to think that he should pick a spot closer to the door. Nevertheless, the spider sat, saying nothing about the current conversation, lost in thoughts about his life, stuck in the general unease he was always stuck in - such was living past death.
tags - "speech"

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - Hector Clark - 08-15-2018

Movie night? Damn, this place just had everything now didn't it? While Hector probably had more important things to be doing, like finding himself a home to sleep, he couldn't possibly say no to watching a movie. While he didn't know what movie it was, from what the girl hosting the thing said, he expected it to be interesting. Preferably not suitable for kids, though it could also be something very boring too. Hector walked by Stocking and into the cabin while saying. "I swear to God if it's a fucking romantic drama, I'm out." There were really only two genres Hector really liked, and that was action and comedy, while he could deal with other genres he just absolutely hated romantic dramas. They were just so boring. Enough so that he might even rival Arrow in falling asleep, or he might just leave, whatever happens first really.

Hector went and found himself a seat between two pillows where he stretched out and relaxed.

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - Morgan - 08-15-2018

Morgan hadn't seen a movie in quite some time. The last time that he could remember was when Beck had shown some horror movie in the library, but that was before the samoyed had even become sentient. His memories were hazy at best, so any opportunity to watch something new was exciting to say the least.

The canine lifted a blanket onto his back, not caring at all about how redundant it was to wear one when his fur was so fluffy. Despite the extra heat, he found himself a comfortable-enough location to lie down. With any luck, Vigenere would be around to join him too.

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - SOCKING - 08-15-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking was quire shocked-- pleased, if anything, at the number of those who arose to attend movie night. She stood at the entrance, watching fellow clan members trot into the cabin with a sly, mischievous little smirk upon her pert and knowing little face, framed carefully by dark eyes that twinkled.

Ophelia was the first to arrive, making a remark in regards to her foreboding words. An easy scoff escaped the guardsman, those lips quirking upwards with the further appearance of arrow.

"Better hope harder," she quipped back lightly. Her words were coated with obvious intention. They knew her game. Kid friendly had no definition within stocking's dictionary, and the feline vaguely wondered if any curious kids would come foolishly come tramping into the event, hoping to see a normal film, only to be greeted with explicit material. Whelp. There was no better time as any for them to learn about the birds and the bees, and if they came away with more questions than answers, stocking sure as hell wasn't going to explain anything.

Next was a face she'd never seen before; hector, passing by with a remark on romantic drama. She sure as hell hoped not. She had chosen the movie with a more active vision in mind. She had never seen it before, but the angel was dearly praying to the god that she had forsaken that the film wasn't going to be filled with any overly convoluted, dramatic crap. She was here to watch her fill of sexual tension, and that was it. Hopefully the others would enjoy it as well. Or get a kick out of it. Either way.

When the next two members had arrived; abathur, the rather intriguing spider (stocking admired the arthropod. There were few sentient insects she had seen her share of, and spiders were a thing of fondness for her), and Morgan the leader.

"Alright tackywood." she pitched out to the open door of the cottage. "I'm starting the movie now. You can still join as you please, but don't blame me if you miss any of the steamy scenes," there was a ginger pause. "Oh, and, just a warning... No kids allowed. Or if you choose to come in, do so at your own risk."

With a grin that could put a conniving fox to shame, stocking sauntered her way back into the cabin where most of the others were snuggly accompanied by various comforters. Quickly locating the CD cover, she popped open the cartridge and slid the disc into the projector. Fifty shades of grey.

The screen flickered.

Here we fucking go.

// feel free to progress or describe the movie in your own posts
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - madster - 08-15-2018

where stocking would be, you could probably find malphas. a movie night sounded nice, a good distraction to numb his head while he processed his confusing feelings. how felt about stocking, how he had taken up a therapist-type role, how beck had left like a fucking coward... ugh, it all hurt, and he found himself wishing he had his good booze. the problem was that sold it all for drugs for his patients. no boozing it up, he guessed.

he walked over, eyeing the movie. being a cat, he had no idea what the movie was, and honestly didn't care. he sat next to stocking, and aimed to press himself into her. "what? i'm cold," he retorted as he snuggled up to her. "and you're warm. it's science."

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - aya - 08-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]"Oh, yeah." Aya slid in, ready to rip the shit out of Malphas. "Science of friction, or reproductive biology, it's all science." She mocked affectionately, finding a place to relax by her partner in crime, Abathur. Her eyes watched the screen, internally barfing at the ugly humans and poor acting.

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - toboggan - 08-15-2018

//retro to injury

"’M I too, late?" Leroy queried as the canine was next to enter the scene, shiftily roving his large body into Stocking’s cabin. He hadn’t seen a film before, and was mighty excited to view one described as explicit. The cheesy soundtrack had caught his attention, yet, when his gaze shifted to the television set, all the screen had to display was darkness, with the occasional flicker instantly fluttering before dematerializing just as quickly as it appeared. Must have been a poorly edited part. His attention returning to the audience, his paws heedlessly ferried him towards one of the few he knew, Aya, the bleak feline who set him up with a goal. Sitting himself down beside the much smaller mammal, he’d playfully greet ”What’s ‘appened so far, boss? Don’t worry ‘bout food, I brought pie.”

The electronic’s visuals still had yet to properly function. The audio was fine; there were obviously-human voices atrociously blabbing their lines from a script that must have been written by mentally disabled high on meth. And then it transitioned into what sounded like a kinkier scene, which, at that moment, he realized that the problem wasn’t the tech. It was him. ”I can’t see fuckin’ anything!” he’d exclaim hotly, envious that others could actually see what was happening. No wonder these guys sat still, looking almost hypnotized at the tube; they’re eyes weren’t messed up like his. He had lived almost six human years of his life, and he never knew of this problem until now. Now, he was at a disadvantage, while everyone else was unfairly perfect. Fuck.