Beasts of Beyond
experiencing eternal | the berserkers - Printable Version

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experiencing eternal | the berserkers - Orion - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"] Sad. None of them had shown up at his border with their pitiful inquiries yet and with his impatience, Maverick had sprung to his toes. Suiting up took little time. Within hours, he impulsively landed on their border with a brooding black horse standing beside him as he waited eagerly for their arrival. His fingers ran through the coarse mane of his horse anxiously. Eventually, his movements became sporadic ticks of him tapping impatiently on his thigh with his other hand and casually humming along to a non-existent tune.

Eyes wide and surveying the area, he let out a sharp huff. "Come on, dearest!" came his shrill demands. "I don't have all day..."

Re: experiencing eternal | the berserkers - vellichor - 08-13-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Eliora had heard of the other groups near their own, of course. She had plenty of eyes and ears around to hear rumors of what they may be like but she had very little interest in contacting them. Perhaps it was the reserved nature she'd had for much of this phase of her life or perhaps it was to avoid the complication of dealing with another group or perhaps it was some of the sinister rumors, but the fact still stood, no matter the reason. It seemed, though, that she didn't have much of an option. There was an odd man and horse in her territory. There were echos in the ground, soft whispers in the trees that told her of the goings on in the forest she'd somewhat created herself. It was no coincidence that the place where she chose to stay was surrounded by a thick forest, hidden from the outside eye. She had a deep connection to this place after so many years and she tended to have... sensitivities to what was happening. It was never exact but it was a feeling that tugged in her chest, a tiny voice in her mind that told her she should check the border or that she should make sure all was well in a certain home. Perhaps she was just paranoid. But she preferred to think she had a unique connection with this place, even more so than she had with the rest of nature.

Today, she moved quietly through the woods with barely a sound. It seemed she were trying to be a ghost, leaving no trace of her presence with each step. She heard a sound that cut through the woods, twisting the feeling in her chest. Strangers were in their midst. The woman moved towards it, not bothering to hurry or speed up in the slightest before she soon arrived, seeming to almost materialize from the thick trees. She hadn't been on any sort of trail yet she seemed to know exactly how to direct each step. "And who might you be?" A gentle answer to a chaotic call. She looked over the man with an impenetrable expression, a polite smile on her lips but something resembling curiosity in her gaze. There was something else there, though, as she studied him, though it was hard to describe. It may have resembled caution but she didn't seem to be exercising any, having not tensed or called for help at the sight of someone quite a bit larger than her (though that wasn't a particularly difficult or unique feat, given Eliora's unusually small stature). There were many other questions she wanted to ask, it seemed, but for now she would settle for the one.