Beasts of Beyond

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The distant sound of steady beats upon the ground neared ever closer to the borderline of the territory - the rhythmic thumping characteristic of a slow leisurely gait - of something large, very large.

Then at last cresting over the horizon line the cause appeared - an ancient predator thought long extinct, though curiously strange to what may have been imagined, but in this world of gods and monsters, not so strange a sight perhaps.

the familiar black and gold, perhaps to some, would be recognisable - though she didn't know who here remembered and who here did not, ah, so many new faces to give names to no?

a raucause grin stretched a wider smile than possible on her prior face - not lost to her, but the acquisition of this new shape was, well, it had been quite the fucking trip - Eternal snickered to herself quietly, oh she wondered who'd be put off by a ginormous fuckin predator that was 60% sharp edges - and the rest just a stellar attitude.

fuck, not five minutes near the ol' observatory and she was already makin damn space puns - eh, this place rubbed off on ya like a damn fungus, never left.

well she had left erself - she had her reasons, like followin another trace of dear ol' da's killer, again to no goddamn avail, but one day, one day she'd put her teeth to it's neck and tear out the jugular vein inch by fucking inch.

ain't no one ever said she wasn't a ruthless bitch,

she'd been an exiler long before windin up on the front door of the star lovers after all - speakin of,

the black and golden spinosaurus flexed her talons and shifted her weight - the ridges of spikes along her back (lacking the natural spine of one of this kind with no joining between each, leaving only what seemed like huge golden knives along her spine) moving with her as that angular maw of razors turned this way and that.

why did everyone who always fuckin joined - or rejoined - always end up right smack dab when the patrols weren't about? what kinda shenanigans caused that shit, it was the same everywhere, wasn't bad - unless they were tresspassers, which yknow was - just weird.

well, she wasn't gonna stand on ceremony,

snorting, the former ascendant parted her jaws "OI! ANY OF YOU LOLLYGAGGIN ABOUT? - MARGARITA? ROLLS'ROYO? HOTEL HELL? DRUM N BASS? - fuck, aRE YA' GONNA MAKE ME HOLLER A DAMN ROSTER BEFORE ANYONE APPEARS?" it'd be real depressing if they were all gone.


[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Though to some there was a familiarity about shades of black and gold there was no recognition of the prehistoric predator for the child. He had seen only five months of his life come to pass, though the venom which had touched is blood, had seeped through ragged flesh as teeth had torn through his throat and seen the process of his ageing slow to a degree, much of it spent outside of this place, the past week one he had spent merely wandering.

As to what drove the child away, seeking something he was fearful of admitting, none knew or were like to get from him, kept pressed to his chest for none needed to know his purposes.

It had been only a few days since Harland had once more showed up upon the edge of the territory, tentative where this stranger was not, uncertainty pushing him to linger before finally closing in on the observatory. His own welcome had been rather tearful, touched with worry as he had found himself with familiar faces, a comfort he could not offer to Eternal. Small paws made no audible sound as he moved, rather it was a sound of surprise drawn from him in a light squeak which announced his present.

To most the spinosaurus would tower above them, at a height few could match, but to him it proved more so a significant difference. So young, and undersized for his age, he stared up in wonder at the creature before him, ears flattening as she called, names unfamiliar to him but then they seemed to be nicknames rather than actual names, one seemed vaguely familiar, however. “Marg?” Lifting his voice as best he could, difficult for his vocal cords strained and ached, the damage sustained when he had his throat opened around two weeks ago now enough to make speaking at a normal volume difficult, hoping she had heard his call.

Some seemed angry at Margaery, harbouring some dark feelings towards her for the mere fact she had left, yet the child was not amongst those numbers for he had left before she had and rather missed her, enjoying having her around again. As to what purpose, and why she spoke such a name for her, the child could only guess at though he didn't seem to do so, instead choosing to shuffle a few steps closer than to ponder upon such a thought.

Re: WHATS THAT COMIN OVER THE HILL | RETURN - Luciferr - 08-15-2018

wow fuckin' dead air ey? Where the fuck was everyone - even if it weren't the people she knew, there should be someone by now, damn, someone needed to have border discussions - that or maybe they'd moved, that'd be fuckin perfect wouldn't it? Showin up on an empty territory - but the scents were fresh so she was pretty sure that want the case.

That or someone was playing an ele orate practical joke - or a suprise party, probably not since no one knew she was even around - or alive,


A rushed sigh left between fangs and she turned to move until a sudden squeak startled her and she looked down - way fuckin down - to see she almost moved to step on a child, which well, she fuckin moved her foot first.

Ah yeah, great way to come back - smoosh a child, can't see any problem there, well she wasn't planning on making any fetching picasso's of anyone here, raised in a barn she might be considering her exiles heritage but she had some morals fer fucks sake, she didn't smush kids.

She snorted - but then the lil pipsquek spoke up.

"yeah, yeh' lil pipsquek - Margaritta, ya know her? She around still? Usually feline has a penchant for the red sauce?" she drawled, shifting to crouch down and crane her head towards the smaller ascendant, bracing lethal golden claws and spiked fo rares against the ground as she turned her head sideways to peer a virulent red-yellow eye at him.

"don't think I met you last time I was here kiddo, what's yer name? Mines EternalWar, an I use ta live here" she idly hoped she didn't frighten the kid with her appearance, she was rather fuckin tall
