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SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - Printable Version

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SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - HAMMOND - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]There was no reason for him to even consider staying in such a territory. Pulses meant trouble, and as soon as he had gotten his collar and muzzle removed Axle had bailed on the first steps into an assimilated life. The Heeler would never be ready for it, there were too many ifs and buts to staying in a civilization and he would not sit pretty whilst it inevitably crumbled around him. But... what was this itch behind his ears? This little twitch of his tail whenever he thought of the group that had helped him out? Out in the wilderness, Axle had been quick to call it fleas or guilt for his previous failures in helping out those who looked out for him, yet was he that far gone as to ignore the few humane feelings he had left within him? It was honour. They helped when they could've hindered, they were willing to accept him when others would've skinned him and life as a guard dog told him he couldn't turn his nose up at hospitable folk. Don't stay forever the Australian canine told himself, though such convincing was hardly needed with the stupid thing he was about to do. Just enough to repay your debt. Just stop feeling this way... you'll be ok.

Honey coloured eyes opened slowly as he settled on the borders, the first time in which he'd been respectful of another's property. Since his first appearance on the territory, though perhaps faded in time by now, Axle was looking much healthier. The Autumn brought about prosperous weather and flurries of plump prey waiting in preparation for the winter, though even with his newly recovered build a lump of awkwardness still swallowed within the beast's dry throat. He was tough looking for his size, eyes narrowed and expression no-nonsense as he stood against the scent line, but deep down... this was all so new to him. It'd been months since he'd talked to another properly, and to consider living amongst potential snakes and sharks would've seemed asinine for any time apart from the present. The blue merle needed to get his debts paid though, leaving them would do him more mental harm than enduring the bickering of silly groups for a week or so. Silently, Axle settled himself down, waiting for some company before he even attempted speaking out. Perhaps that would be the hardest part of this entire experience, just starting it.

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - SOCKING - 08-14-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
axle looked quite looked like a mean little thing, all standing stiff at the border with a hardened expression that could crack stone.

But as it were, there were few things that phased stocking, if at all. Pragmatic visitors weren't one of them, and in fact, she could just be as forthwith as they got.

The marsh was a dangerous place for her to be, and stocking knew that quite well. Amongst the leftover traps and beasts lurking within. Perhaps venturing out so often was foolish, but as it was, borders needed to be checked. And she couldn't stay cooped up within the safety of her cabin forever.

Paw pads traversed over muddy terrain, and stocking's critical gaze swept over the canine. He looked all business and no play. That was a good thing especially, considered that he appeared to be the type to be blunt and to the point. She wouldn't have to spend any amount of time wondering his reasons for appearing; surely, he would make it known.

"You," she called as she came closer, roughened voice tinted with the hints of a Lackadaisical drone. "What's your business here in tanglewood?" He stood patiently at the border. He was clearly here for something.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - madster - 08-14-2018

malphas seemed to be stocking's shadow as of late. he wasn't sure why he was suddenly more protective of her- she could certainly hold her own- but he wanted to let his more... worrywart self show through, instead of his jerkass side. he wanted to just tell he cared about her so much, that he didn't want her going out in the dangerous territory and instead just stay with him in his house... but he was too much of a pussy.

as she stopped, he caught up, brushing against her slightly and then focused his crimson gaze on the newcomer. he was awfully... scary. malphas didn't like to admit he had this cat racism instilled into him, but he was pretty afraid of dogs. morgan was shaped like a friend, so he wasn't scary, while this dog just had red flags all over him. he nudged stocking with his head, horns gently prodding at her, before he spoke as well. "don't try anything funny," he spoke, clearly paranoid due to past events.

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - HAMMOND - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]
With company quick to approach him on the borders, Axle had sealed his fate - no hiding from his problems now. Limbs noticeably stiffening up as a feline approached him, the male's speckled cranium dipped slightly, millimeters of teeth showing under black lips. It was not full out aggression, as he did not growl or snarl despite briefly curling his lip, but the way he seemed to freeze in time indicated he was cautious. Cautious for any harmful movement, or anything else that would've compromised the male's liberties, Axle would listen to her words carefully, only giving a flick of a slate grey ear to indicate he was listening. Though he owed them, it didn't mean he had to trust them, and the Cattle Dog wanted to get that point across - he wouldn't have his integrity taken for granted. Before he had chance to formulate a response, the wary voice of Malphas piqued up, causing dark eyes to flicker over towards the horned male. No words were offered to the other, his expression hardly seemed to change minus the slight hint of scorn that surged through his frown. He was by himself, a creature with no powers, what could he possibly do when animals lingered past wailing trees? He wasn't that stupid, he didn't want to upset a massive group and become a public enemy... not anymore at least.

Regardless though, he could not turn himself away despite the taciturn displayed by the others. "Helpin'" his accented voice seemed drunken almost, words lacking the same confidence that his face held. Even despite a gruff tone, it was easy to tell that he wasn't adjusted to having a normal conversation quite yet, spending so long running from the living resulted in a rather quiet lifestyle. "Forabit," he grumbled, trying to emphasise his poorly stated words to the best of his abilities. They needed to know he was offering his service for his own reasons and not because he had intentions of a long-lasting loyalty with the 'Tanglewood' as they'd called themselves. They were two strangers whom had not been there to see him in a time of desperation and weakness and perhaps that was for the best, knowing that the Heeler had times of weakness would surely trigger them to be colder towards him. That was in theory at least, Malphas seemed to put pressure on his theory but he could not be so bitter.

Had it been him staring across into open lands at a stranger, he would've been equally as skeptical, perhaps more so than he was being currently. Invisible brows seemed to furrow together momentarily as a flash of pain skipped through his mind, gaze vacating its focus from the creatures and towards the distance before seemingly snapping back into place. It's your fault I'm dead... it screamed at him and him alone, that haunting and vexing voice, Axle forced himself not to chase the black spots dancing around the corner of his vision. They were leading him to a bad place, one that he couldn't be in next to the two, his self-control may had been erratic at the best of times but socialising had brought back some strings of rationality back to the Heeler. A deep breath escaped the male, quickly snapping "For a bit,", repetition only made unique by stringing out his words this time. "Group helped me, I... I... I help you. For a bit. Return favour,".

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - ophelia. - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Approaching the trio that had gathered, Ophelia's gaze swept over the unfamiliar face there. A smell of the air proved that he definitely didn't smell like a tangler she just hadn't met yet, not holding the same scent as the rest of the group did. Hm. A joiner, then? She listened as he spoke, though it was a little hard to figure out what he was trying to say. Oh, dear. She hoped he wasn't hurt. Slightly concerned for this stranger, she moved to Stocking's side.

Unlike Malphas, she didn't feel much fear when facing the dog. He just seemed... off, in a way she couldn't quite place her paw on. Not dangerous, just different.

"You're joining temporarily? That... should be okay." she said, glancing to the other tanglers as she did. There was no reason to believe that temporary joiners weren't welcome; she just hoped that the fact that this was temporary wouldn't put the rest of the group at odds with him. Her gaze quickly moved back to the newcomer. "What's your name? And... are you quite alright? You seem a little frazzled. We can help you, too, if you need it."

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - DELILAH. - 08-14-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah was never one for strangers, to be honest. She was terrified of them, but something about this one.. Made her curious. Slowly, the pastel pink feline stepped forward, sakura petals minimally drifting from her fur as she did so. Her presence was lacking the on-guardness that the others had, but she was trying her best.

"I think it's okay? He said he wants to help, so why not let him?" Delilah put her opinion in, her ears pressed nervously against her cranium as she glanced over at Malphas. It was fine, wasn't it?

Re: SHADOW ON THE WALL | o, temp. joining - ABATHUR . - 08-14-2018

//retro to growth

The out of place feeling that seemed to parade around his senses every day was extremely active today.

It was enough to make one sick, he wagered, shifting through the muck and the sludge that this group was founded on - which, now that he thought about it, probably didn't help the nauseated feeling that sometimes built up in his mind. There was a joiner at the border. He knew that much, following a trail of flower petals he could only assume was left behind by Delilah (not because he was following her, he didn't make a habit of stalking people, but because he was bored and the breadcrumb trail made him think something was happening), hearing Axle's disjointed speech from a while off and feeling an odd and sudden sense of kinship. Someone else that spoke in strangled english, huh? Well, his seemed less voluntary than Abathur's, but still, it was good to relate to someone on some level.

"Greetings," the spider grumbled out to those he already knew, specifically moving in besides Delilah, and staring at the temporary joiner with three of his white eyes - though, to anyone else, it probably looked like he was looking directly at them at all times, due to the lack of pupils or noteable features within said eyes. Their paranoid delusions couldn't harm him, hopefully, though he wouldn't be surprised if someone decided to gouge out his eyes one day. He was getting tangential,
though, as he examined the joiner, who seemed to have a firm grasp on how to act as uncomfortably as possible.  "Welcome to Tanglewood. Hope unknown subject enjoys stay, regardless of length." He tried to be as polite as possible with his wording, since his deep voice was cool and devoid of any real emotion beside the placidity of an untouched lake. The new kid seemed shaken to him, and as such he was obligated to immediately welcome him in. Everyone else seemed to have some questions about whether or not he could join since his mission goal was to eventually leave, but Abathur figured that nobody lived forever - and if they did, they probably wouldn't stick in the same place for long enough to consider their membership somewhat permanent. And in that sense, wasn't every joining permanent?

Plus the clan was open, to his knowledge. That certainly did help fuel most of his decision.
tags - "speech"