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「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - Printable Version

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「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - marissa - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color:black"]There were many things that the night was associated with: darkness, death, despair, mystery, and several other words with fairly negative or ambiguous connotations. Despite that, there was something about the nighttime here in San Creado that made Marissa feel a little bit at peace. The environment of the town was definitely far from what the brunette was used to, but not necessarily in a way that was unpleasant. In her bustling hometown, the city never slept. But here? Marissa wasn't sure it was possible for a place to seem so quiet, almost lifeless, at least until now.

Back home, it was frequent to hear the sounds of vehicles honking in the distance, the occasional barking dog, or maybe even a plane soaring through the clouds. It wasn't possible for even half an hour to pass by without hearing someone driving their car obnoxiously down the nearby streets. Here, the only thing that Marissa could hear were the sounds of her own feet softly hitting against the pavement and the constant but soft chirping of bugs. Sometimes, the chilly breeze whistled as it rolled by. When it came to other people, she couldn't spot a single other soul on the streets with her. As someone who wasn't accustomed to roaming around such discreet and hushed places, the quiet was louder than she anticipated. 

A faint glow in the corner of her eye was what caught Marissa's attention. Her dark brown eyes lifted from the streets and her head tilted up so she could see the source of the light. Not too far off, the werewolf saw a sign fixed above a building. From the letters written, she assumed it was supposed to be a diner. Her head started to tilt to the side slightly and her dark brows furrowed momentarily before Marissa curiously began to approach the building. Within a minute, her hands were against the door of the diner, which she pushed open. She slipped through the crack between the opening and into the light, revealing herself to the few others who were present in the diner.

It was possible to say that her appearance looked normal compared to the others who stepped into the diner. At least, when it came to her clothing, since there was nothing that could change the fact that Marissa was physically a new face. She hadn't tried very hard with her clothes since there wasn't anyone she was trying to impress. Or, in other words, the brunette was too lazy to actually try earlier. So, she wore a pair of black jeans with the bottom portion of her plain white top tucked underneath. Over it, she wore a classic green bomber jacket. It was pretty basic, but hey, at least she didn't look like walking and breathing garbage (or at least she hoped not).

Quickly, she glanced around the tables within the establishment. She stopped searching once she spotted an empty one and calmly walked over to take a seat. There, Marissa paused for a moment to run her slender fingers through her thick hair. She pushed back some of the dark brown locks getting in her eyes before lowering her hands onto her lap and casting her gaze up from the table.

Re: 「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - CATHERYN - 08-14-2018

Unlike most other people, though perhaps only those from towns that are not San Creado, Catheryn thrives at night. This is mainly because she's a vampire, and cannot go into the sun without contracting some sort of hideous rash, or just combusting on the spot. But even more than that, she's always liked the night, even when she'd been human. There's always been something about the peace that nightfall affords, a quiet that she cannot find during the day.

Of course, now that she resides in San Creado and not a small town in London, Catheryn finds peace and quiet much easier than she used to. With a population of about a dozen people (bar the occasional group of tourists who whirlwind through for a couple hours before disappearing) most of whom prefer to stick to their own devices, San Creado is large enough for everyone to have their own space without having to disturb others, intentionally or not.

Today, she's at the diner, or more accurately, seated on the couch in her office reading a book. Her knitting needles lie on the desk next to her, a project that's to be continued at another time. Catheryn is easily bored, she tends to swap between activities rather quickly, so her brain does not wander. It does not do to dwell on the things she dwells on, such is a waste of the possibly infinite amount of time she has to walk upon this earth. Besides, there are better things to do than drown in memories.

When the little bell that signifies the entrance of a customer rings, Catheryn glances up momentarily, and the untrained eye would see that her facial expression hasn't changed, but if you ask someone who's around her a lot (re: Rialto, or perhaps even Alex, on a good day) they'd be able to tell you that she's confused.

The diner operates on a very loose, open schedule. That is to say, there are certain customers who come in at certain times, and Catheryn has pretty much memorized those times. Someone appearing so suddenly (in between the elderly water nymph and four very rambunctious ogre children) clearly throws a wrench into that schedule.

Catheryn closes her book with a quiet snap, placing it neatly on her desk before unfolding from the couch in a stretch. Best to see what this is all about, she wouldn't want to be sitting in her office while someone trashes her diner, even though she's only the manager. Who even is the owner, anyway? It would seem, along with many other things in this town, no one really knows.

She emerges from the office quietly, pale blue gaze darting around the usual commotion before landing on Marissa, and it's then that they narrow, because the stranger is not human. Those who are mortal, those who are human, carry themselves differently. It is easy to pick out the supernaturals in the crowd because you recognize bits of yourselves in others, and along that same vein, humans just feel foreign.

Catheryn steps forward, allowing her feet to carry her over to the table Marissa is sitting at. "Hello," she says, fingers coming to rest on the glossy table as she addresses the newcomer, "what brings you here?"

Re: 「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - MARKO ! - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — while marko didn't think about exact numbers that often, he'd say that cat's estimate of about a dozen people living in san creado was pretty low. there were days when the boardwalk could be considered at almost a quarter capacity for the few activities still up and running, and it seemed like he'd been running into people who—and this is a shocker—had actually moved to san creado.

what he's saying is that he'd put his lowball estimate of residents of san creado at about three-dozen. pretty high number, huh?

with such a high population, it was astounding that he could memorize the basic schedules of a good chunk of the residents, especially ones who kept themselves outside the public eye as much as a certain catheryn did. so it was really incredible that, once he got bored feeding fries to some surprisingly nocturnal seagulls, he could walk into a certain diner and oh hey cat wasn't in her usual spot that was really odd surely there must be some reason as to why she is not in the office but rather out in the dining room itself talking to a girl and

oh it was because she was talking to a girl that was probably the reason why. while she wasn't someone who he recognized, marko figured it was entirely possible she was the thirty-seventh civilian living in san creado (at least, according to his estimates), seeing as they really did have people moving in for some bizarre reason. he'd seen it happen in michael's case, after all. and if he thought michael was hot enough to be curious enough to decide to drive down a convoluted plan to seduce and then turn him, then maybe cat was on a similar wavelength.

she probably wasn't, he realized, seeing as they were entirely different people who functioned entirely differently down to just about everything besides the fact that they both just so happened to be vampires.

even so, marko had to say something. "hey, cat, who's this chick, what brings her to town?" is what he decided upon, entirely unaware that that's pretty much exactly what cat herself said. maybe they functioned more similarly than he thought.

Re: 「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - alexander - 08-14-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]It's only quiet in San Creado during the first few hours of nightfall, when the supernaturals are still waking up, and all the humans were going to bed. After twelve o'clock, the town burst to life, music filling the streets, parties and the like for vampires and other night owls kicking up. Marissa had arrived just before then, when San Creado resembled what it had been when the tsunami and earthquake had hit. That was okay, there was plenty of time to show this new face the truth of the town's nightlife.

Alexander likes to stop by the diner before they start their nightly shenanigans, dramatically throwing the door open to the establishment minutes after Marko arrived. "The party has arrived!" They yell, earning several annoyed looks from waiters and customers alike. They instinctively head to Catheryn's office, on their usual quest to annoy her for twenty minutes or so before they're kicked out. They pause when they catch sight of Marko, an eyebrow raising in confusion. The young blood was awake all day, why wasn't he sleeping now? Something interesting must be going on at one of the tables. They change direction, making their way to the table and brightening considerably when they see who else was at the table. Well, well, well! If it wasn't the very person they were looking for, and - a pretty girl.

Catheryn is a smart girl, with expressions and a heart like a stone wall, but she can't trick Alex all the time. There could be only one reason why the manager was talking to this stranger, and that's because that green bomber jacket said lesbian. A smirk curls Alex's lips, burgundy eyes upturning in their amusement, a teasing look shot Cat's way.

They throw an arm around Marko's shoulders, attention turning to Marissa, their smile becoming friendlier. "Hey there, girly. I'm sure these two have already bombarded you with questions." They laugh, shaking their head in fond disapproval of their friends. Have some manners, you two. "I'm Alexander. Welcome to San Creado!"

Re: 「 cherries and wine - intro 」 - marissa - 08-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color:black"]// same post from before, i'm too lazy to reread and check if this is is the edited version

What. Where the hell did all these people come from all of a sudden? She was practically stranded on the streets just a minute ago. Why was everyone deciding to conveniently show up now? This town was so strange.

The first to approach Marissa at the little table within the diner was a rather tall girl who physically didn't look much older than Marissa was herself. The brunette used the few seconds she had to quickly examine more of her features, taking in the sight of long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. Now that she was leaning her hands over to rest them against the table, Marissa had to tilt her head up to meet the blonde's gaze. Damn her height. Already, something about the way the blonde composed herself exuded an almost powerful sort of aura. Maybe some would've found it threatening, but Mari? Nope. There wasn't much that frightened her, perhaps because of her terrible sense of self-preservation. Marissa had no clue what the girl could be thinking due to the expressionless look on her face, and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to know. Whoever this was, she was doing one hell of a job acting nonchalant.

One of the few things Marissa was positive of was that there was definitely something... unusual about the girl, at least when compared to the average person. As someone raised in a city dominated by a human population, it was easy to identify the couple of supernaturals she came across. After all, their scent were much more distinguishable compared to a human's. This seemed to apply to the blonde beside her, although the werewolf wasn't surprised. Part of the reason Marissa was here was because of San Creado's rumored supernatural population. Her suspicions were quickly confirmed soon after the blonde started speaking, when Marissa briefly noticed a pair of pointed fangs. Though, just as quickly, a new and self-conscious question formed in her head. Why was she staring at this stranger's mouth to begin with? While momentarily shaking her head, Marissa lifted her gaze back up to look back into blue eyes. Her lips parted as if she was about to speak, only to come to an abrupt stop as a new face appeared by the table.

This time, it was a young but unique looking male clad in a biker jacket with an assortment of patches layering it. Similarly to the girl before, she could tell there was no way this guy was entirely human from his scent. Marissa couldn't help but get distracted by the mullet atop his head. Outside of various media, she wasn't sure if she ever saw anyone actually possessing that type of hairstyle. This guy distinctly reminded Marissa of those individuals in high school who unironically claimed they were born in the wrong generation. However, the big difference was that he was actually living the dream, which Mari completely supported. Why wouldn't she, anyway? She didn't give a damn how 70s or 80s someone wanted to look, and anyone who did was probably just an ass. Everyone was guilty of following some stereotypes, anyway. It wasn't like she didn't purposely try to make herself look like a stereotypical lesbian fifty percent of the time.

Yet again, Mari had to clamp her jaw shut before she could answer when someone else burst into the diner. This one already seemed much more energetic as a result of their loud entrance, but of course, there was always the possibility that she could've been horribly incorrect. They sported slightly messy locks of dark hair and dark eyes, and while Marissa was definitely not attracted to anything other than fellow females, she would willingly admit the person - who introduced themself as Alexander - was pretty. Because of how outgoing they seemed, Mari felt like and hoped they'd be able to get along easily. Before beginning to speak, Marissa silently turned her head towards the entrance to the diner, as if she was waiting for someone - which she was. She didn't want to be interrupted again. After a few moments of waiting and seeing luckily nobody else entering for the time being, she glanced back over to the three, the corners of her lips beginning to tug into a smile. There were a few seconds of silence before Marissa spoke.

"Is this what you guys normally do here?" One of her brows slowly raised up in a curious manner. "Cornering newcomers, I mean." Her tone was lighthearted as she spoke, making it clear that she wasn't actually trying to be snarky. When it came to the big city, nobody really gave a shit about strangers in public settings. However, Marissa supposed that would drastically change if the population was between thirty to forty. "And a group of vampires ganging up on a werewolf? I gotta say, that's horribly cliche." Huh. That rhymed. A little chuckle escaped from her lips before she slowly shook her head. "But first off, to answer your questions, I'm here to get food. Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a diner?" What other reason would a newcomer enter for? "If you're talking about San Creado in general... I don't really know." Marissa knew why she was here, but not exactly what she was doing. There was a difference. Casually, her shoulders lifted into a shrug before she continued. "But anyway, I'm Marissa. Or Mari. I don't really care which you want to use."