Beasts of Beyond
SEEDS OF REDEMPTION / o, joining - Printable Version

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SEEDS OF REDEMPTION / o, joining - CROSSFADE - 08-13-2018

The world had gone to the dogs when the light of her father's eyed had disappeared. He had not died, no, such a fate could not be bestowed upon the one whom she had received her determination from, instead she'd reached a certain age where the masquerade of parenthood had simply grown too irksome for the man. A grating voice screaming down sensitive ears, a fury unseen through the eyes of a young dingo... it had been rather horrible. One with so many troubles could not be a proper dad, and with every step she took towards unknown territory she had to remind herself that it was not his fault for such an unpredictable attitude. It's not your fault... It's not his fault... It's Earth's fault... hah. A rare smile formed on russet features, relishing in self-made amusement as the three-legged canine settled upon weary borders. As quickly as she had found some humour within her thoughts, that easy-going body language and expression seemed to dissipate into something stern. A quick sniff of the terrain had removed good faith, as soon as it had become clear that she had arrived at a place full of strangers Ira had no intention of letting her guard down.

Frowning, the dingo's ears were perked directly upwards, tail raised in a dominant stance as she kept muscles firm. The Pitt, a smell which she had never stumbled upon before, but had had plenty of lecturing on by her mother. They weren't good creatures, Ira liked to think she could see reasoning in their toxicity. A territory perhaps not very prosperous, surrounding by asshole neighbors, a dodgy leader, but a little voice told screamed in the back of her mind at her to not try and find sympathy within the hearts of devils. The same little voice appeared as an angel on her shoulder, whispering to turn towards a less chaotic group, but she ignored it and remained steadfast in the face of foreign lands. Ira's reasoning behind staying at this place would not be as open as her moral dilemma, the three-legged dingo tried not to be an open book for the entire world, what would it matter to those she'd serve under so long as she was pulling her weight? So, with this mentality, Ira would wait as patiently as she could, dutifully vigilant in expectancy of the worse.

Re: SEEDS OF REDEMPTION / o, joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-13-2018

Dante had been drawn to The Pitt due to their harsh nature. The hybrid had dealt with plenty of fights and tortures whenever he lived in the scientists' lab, but never was he in control of them. No, he was usually pitted (pun not intended) against other creatures they were experimenting on and shocked whenever he made a wrong move. Suffice to say, Dante had enough and escaped, setting the lab on fire just as he did so.

So Dante made his way towards The Pitt after hearing about them, and he was glad he joined because they were proving be as merciless as the tales told. The hybrid was doing his daily check around the borders, a cigarette between his fangs. "Name and business, pal." He huffed, smoke coming from his mouth as he talked.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: SEEDS OF REDEMPTION / o, joining - Lokisaurus - 08-14-2018

Butch arrived as calmly as ever, standing at Dante's side with merely an ear twitch to serve as a greeting.  Another canine, this one of a wilder variety, and also missing a limb.  Possibilities of why flew through his thoughts, but Butch did not open his mouth to say any of them.

It was not his place to question strangers, especially in injuries.  He would come to know these things if fate allowed it.