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caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - Printable Version

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caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - deimos - 08-14-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]She woke up with a splitting headache. Like someone had pushed a nail deep into her brain and tied it in, so it would wiggle with every step and cause splitting pain with each blood thump. Something was in her head, surrounding her doubts and stretching them. It was a war in there. She groaned as she sat up, pressing a paw against her eye. "Fff.. fuck... Ngh.." Deldrach pushed to her paws, stumbling as she walked towards the door. She needed something to drink, but the only thing in her tree house was booze.

As she pushed out of her door and met the fresh air, and looked down, her eyes squeezed shut. What was wrong with her? What echoes in her mind made her so afraid, what echoed deep down to make her innards tremble and her head throb with that claw digging into her brain? She didn't know, but when she met faster.. rushing air, almost, her eyes flickered open. She watched it rush towards her, and the only thing that went through her mind was- "How did I get here, again?"

SLAM- crack...

Birds flew into the air as the low moan of pain echoed from the jaglion. Her body ached all over, and her head was laying flat against the ground. Her front paws were crumpled in strange directions, her eyes wide and glazed over. Four paws landed behind her, and slowly walked in front of her. "Close your eyes, dear Rach Akaodon, for you do not know where you are, who you are, and you speak only in- [redacted]-... It is not time for you to walk amongst yourself, and I'm only here to save you."

Two glowering, red eyes lowered to stare her in her mismatched ones, a cruel bone grin across his muzzle. "You fell because you were too drunk. But you won't speak the common tongue, will you? STUPID WHORE." He was gone as soon as he came, and as hurt and braindead as she was, blood dripping from her muzzle, Deldrach still managed a tiny snarl.


Re: caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - bubblegum - 08-14-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she was trying her hardest. she really was. she knew what decius had planned and she intended to stop it, but she also knew she had to be very careful about how she did. she could not tell anyone. and, at the same time, she couldn't get in his way. not unless she was with deldrach or someone else. perhaps they could take him on together.

so, naturally, she was already on her way over. she needed to check on deldrach regularly. she needed to make sure decius hadn't gone through. she needed to make sure it wasn't too late. she took lynn with her, having him carry a small bit of herbs. if she showed up late, she would be ready. she needed to be ready for every outcome. being stuck in the submarine most days gave her plenty of time to prepare.

the injured girl pushed her way through the jungle, moving sort of fast. she felt very nervous, and that much was clear in her gaze already. she didn't know what she would find each time this happened. she didn't know if decius would get angry at her for doing this. she didn't even know if he would find out she was doing this. but, she needed to try. she didn't know what else to do besides that.

she is late.

that much is clear to her when she scents the blood. goldie struggled towards the scent, her breaths quickening. she already expected the worst, but that wouldn't stop her from feeling how she did when she spotted deldrach. "d-deldr-drach!" she called in alarm, appearing ready to breakdown at any moment. but, she couldn't. she needed to remain as calm as she possibly could.

"i'm ss-sorry...h-he - d-did hh-he-" she began to whisper so only she could hear, but cut herself off quickly. it was too dangerous to even ask if it was decius. it was too dangerous to let her know. decius hadn't killed her, but it doesn't appear he was trying to. not yet, at least.

she let in a singular gasp, closing her eyes as she turned for a moment and called, "w-we need medics!" after this, the girl grabbed some bandages out of the pouch she'd placed around lynn's neck, the harpy eagle letting out small, concerned screes. she shakily and gently attempted to push them against deldrach's wounds. stop and clean the blood. that was most important at this stage. she could do that, even if her body screamed out in pain and panic against her.

Re: caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - VANDAL R. - 08-14-2018

Crows flying, screeching away from the jungle... a disturbance bleeding into the air like poison.

Vandal watches them disappear into the distance before turning from where they had fled from. A disturbance, she repeats, a disturbance that caused them to flee from their nests in a flurry of feathered movement, crying in alarm. She picks herself up from where she had been sprawled out on the beach and begins to limp towards it, uncomfortable in each step (she tries to deny the sensation that it feels like she's walking towards tragedy). Each step begs for a cry of pain but she holds her lips together, sinks angry teeth into bitter tongue, hoping that her senses are wrong.

Each pawstep is ominous.

A voice.

A harrowing voice echoes from somewhere in front of her, and she feels her heart plummet into somewhere beyond her gut, fear taking its place in her chest, tighter and tighter until she can't breathe. Limp turns into stumble, stumble turns into run, pushing her agonized body, faster and faster until she's scrambling into the scene with her eyes already brimming with tears. N-not again...

Deldrach sprawled on the ground, Goldie pushing bandages into where crimson springs from tawny pelt, and Vandal nearly loses it. She crosses the remaining distance between them, lowering herself in front of the hurt jaglioness until her neon eyes meet her two-toned ones. "Del, what happened?" She doesn't wait for a response, turns her vivid gaze to Goldie in a flash of indescribable panic. "What's wrong - who - how did -" Incoherence, stringing words along in a broken pattern as her gaze swivels wildly from Goldie to the tree house to Deldrach.

Why do you feel so guilty?

"Del..." Her voice is nothing more above a whisper, scratching quietly at her throat, worry plucking at each letter. Her voice is pleading but she doesn't know what she's pleading for.

Re: caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - no more - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Why did it have to be her, the youngest and most inexperienced, the child of the medics, to be the first to show?

By some cruel stroke of luck she had been upon the beach, simply wandering with no real thought towards a destination, merely allowing her thoughts to tumble across various avenues, touching upon each for but a second before it was seeking something more. Time had seen a restless edge grow within the child, once more the want for purpose rising, seeking to strike out upon her own, make a mark upon this world in a fashion none may ignore. But what could one such as she do, confined to the island for she was chained here, the bond of family all which left her unable to leave, unwilling to walk the railroad tracks into the great world beyond.

And then there she was, a dark figure familiar to her, each step pained though purpose was present within each. Curiosity drove Aita to follow behind the frame of the other, keeping a steady pace so she was never visible though enough that she never truly dropped behind, until she ran that was. Watching her stumble, building speed until she was nothing more than a smear of black upon the earthy tones about her, caused claws to tighten about her heart, clutching at it until it seemed it might burst.

Stumbled, tripped by roots and barely concealed vines, never watching where she is going, merely following the sound of Vandal in front of her, terrified she might be lost within the jungle, uncaring of the branches which rake across her. Too soon is it there, the copper tang of blood, filling her senses.

Why had fate been so cruel to deliver her the useless child.

“Goldie, wat appaned,” the words rose before she had time to think, moving to stand by her elder sister, thankful she was present and had already begun to work. This wasn't right, none of this should have been happening. Reaching out her paws hovered over the twisted legs, registering how the bone was not straight but rather seemed splintered, pressing into the skin, some breaking through. She didn't know what she was doing, could do nothing but hope someone else was coming soon. Quickly swinging her bag off the sage tore through the herbs stuffed within, breathing a soft sigh of relief when she found raspberry leaves. After Goldie she had made sure to keep them on her person, though not the greatest it didn't seem a good idea to put Deldrich to sleep.

Quickly placing a few marigold into her mouth Aita quickly set about chewing them, placing fresh bandages by Goldie so she could switch out the soiled bandages when needed, holding the raspberry leaves in front of Deldrich's mouth. “Ere should elp wit da pain.” Now all Aita could do was deal with the more minor wounds and stop the bleeding, hoping one of the Soothsayers would show soon and know what to do about the broken bones.

[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] [member=1371]FISCHER.[/member]

Re: caught in the crossfire /-/ open, something strange / injury - ROSEMARY - 08-22-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
It took a while for her to arrive on the scene after she heard Goldie's initial call for help - though, as she did, the ocelot felt surprised at seeing the lioness in such a terrible state. If were to guess who in the Typhoon might end up the victim of a blitz attack, the powerful female wouldn't even rank on Rosemary's list. "Good work, Goldie and Aita," she murmured, sitting down by the lioness's crooked front paws and efficiently extracting some useful items from her satchel. First, she plucked a tin of goldenrod ointment and a flask of water out, passing them to Aita and Goldie with a motion of her muzzle to the cuts - a nonverbal command to clean and deal with them.

Turning her four eyes to the broken paws, a grimace formed on her face without her knowledge; the delicate bones of the wrists and paws were difficult to mend properly. Even the act of setting them right - not counting their need for moving around - was a daunting task in of itself. Pulling out two long pieces of metal from her satchel, her frown deepened as she realized the wounds required a more sophisticated splint than she usually applied for more common sprains and breaks. Looking at Vandal, she murmured, "Can you get me thick blankets, towels, furs?" She had some tough bandages, those seemed inadequate for her needs here.

[ sorry for the lat post !
what are her exact injuries? ]