Beasts of Beyond
NEVER CHANGING WHO I AM // OOC prompt - Printable Version

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//caesar has been considered someone that is seen as a grumpy being. what happens when someone casts a spell on him where he has to be super nice and friendly for a day?

It was definitely no surprise to anybody whenever Caesar came around and ruined the mood for whatever reason. He knew The Typhoon regarded him as the most grumpy person here and he quite enjoyed it, actually. Embraced it, even. He liked seeing the excitement fade from childrens' eyes as he snapped at them and the disappointed looks coming from their mothers and the rest of the Crew. He got amusement out of it, but that wasn't the sole reason why he bothered people and brought them down. Most of the time, it was just him being truthful, and the truth hurt sometimes, did it not? Caesar didn't care what people thought of him, because all that mattered to him is power and having control over others.

Today felt like just any other day when Caesar got out of his room, completely unaware that somebody had cast a spell on his mind to make him act the complete opposite that he always did. The demon strode out of his room with a smile - a genuine, happy smile, mind you - on his face as he bounded through the camp. Occasionally, the demon would walk over to a couple of kids gawking over seashells and helped them find some, or went over to a group of apprentices and helped them out with their hunting crouches. Caesar didn't seem to notice anything was off, like this was completely normal for him. The demon was on the beach now, laying down in the sun as he let a young kitten play and bat at his tail, moving it occasionally so the kit had to chase after it.

Re: NEVER CHANGING WHO I AM // OOC prompt - ADAKIAS - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt] Sylvina was naturally inclined to the morning and enjoyed being out and about before the majority of her crewmates. As someone who appreciated being alone for the greater part of the day, she'd take advantage to the vacant camp at the crack of dawn. It was a comforting feeling eating her morning meal in peace while watching the others get up for whatever activities they had planned. Taking a bite out of her rabbit, the feline would absentmindedly notice Caesar stride out of his room, her mind naturally paying no attention to the grumpy Officer until a gleam of what seemed to be a smile caught her eye.

Curiosity overtook the youthful minnow and she'd quickly engulf her breakfast before following him to ensure her vision had not be deceitful. She'd silently watch from a few strides away as he bounded happily throughout the camp, occasionally stopping to help some of her fellow young crewmates with seashells and hunting crouches.

It was too much for her not to comment. "What's wrong with you?" The bewildered voice of Sylvina could be heard from behind the officer as she slowly made her way around the older male, green hues narrowed upon his own. If she had knew any swear words then those most definitely would be present during her shock of mind, yet unfortunately the four month old had yet to establish such a vocabulary. Nevertheless she'd plop her frame down in front of her grandfather, absentminded to the other kit currently playing with his tail.

Re: NEVER CHANGING WHO I AM // OOC prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-14-2018

As Sylvina came over, Caesar's ears pricked and his eyes lit up, which likely probably looked weird, considering the color of them. Black and shiny does not mix well. "What's wrong with me?" He echoed with an amused tone - and not a mocking, amused tone; a genuine amused tone - to his voice. His head was tilted innocently as he smiled at his granddaughter, still mindless flicking his tail to allow the other kit to chase it. "Nothing is! I'm just as fine as ever."

Re: NEVER CHANGING WHO I AM // OOC prompt - no more - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Aita had grown accustomed to sleeping little, working through much of the night to keep their mind busy for those long hours of darkness, at times the restless energy which touched them too much, driving them to wander. Once few and far between time had seen their nocturnal wandering grow more common, driven to sleep early in the afternoon and walk the island for much of the night, enjoying the quiet as the world slept about them. It had been one such night and it was a slow pace the sage set as they moved along the stretch of beach, thinking of their bed for they had left a great deal earlier than they had grown used to, thinking a short nap would do them well.

Though they missed the display of kindness towards a few of the younger members, of which they would have scoffed at and thought nothing more than a ploy the Officer would use to his advantage at a later time, they did notice his strange behaviour. About him the tiny kit bounded, seemingly joyful with a smile upon his face, never fearing a reprimand from Caesar. They had made no secret of their feelings towards their grandfather, and man very much like his daughter taking little time out of his day to interact with his grandchildren unless they were present within the same space at that particular moment, but his strange interest within Cleo only further soured their view towards him.

“Ya sure bout dat?” Their inquiry rose soon after Caesar gave his response, unsure strides drawing the dark bengal closer, attention firmly settled upon him. Though their own vocabulary seemed to be based upon various curses, though where they had been picked up was an unknown, possibly a little birdie whispers them in their ear, it all escaped them, confusion drawn across their features within a light frown, brow furrowed.

Re: NEVER CHANGING WHO I AM // OOC prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

Ah, another one of his grandkids! Caesar smiled at Aita as she came over as well, his ears pricked whenever she spoke to him. "Never felt better." He tried to reassure her. Why, was he acting different? He didn't feel any different, so what was the issue? People were acting like they saw flying humans with him just being outside of his room. Is that why people were so upset? "Why?" Might as well ask and see what the issue was, right?