Beasts of Beyond
DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher wished there was more time in the day. He was always running out of times for the things he wanted to do, his checklist of what needed to be done always having one thing that needed to be pushed the next day. He was an obsessive one for work and making sure it was flawless, his fictional eyebrows always furrowed with concentration everytime he focused on the tasks that he had for his leadership position. He didn't really let himself take a break unless necessary such as eating but when he was in the zone, Pincher did not stop until he was completely done. A lot was happening recently and frankly, he was able to keep track but there was always that desire to do more. He could be better than who he was now and that was the perspective that Pincher suffered from. Believing that everything could be executed better than it already was.

Which was the reason why he tended to be late to his very own meetings that he had scheduled. He knew that he had to remain precise with them but he always backtracked onto subjects that he needed to announce to the crew, his lips always slipping out hushed whispers about what he was planning to say. When he managed to finally step out with everything jammed inside his head, the male's breath became hushed with soft curses as he noticed that the sun had begun to set and he had been trapped in that submarine for a while now with all the work he had. He rolled his vibrant oceanic blue gaze as he stepped away with his long tail sweeping lazily behind him, heading over towards the direction of the cave's mouth that leads to the aquarium. He offered the signal to the monkey in the crow's nest to sound the alarm, the conch sound filling the air. As usual, the sound danced through but Pincher had noticed that some dark clouds had begun to hang over the sky and a soft drizzle began to fall once he entered the cave, his ash gray fur glazed with small droplets of rain.

Once he arrived to the dome, he noticed that through the glass there was a lone whale swimming by, probably coming up for air after exploring the depths of the sea. A nasty frigid shiver danced down his spine as he thought about his experience in the darkness of the sea, his chest tightening as he tried to ignore the fear that was gnawing inside him. Despite being the damn demigod of the rough seas, he didn't feel safe around all the water because he knew about everything that lurked down there and it hung to his memories no matter how much he tried to shake it off. Pincher sucked in a small breath before stepping onto the throne to just see enough members come in for the meeting, his muscular form relaxing on the seat while he cleared his throat to begin.

"Welcome everyone to another damn meeting that you all have to drag yourself into to see who's in and who's out. So let's start. Some new faces have decided to pop in and remain that being Coffeecreamer, Elia, Laurel, Sebastian, and Eobshin. There may be others that I didn't take count of which I apologize for, shit has been really busy so if your name has not been stated, feel free to introduce now. But welcome to the Typhoon to everyone, don't be too shy around here or someone will think you're being a sneaky." He greeted the new crewmates with a faint smirk, his frigid ice blue gaze bouncing to each name he called before deciding to switch to one of the important announcements. "Now there's some bad news that being demotions and warnings. Solveig is demoted from her position. She may return to it if she picks up her activity while Connor is demoted from Striker position. Warnings go out to Deldrach, Cronas, Roxanne, and Beatrice. I need to see you guys around more, some of you haven't been around for nearly a whole week." His smirk had shifted away but not out of anger but more of concern as he was never fond of giving bad news but there were things he had to point out — that being the activity of his high positions.

His broad tattooed shoulders rolled as he straightened his form, the tension now shifting away to one of pleasure as he glanced down at the cups filled with the celebratory kava tea that he gave to the promoted. Four cups lay in front of the throne and he glanced up to continue. "Bakugou, Snare, and Exo are promoted to Strikers. Congratulations for your outstanding work and keep it up. Jacob has sdecided to step down from his Dealer position and I believe Goldie deserves the spot for all the hard work she has been putting, until she recovers. Shoutouts to Gabriel, Rosemary, Lucifer, Captainpaw, Keona, Vandal, Elia, and Sylvina. Keep it up and know that I appreciate seeing you guys around and contributing." Pincher gave a light bow of his dark head towards the general crowd where the other members were, his eyes briefly fluttering shut before he straightened his head. It was good to see that many were showing and proving their worth and he was thankful for that. "A quick announcement about alliances is that we have a trial alliance with Rosebloods and Sunhaven is now considered an enemy to us. They didn't really do anything but they aren't in our good side so if you want to go out and take their shit or give them a beating, feel free to or come to me if you have a bigger plan." Pincher frankly didn't care too much about Sunhaven. Something that disappointed him about pacifist groups was their lack of wanting to fight even if it came to defending, claiming they would but always failed when the time came due to their inability to ensure that their members knew how to at least defend themselves from danger. This world wasn't meant for those types of people — it was for the fighters like the Typhoon.

"For our trial alliance with the Rosebloods, high positions have decided to come with a plan of there being a sparring competition between us. I suggest everyone joins in because this is to improve your fighting kills, something that I believe is essential. Meanwhile Goldie has decided to make a kite event where one can make one or paint one and have it up in the air. Make use of the windy weather of the sea, eh?" He was excited to finally have an alliance with someone after the pathetic excuses that had he had been given last time about alliances. He hoped that the Rosebloods knew they weren't ones to fail at showing and proving their worth and he also hoped that the crew knew how to have some fun which why Pincher was pleased with both events that were currently happening. The wildcat allowed himself to relax a bit before going on. "Rosemary has decided to make some weekly tasks for Necro Mambas so if you are in that division, go get one. Meanwhile OOC prompts are fresh and hot so go fucking get one. I've decided to also make a division member tracker so if you are in any division, go state it so I know who's where. A mentorship program has opened up as well and I also do need volunteers to become the new envoys for the Rosebloods trial alliance."

Fucking hell, did he have more to say? He knew some members tended to space out at these times which he could understand but he needed to do his job and spill the shit that was currently happening. His dark round ears pricked as he realized there was some topics that he still had to bring up. "There is also an icebreaker happening so we can all get to know ourselves better, check that out, spent a lot of time on it." Not really but at least Pincher had been doing shit. "A final thing to say is that we recently have been given prefixes for our divisions. You use these prefixes for events that focus on one's division. It can be anything from an event, a lesson, or whatever the fuck you can think of. Have fun with it. Other than that meeting is done with so you can all go back out into the rain to hide your tears or whatever." Pincher joked lightly before jumping off the throne, glad to be able to stretch his back legs as he was rather hyper from sitting still for too long.

welcome everyone that's new to the typhoon or returning! we're excited to see you around and i hope you enjoy it here!
[member=1957]coffeecreamer ![/member] / [member=1940]elia slys[/member] / @l.kalani / [member=1881]sebastian[/member] / [member=1936]eobshin[/member]
[member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] & [member=1119]CONNOR △[/member] are demoted to normal crewmate ranking. thank you for all your hardwork!
Warnings go to [member=185]deldrach[/member] / [member=885]cronas[/member] / [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] / [member=495]Beatrice[/member]
[member=1637]bakugou[/member] , [member=1649]EXODUS--[/member] , and [member=1796]snare[/member] are promoted to Strikers! Congratulations and job well done!
Shoutouts to [member=1479]GABRIEL[/member] / [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] / [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] / [member=1599]CAPTAINJACK ![/member] / [member=265]Keona.[/member] / [member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member] / [member=1940]elia slys[/member] / [member=1434]SYLVINA[/member] for the awesome contributing and activity!! Keep it up!
[member=112]jacob r.w.c.[/member] has stepped down from Dealer position and [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] is promoted to take up the spot! Fantastic job!
Rosebloods are now having a trial alliance with the Typhoon while Sunhaven are seen as an open target for anything
thank you everyone for checking this out and i hope you have a wonderful day!


God, Pincher picked a lovely time for a meeting, with that being during a small storm. The demon forced himself not to make any grumbling comments as he made his way over at the Captain's call, his ears flicking as the rain hit them. The meeting was pretty boring, mostly because it didn't involve him, but Caesar did make note of everything that Pincher was saying. But did he voice that out loud? Absolutely not.

//congrats to those got a promotion/shoutout!

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - snare - 08-13-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"](thank you! <3 and congrats and to everybody!)

Woah woah woah, was that his name he heard?  The wolf pup was there in an instant upon hearing his name be called at the meeting, and not just as a shout out like the last time.  Other familiar names rang in his ears, of newcomers and other crewmates lucky as him to have their potential and prowess recognized.  Energy burned through his young body as he bounded foreword through the still small crowd, eyes bright as he looked up at Pincher. Both admiration and gratitude shone in his pale optics, as his tail started a quick back and forth pattern.

”Thank you!”  The wolf puppy would yip happily, feet shifting about as he pranced in place for a second as a smile spread wide across his facial features.  He was important!  Or at the very least, well on his way to becoming important.  Whatever, what mattered to Snare was that he had been recognized as a valuable Typhooner.  ”I won’t let you down!”

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - EXODUS-- - 08-13-2018

★ -- Exodus did not know of ranks or promotions within the typhoon. She only knew of the vague hierarchy; the way members seemed to swarm around Pincher attentively. Listening. Giving him all of their focus and attention. He carried an aura of importance and leadership about him. One that Exodus envied, and there were times when the creatures within the typhoon, curiously, came to the jaguar's beck and call.

It seemed one of those times was today.

The first time she had came to a meeting, she was only a few days old. All gangly limbs and ugly little body and gremlin teeth as she attempted to climb Pincher's tail. While she was still no less a child, she had notibly grown, sporting the same fluff from the moment she was born, but it was akin to ripened paint. Ready to peel and flutter away at the slightest hint of a breeze. She looked unkept; as ragged and wild as her very being and nature, and her downy was coming away in patches.

The heavens roiled and grew pregnant with storm, opening up it's womb as a hint of the sky's tears splashed across her back. The aerial ocean's skin paled with the wretched hue of slate and charcoal grey.

She followed the others.


The tunnel that lead to the meeting was no less wondrous than when she had first discovered it. Her jaws parted quietly at the sight of the fish flickering before her. There were no sharks today. Only colorful prey floating into view, fins undulates softly as they stayed afloat lazily in the haze of blue.

The cold stone felt smooth beneath her feet as she plodded into the cavern, prowling around the edges of the room.

She did not trust the others there. Her amber gaze spotted Caesar; fixed onto him with a low rumble of youthful displeasure bubbling within her throat.

She did not understand the words that the patron of the sea uttered. Yet she pivoted her cranium to face him as he made her name known, blinking her eyes with interest.

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - ADAKIAS - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]It was the first time her name had been announced before the entirety of the Typhoon and boy did she enjoy that feeling. A smirk would play across her lips as she gleamed towards her father with pride, her head bowing quickly in a respectful manner. It was only a shoutout, but nevertheless it was still recognition. Recognition that she was doing something right and that was more than enough to satisfy the minnow's mind.

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - Luciferr - 08-15-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
Lucifer inclined his head to Pinch when the other mentioned he and his fellow shoutouts - the alliance would be interesting to view he was sure, though he wasn't sure if he'd participate wholly in the sparring, if only because he was unsure there'd be an even fighter his size, hm.

though his gaze became distracted when Exodus made her way in, the dark dragon shifting and padding over to the smaller raptor and bending his head to gently nuzzle at the puffed up irate feathers - no doubt at Ceasars proximity.

/ty and congrats guys! <3


Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - bubblegum - 08-15-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had actually hitched a ride on lucifer to get to the meeting. the dragon's assistance to her movement was a big help to her and helped ease the strain on her back. though, she had been careful to slip off of him once he arrived in the dome, wishing to sit beside her friends and family as she listened to the news. she struggled over next to sylvina, leaning on her walking stick as she sat beside her sister.

goldie's ears perked as the meeting began, watching her papa quietly. her green eyes were still clearly tired and distressed, but she was forcing herself to focus on the meeting more than anything else. as always, she took note of the joiners, though had been able to catch a fair amount of them considering the circumstances. she let herself feel a bit of satisfaction by that fact. she wasn't growing too behind - not yet.

she twitched her ears to the demotions and warnings, hoping everyone was alright. seeing crewmates around less always made her a bit worried. her expression, however, lightened as her own name was mentioned among the promotions. dealer...that was...a big deal! she was basically in the same position as caesar now. a hint of a smirk would enter her features at that thought.

she sighed, feeling a bit better about herself now. he said that it wasn't technically in place until she healed, but that was alright. she'd get better soon enough - he'd see. goldie quietly listened as the rest of the meeting went on, sort of considering becoming an envoy again for a moment, but deciding that she probably wouldn't be very useful as one currently. "congra-gratulations, and thank ya ve-very mm-much!"

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - Grey - 08-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]His second meeting. He wonders how long it will take for him to forget to count, try to remember, then eventually give up. Bakugou sits down, glancing around for Kirishima to notice that he was there before him. He scrunches his nose a little, as if it were a pained scowl upon his face. His eyes are scanning the approaching sea of Typhooners, sanguine gaze eventually landing a critical flicker to his captain. He doesn't quiet realise it but there's an uncanny mood which resonates throughout the assembly, as if Pincher's cold eyes was freezing the ground beneath him, like ice clutching his usually burning paws. Then, when the meeting begins, his voice is crisp. Sound cuts through the air like a bullet, a clean finish. Bakugou takes in his own breath, uneasy but listening to the acknowledgement of the Typhoon's newest recruits. He smirks a little at the thought of all the joiners who had to go through the jungle juice treatment and, being pulled back to reality, nods promptly in understanding of Pincher's business. Demotions. He thinks very little about them - the male recognises little of those names.

But suddenly his name is called out and the ragdoll straightens up on instinct, as if panicked that Pincher could read his mind which was busy insulting the different members of the Typhoon. To his further surprise, he was promoted to striker. He feels his cheeks and ears getting hot, and Bakugou fiddles in his own looming awkwardness. T-Thanks? He doesn't know how to respond, puffing his cheeks and sitting in a puddle of his own confused feelings as the meeting comes to an end with notices regarding events and the Rosebloods.

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - Verdigris - 08-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Of course it would start to rain just as the conch blew for the weekly meeting.

  At least this time, though, he couldn't sense any vibrations in the ground. They were not about to deal with a tidal wave, as far as he could tell, so it was safe to go. With a sigh, Paper exited his shelter and headed towards the dome, squinting to see through the steady flow of water.

  Once he entered the tunnel and ensured no one else was around, he shook himself off, just enough to not be sopping wet. With that, he walked into the dome proper and took a seat, listening in on the announcements. Five newcomers in a week was nice, if not as high as in some of the prior weeks. He had heard nothing from Solveig or Connor in a long while, so they definitely did not hold any more rights to their positions. Bakugou, Exodus, and Snare, on the other hand, definitely did deserve their spots- as did Gold, who he'd seen working hard on several occasions. "Congratulations, you've all earned it," he called, twitching his good ear.

  The Rosebloods were indeed allies for the time being, so he probably ought to check them out. Sunhaven was fair game, so he figured there'd probably be a raid on them soon enough. The sparring session he made a mental note of, as that was definitely important to attend- and a "kite" event? What was a kite? He'd have to check it out just to find out.

  Becoming a mentor was an interesting possibility, but then... it meant being responsible for someone, even more so than normal loyalty to a crewmate did. It meant teaching them, even raising them to some extent, and if misfortune befell them, that was the mentor's fault. Was he cut out for something like that?

  The mention of an icebreaker snapped him out of his thoughts, though, and he nodded. He'd be sure to respond to that. With that, he left, ready to go about his duties for the day.

Re: DILATED PUPILS — MEETING 08.13 - Character Graveyard. - 08-15-2018

Another week had gone by? Geez. It had already been at least a year since everyone in the old world died. He missed U.A and everybody that wasn't here with them. However, he didn't miss Snowbound that much anymore- though he did miss Izuku and the small few that were located in the snowy-landscape dwelling group. A quiet sigh would escape from the young male's maw as he heard Pincher announce a meeting.

Scarlet-hues would quickly spot Bakugou and without any hesitation, he settled down beside the ragdoll, though his sanguine gaze focused on the Captain. Just the average meeting announcements, but something caught his attention. In a playful manner, he would attempt to lightly tap his friend on the shoulder and he would grin. "Congrats to those promoted and noted!"
tags :: updated 7/26: