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IT STARTED IN THE HAYLOFT ;; freeze tag! - Printable Version

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IT STARTED IN THE HAYLOFT ;; freeze tag! - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-14-2018

there were many kids running about the canopied forest, they might as well entertain them with activities other than what they were mainly fed. they understood that there were a few that took training seriously. that enjoyed spending more of their time perfecting their skills in a fight than relaxing in more childish activities. peytriviing figured t was worth setting up something similar to that, but in a more kid-friendly way. they had set up a pretty expansive play area in a flat area. towers were built up to five feet high for them to jump back and forth between. the natural cover of bushes surrounding the area offering cover, and of course the tree's to suffice if they wished to go higher.

"holding a freeze tag contest! everyone's welcome to join, though play fair. when there's enough of us around i'll discuss the rules and set up who will be it first."

Re: IT STARTED IN THE HAYLOFT ;; freeze tag! - jabberwocky - 08-14-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 225px; background-image: url(; background-size: ADJUST THIS; background-position: 0px; border-top: 1px white solid; border-left: 1px white solid;"]
"Freeze tag?" Finn frowned as they padded up, their pale eyes dragging over their sibling-in-law. After spending years in the ocean, quite a few terms were completely lost on them, and this was one of them - it was obviously a game, with rules, but beyond that they weren't sure of anything.

Normally, they would make some comment on how they were an adult, on how they didn't see any appeal in these sorts of things, but instead they simply sat down, pulling their shark tail toward their front paws. "Uh. Can you explain what the game is? Now, or when other people get here." They were sure that most people would know what the game was, but it would be less awkward if it wasn't just the two of them during the explanation.


Re: IT STARTED IN THE HAYLOFT ;; freeze tag! - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-19-2018

Jiyu had many relatives who absolutely adored childish games, and she had been a mother herself many times over. Even if her initial experience with games was less then enjoyable by most animals standards? The calico was still very familiar with the versions of the games that were played by normal animals, the ones considered most fun by others. Honestly, having so much family into games, kinda helped with being able to play past the flashbacks until they had stopped and she could just enjoy fun little games. However, being able to enjoy them and being willing to admit she even remotely liked or wanted to play them, were two separate things entirely! Jiyu disliked admitting there was anything to her besides the endlessly loyal and emotionless stoic that she always appeared to be. Enjoying games? Did nothing for making them feel safer if anything it would impede her ability to protect them by making her some friend instead of their guardian! Jiyu may be interested but she was never just going to speak up about it if she played it would be because they asked, they 'roped' her into it even though she would play on simply a single request without argument.

Mismatched optics blinked lazily as one black paw hang down off the branch she lay on as her perch, watching as the children played.

Re: IT STARTED IN THE HAYLOFT ;; freeze tag! - sephiroth - 08-19-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Now Sephiroth was a dignified creature, proud and mature and above frivolous activities that held little purpose.  However, he was new to this group and their customs, so he supposed there was little harm in joining in on the game about to commence.  Just so long as word of this didn’t travel outside of the group he could keep up his image.

”I’ll participate.”  The lion’s tone didn’t really convey any emotion one way or another, positive or negative.  It was simply a task for him, something to kill time with when he couldn’t be killing anything else.  Sephiroth would roll the muscles in his shoulders, sitting down with the rest of his group as awaited instructions.