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when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - Printable Version

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when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - snare - 08-14-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Striker!  He was a Striker!  Who cared if it was only a semi high position and probably not worth the celebration, it was still a stepping stone towards bigger things.  And it still felt amazing for the small wolf pup to get the recognition he believed he deserved and earned.  He was an ambitious young thing after all, so he was glad of the acknowledgment of his potential.

He supposed that that he was climbing up a rank, he should try and live like one of the more important crewmates.  He had heard that Strikers could make their dens in the large lifeguard towers on the shore, and that sounded like an absolutely swell idea to Snare.  He didn’t have that many possessions he would need to transfer over to his new quarters; only the golden jewel encrusted necklace he had found in the sand a while back, that heh ad kept close but never really wore.  Maybe he would have to make a habit out of that.

Snare was trotting across the beach with the piece of jewelry held gently in his teeth, pale eyes catching sight of the little structures dotted across the beach.  There was certainly a nice selection to choose from, and plenty more for others who shared his position.  Ooh, he had neighbors now, how thrilling!  A smile formed at the corners of the wolf pups mouth as he paced about the shoreline looking a suitable place to settle.

Soon enough he decided on a little quaint structure, painted a pale white color and smoothed down with a little metal ramp leading into the small building.  Snare would step up and inside of his new digs, paws making soft padding sounds on the colored wood as he looked around to give the place a once over.  Small in size, but cozy, and just the right size for a young animal like himself.  He would have to do some redecorating soon enough to really make this place seem like home.  The chocolate pelted pup would set his necklace down in a corner for now, sweeping aside dust with a flick of his front paws before he stepped back and took it all in.

He felt excited jitters run through his fuzzy skinny body.  He still couldn’t quite believe it, him on the way to a higher position in his beloved group.  Snare’s form would wiggle happily as he jumped around to exit his new den, sliding down the ramp that led inside with an audible squeak before he leaped out onto the sand.  Snare would flop down, rolling onto his back and hyperly wriggling about in the sand that coated his dark pelt with tawny grains.  Despite his own perceived importance, he was still a young pup with the mentality and energy of a child, so he was still highly prone to goofiness like right now, even as he basked in his own personal thoughts and dreams of grander things to come for him in the future.

Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

Caesar remembered the day he had been promoted to Striker. He felt pride in himself, glad that Pincher had noticed him enough that he was now one of the high positions. Excitement definitely was not a way to describe it, though, because Caesar hadn't been excited for the positon. After all, it was just a semi-high position, it was basically just a way of Pincher saying 'hey good job, I noticed you'. His promotion to Officer, however, was something to be happy over but once again, excitement was not an emotion to say there. Caesar simply just did not feel said emotion very often, and it was rather replaced with pride.

"Could you fucking keep it quiet in there?" Caesar snapped as he passed Snare's doorway, his ears flattened and eyes narrowed at the newly-promoted Striker. He had been alerted to the guy's room due to the ruckus he was making, and it irritated him. Although he didn't get very much sleep, he did enjoy having some alone time to relax and reflect on a few things, and Snare moving into his new room was distracting him. Which was something strange to say, considering Caesar's room was farther in on the boat, since he was an Officer. This entire interaction was just the demon being a grumpy ass, just like always.

Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - no more - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It had been only a short time ago they had been given their own position and yet the day had faded from their mind for they held anticipation and fear, awaiting a call they had thought never to come, yet it did little to dilute the excitement which had bubbled within them once they had learnt of their own rise within the ranks. Yet they could not say they performed such antics as the other child for they were one seemingly devoid of the usual playful nature of youth, not to say they were beyond such, more they needed to be in the correct mindset for such antics.

Small paws moved across the course grains of the sand, a slow pace drawing the tiny sage across the stretch of beach, one they had walked many times though they had never really taken the time to look upon the structures which doted it. They knew well the excitement of gaining a place your own, their move to the tavern had been to get away from the submarine and the constant stream of visitors, ambassadors and higher ups seeking their father for meetings, the joy they had felt at the simple transition proved to pale within comparison to the day they had taken up residence within the tree house.

Sand flew by them and they shuffled back a few steps, unsure how exactly to react as they watched Snare enjoy his moment. “I take it ya got promoted,” laughter rose behind their words, head tilting to one side as they made a point to ignore Caesar, knowing if they dared speak it was likely to end badly for one of them. Aita had chosen to sit out the meeting, still recovering from their cold it had seemed a stupid idea to be around so many, and they had yet to pick up the news.

Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - snare - 08-15-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The wolfling would lean his fuzzy head in the direction of Caesar, moon-like eyes settling on the Officer.  Usually Snare found his attitude and snappiness rather intimidating or at the very least unattractive.  Being young as he was, he hadn’t yet developed many negative traits in his personality because he hadn’t experienced enough in life yet to develop them.  He saw the bright side of things, and wouldn’t let much take him down.  While before he would try and stand his ground and snap back, the newly-promoted Striker was in too good of a mood to try and start things.  ”Nope.”  Snare would yip, a big and innocent grin in his face from his upside down position on the sand.

Snare’s head would twist over to the other crewmate, his tail thumping happily on the sand.  Aita was clearly in a better mood than Caesar, so the puppy would focus on them.  ”Uh-huh!”  He would answer, rolling from his back onto his belly, sand caking his back and the top of his head.  ”Striker!  Isn’t that cool?”  His childlike innocence and excitement came out in full force right now, energy coursing through his body as he babbled on to anybody who would be willing to listen.

Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 08-15-2018

To Kirishima, excitement and innocence was always a nice to see in others. Not everyone was innocent, nor was everyone exactly a good person. He liked Snare. He was a nice kid though he didn't really know him. As for Caesar and Aita- he didn't know anything about them nor had he really paid attention to them.

Despite not being a semi-high or high position, he had decided to explore the part of the beach where the Strikers reside when he caught notice of a few others. Caesar, Aita and Snare. A smile on the Beta's maw, he decided to approach and he stared in amusement at the young pup's excitement for being promoted.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: when you walk away, you dont hear me say / ooc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

"Well I suggest you do." Caesar snarled next, clearly not happy about Snare's yip, his lips curling back as he spoke. The demon briefly cast a glance over at Aita and Kirishima - hey, wasn't that the guy that had been captured a while back? Eh, oh well, he didn't have time to dwell on it - before he turned around and left, not wanting to deal with Snare and everybody else here.
