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KNOCK KNOCK | joining - Printable Version

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KNOCK KNOCK | joining - ANIMA B. - 08-13-2018

"Sing a song of dawn, dawn the day reborn~" Her voice rings out cool and clear across the plains as she walks up the observatory. The plains are... Quiet compared to the ones that she grew up on. They are serene and peaceful, much unlike the wide expanse of the Archlyte Steppe that she grew up upon where monsters lurked and hunted just like the hunters of Haerii. It was boring really, but sometimes boring was what was good for Anima. After all, things that were less boring kept adding to her scars, the mental ones bearing more of an issue than any physical wound ever could.

"Breathe deep of the dawn before the storm; this hearth, this home, wrested forth from tired fingers, bathed in blood and sealed in stone." It's an old song from Haerii that she sings, her voice carrying loud and clear like it would be sung when it was written. A cry and a call to arms it was, for a nation that had been beaten and broken to rise up and take back what was theirs. The story of Ala Mhigo was one written in blood, and it was one that had not been told for years she'd wager.

She needed to keep them alive. Haerii wasn't alive anymore but she needed to keep telling it's stories, keeping reciting it's songs. After all, she was the last daughter of Haerii to survive, baring her sister. She ought to keep her home alive for as long as she is. "Souls scarred twelvefold - beckoned by the bells of vengeance, spirits bold."

She notes that it seems utterly dead too. There are thick walls blocking outsiders from entering, a clever choice tactically, but there doesn't seem to be an entrance and she's encountered no patrols. That being said, she can't really smell them either - there's an uneasy feeling to that. But the singing, it helps her feel better, helps to take her mind off the uncomfortable silence. "A lover lost, a family torn, a solemn raised to rouse the slumbering heavens..."

"Fire in your eyes, fire in your hearts, steeled as you sound the horns of war. Yet know the cost through who shall mourn, when light is quenched that another might burn-" Her voice abruptly trails off as she reaches the entrance and finds it... Closed? Her eyes flick about, hearing her own breathing as she watches and waits for some sort of sign of life. It's... Uncomfortable.

She's been a loner often but that came with the quiet that she expected. Nature was her only companion, and she knew the sounds of the forest and the plains. Everything in nature was so obvious, provided you had your wits about you and knew a thing or two about survival and tracking. But she doesn't expect that here - she's been led to expect noise. Apart from her song, there is no sound whatsoever and she feels nervous.

Why would the Ascendants lock themselves away?

Re: KNOCK KNOCK | joining - MOONMADE - 08-14-2018

[size=9pt]There seemed to be a whole lot of joiners appearing, now that 80% of the Clan was conveniently under lockdown and unable to greet them. It meant Moon had to make up for their presence, but in his current state -- freshly scarred and limping -- he wasn't exactly a sight for sore eyes and whatever first impression he made was doomed to be pretty fucking dreadful. So he'd given up with his half-assed attempts at impressing. Not that they'd lasted long, in the first place.

"As nice as your song is, sweetheart-" Says the young lion as he approaches, glancing the panther over. She looks like Versailles, just less gold and more wings. "It's not gonna' work. Tried just about everything to get them stupid fucking doors open." He grits his teeth behind his sealed lips and knocks a paw against the iron door, twice. The frustration in him grows with every day that the Observatory stays shut, and he's slowly beginning to lose his charm; he can feel it.

But now is no time to dwell on mushy shit. Technically, this panther had just trespassed without hesitation, and who's he to know she's not about to whip out a knife and end it all for him? "You don't got the manners to wait at the border, or what? Chivalry really dead, huh?" He pauses, notes the tone in his voice and tells himself to knock it off. Maybe this is a joiner. Maybe it's him who needs the manners. But, for now, he stands his ground.

Re: KNOCK KNOCK | joining - ANIMA B. - 08-14-2018

Sweetheart - god she hates the term so much. Her wings shake, rearranging themselves on her back in a subtle show of irritation. Her song is good, and she knows it's good, but it won't open the gates. That draws a tilt of her head and a raise of her eyebrows, confirming her theory that the clan was under lockdown. But that begged the question of why? It surely couldn't be an accident, otherwise whomever running this group ought to be shouted at for a good long while and ripped a new one by the clan that they serve.

"Maybe if y'all had more fucking patrols I wouldn't have to wander in. Scents gone weak too, wondered if something unfortunate had happened." She spits out the reply with her usual lack of charm and an ample amount of venom, although that may be simply because the nickname has less than positive connotations for her. Sweetheart almost brings back the smell of cigarette smoke and a lazy grin and before long, she can think of the fire and she can think of dying again. It is a pleasure that death will claim her no more, for she is death now. It is her turn to claim others. "Also chivalry only works on knights, and as I am no knight and never have been, don't have to answer that to that shit, now do I? But for your information, I'm here to join - not to gut someone."

"But that might be a little difficult, given that big fucking locked door. Accident or did something big and bad try to fuck you up?" She gives a resounding sigh, noticing the amount of colourful language that has seeped back into her vernacular and shakes her head. "Ugh, let me start again - Haerii Blair Alae Anima, monster huntress, here to join until I can find a contract worth taking."

Re: KNOCK KNOCK | joining - MOONMADE - 08-14-2018

[size=9pt]A grin begins to break on Moon's maw as the stranger talks. Finally, someone with some fucking life in them. "The only thing unfortunate happening here is your [i]tone."[/i] he says, but he doesn't seem to be that bothered about it. Instead, he slumps against the wall of the observatory and draws on paw over his disheveled mane, a habit he can't break. The panther rambles on about some chivalry trivia, which he thinks, frankly, is bullshit, but he doesn't call her out on it. Wouldn't be chivalrous. "But, no, you're right. Dumbasses got themselves locked in there. Accident. I dunno' for sure how it happened. Wasn't here." He doesn't explain where he was. His grin has faded as he speaks, and he glances, somewhat like a forlorn puppy, to the door of the Observatory. There's people in there he misses more than he'd care to admit. But, for now, there's joiners to greets and Moons to introduce.

He raises on brow. "Monster huntress. Not gonna' name names, but we got a few... Not so natural creatures, here. I hope you mean the buggy man and not the good samaritan vamps that call this place home." He pauses, giving the panther a pointed look that means she'd have to get past him, as malnourished and pathetic as he was, before he'd let her get her paws on Margaery or Harland or, even, Suiteheart. "Nice to meet you, anyway, four-names. I'm gonna' go with the last one. I'm Moon, Anima. I work on the Medic team, here. Halo. Got any questions, I'll try my damnedest to answer them but I'll be the first to admit I'm pretty fuckin' clueless."