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Left spin . introduction - Printable Version

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Left spin . introduction - TheGroom - 08-13-2018

Danger glinted in the darting eyes of the dark snow leopard as the shady forest edge loomed farther and farther away behind him. Ahead, a mansion sat in the distance atop a rise and his eyes remained fixated on it as he moved. The dark forest maze had been a pathetic challenge. There had even been a trail to follow once he was far enough under the crushing canopy of trees. Too easy. It wasn’t enough. He needed more. More challenge, more entertainment.

Ryuga pursed his lips and kept going until his mouth transformed into a disappointed, lopsided snarl. His jaw was as tight as a screw, brows pinched, shoulders squared as he surveyed the area. He hoped that more creatures would have been lining the lawn of the great mansion, but there was far less creatures than he’d hoped for. It was bothersome. It was a waste of his time.

Without speaking a word, the leopard heaved a hmph and turned, tail swishing, to begin to walk back the way he came.

”HEY! Where do ya think you’re going? an NPC voice called sharply across the lawn in front of the mansion.

It wasn’t possible for Ryuga to turn around any faster. One moment, he was walking away with his haunches swaying with every thundering step. The next moment, he was facing the NPC canine that had shouted with golden eyes shimmering with curiosity and anger. ”Fascinating…who do you think you’re speaking to, mmph?” Ryuga’s voice was higher pitched than his appearance would suggest if he kept his mouth shut, perhaps due to the fact that he was not quite as old as he seemed. His tone rippled with a type of high-energy interest that was far too interested to be friendly. The tone wasn’t cruel or very loud, but it carried an air of over-the-top arrogance.

The NPC canine stared suspiciously, narrowed his eyes, and began to speak, ”Wha—You? Doesn’t matter who you are. This place belongs to the Rosebloods and my name is—“

”Quiet! I am Ryuga Draconis!” the snow leopard lashed out with a large clawed paw that barreled the smaller canine over onto his back in one sure blow,”And you won’t try to stand up to me again, ha, if you know what’s good for you.”

Ryuga’s golden eyes traced the bloody marks his claws had made in the side of the NPC canine as the NPC started to push themselves up. The wound wasn’t deep and it wasn’t bad and the snow leopard was almost saddened by his 'merciful' strike. Shrugging, the Draconis boy stepped forward and past the NPC canine, giving him a rough, lazy kick with a hind paw to knock the NPC off his paws once more. After that, he ignored the NPC that had approached him and started his trek toward the doors of the Roseblood Mansion with a slight smile on his maw.

These people were interesting. They didn’t seem to enjoy that he’d come all this way onto their property. But, while he was here in the so-called Roseblood territory and no creature had yet chased him away, he make sure to say ‘hello’ to all the creatures that lived here.

Re: Left spin . introduction - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-13-2018

peytriviing had a high tolerance of many things. those including annoying, pestering people that were oddly nosy about everything. obnoxious adults that never quite seemed to grow out of the kitten like immaturity. the kind that were always bitter and angry about anything no matter what the situation. those were the kind of people they could put up with, considering many of them were considered their family here in the rosebloods.

harm coming to them, was not on that list of people they tolerated.

the manticore had first noticed the yelling from a nearby npc, and poked their head out of the balcony from their suite in the mansion and frowned, noticing that ryuga was not someone in the rosebloods. they were familiar with just about every face here, they had definitely never seen this one before. that was what had originally brought them downstairs, and halted at the mansions door when they saw the snow leopard lash out at the canine. their lip curled in a snarl, and they utilized their size to block the boy from entiering the mansion. spreading their leathery wings and giving a warning growl.

"leave." they demanded. a single word, rumbling from their throat. they curled their scorpion tail over their back and bared their fangs. "you will not harm my people and expect to get away with it. leave before some much more violent than i decides a warning is not enough."