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pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - Printable Version

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pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - Mama - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]At first she had grown somewhat nervous at the idea – to put herself within the light and allow other to question her upon a past she sought to escape, of mundane facts they may deem necessary, it was an unpleasant thought. She had grown accustomed to being little more than a bystander within her own life, allowing others to take the front for she was no good with speaking before others for all the pretty words she seemingly held within abundance. A song bird, once her brother had deemed her such for it was all she was, speaking the words they had taught her, pretending to be the child they wanted, following each order. At least she had been the perfect child until his blood had found the sand, crimson and gold.

Still she can draw upon the day, find the memory no matter the dark corner she attempted to push it into, lingering beneath the surface of her thoughts as though merely waiting for her attention. Omen of ill intent, creature made only to bring with her death and destruction – and had she not done just that, seen her home left in ruin, little more than smoking ash and rubble.

Pale lips part with a soft sigh, paw working into the sand she had come to rest upon, stark white quickly covered by the course grains. He had spoken of her happiness, of seeking a better life than that which had been dealt them, within those last days, a promise uttered through tears. For a time she wondered upon breaking it for there seemed nothing to it now, but a line of silken words she might shatter if only she held the courage to do so, and yet she couldn't. Sunhaven had become a refugee to Ishayu, not quite touching upon home for it lacked much, each new face only further distancing her from the thought of deeming it such, it was a start, however.

Slowly her head lifted, maroon toned gaze moving along the stretch of beach she had chosen to rest upon, once more briefly wondering at how good an idea this was. To lay herself bare for all, surely there was nothing good to come of such. “I am holding a q&a if anyone has anything they wish to ask.”

[ cause i'm a sucker for punishment ya got any questions throw em my way ]

Re: pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - jericho - 08-13-2018

The Helion is exiting the greenhouse, his paws still dusted with dirt and his pelt smelling of honey-sweet nectar when his feet meet the sun-warmed sand and the fresh ocean air hits his tongue.  He's been tending to his plants as he so often does, taking the free moments in his day to venture onto the beach and into the glass structure to water and weed.  It's hard work — Jericho adores every second of it, though.  Time melts away and all of his leadership duties are gone, only him and the smell of earth and tender petals brushing against his whiskers while he works.  He wishes he could stay all day, but he already gets lost long enough in the garden.  Thus he leaves, intending to head into town once more when the summer breeze carries forth Mama Ishayu's call to meet his ears.  His head raises attentively at the interesting prospect, one he rarely hears, and his feet seem to know to carry him towards the Hearthkeeper.  Against the backdrop of the ocean's ever-lapping waves do the particles crunch beneath his weight, graceful and gentle upon the earth despite his three-leggedness, and as he nears her he stops and hesitates.

Despite having promoted her recently and having seen her around the sea town which they both share as a place to call home, Jericho... can't claim to know Ishayu very well.  It, like whenever he cannot recognize a clanmate or realizes he's forgotten a name, forces him to feel a pang of guilt, the skin hidden beneath his ginger pelt turning rosy red.  Perhaps this a good time to remedy that problem.  The little tomcat settles himself a few paces away from the female on the sand, his blind gaze lifting searchingly until it settles where he can hear her breaths.  Curious as he is, Jericho isn't sure what to ask — it's difficult to know where to begin with someone you hardly know well without seeming nosy or intrusive.  Perhaps he worries too much of being insensitive or boring or coming off rude for doing nothing but asking; after all, the serval has subjected herself to this.  He lets out a small hm in thought, chewing lightly upon his lower lip.  "Ah, well... where did you live before Sunhaven?" the little tabby finally asks, the question both gentle and politely reserved.  Hopefully that one isn't too hard to answer.  "O-Or, um, if you'd like another, what are your hobbies?"

Re: pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - Mama - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Ishayu knew very little of plants and the care put into nurturing them, such knowledge unnecessary within a desert where the flora proved hardy, suited to the harsh conditions, yet she had found herself growing interested within them. Possibly it was nothing more than a byproduct of her wanting to know more of Jericho, the small Helion an oddity to her for the few leaders she had come across were hardened, offering no kind words or easy smiles, and yet he did so readily. Something about him drew her in, a gentle warmth about the tentative smile drawing forth her own, scarred by a hard life yet never allowing it to harden him.

For a time she merely looked towards Jericho, indeed a relative stranger to her though time had come to make him familiar, teeth caught on her lower lip, chewing upon it for a time. There had been much in her history, moments tarnished with blood she held no want to speak of, but there was at least some she might share. “I lived in a desert in a tribe, we had no name, there was no need for it, and after that in a little community where I learnt how to smith,” her tone was steady, kept low and free of any emotion for she knew if she allowed it through the tears would come, memories of the brother she had lost so young arising with each fragmented memory she allowed to slip through the cracks.

“I enjoy knitting and painting,” taking the next question as an escape a soft sigh of relief followed her answer, almost inaudible as she focused solely upon the answer, briefly thinking on other things that might fall into such. Largely a crafts person she enjoyed working with her paws when she could, but one other rose within her thoughts. “And pressing flowers, I collect at least one flower from everywhere I have travelled so I can remember where I have been.”

Re: pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

If there was a mention of flowers, you knew Gordon wasn't going to be far behind. The little she-cat happened to be passing by as she heard the conversation going on and her ears pricked at the sound of flowers being mentioned. Gordon waddled over as quickly as she could, her eyes wide as she heard Ishayu answer Jericho's question. "D-do you have your collection with you?" She asked excitedly, green eyes shining with hope as she stared up at the other female. "C-can I see it?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - Mama - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Maroon toned eyes rose to find the smaller stature of the other, a faint smile curling her lips though there was a sad edge to it, ears lowering to flatten against her head. A brief shake accompanied her words, tone kept soft. “I am afraid not, I have a few and some are rather old, I have no want to see them damaged.”

Slowly an idea formed, coming together though it lacked some details. She had made it clear any were permitted to drop by her home if they so wanted, an ear for those who wanted to talk or a cup of tea waiting if one just wanted a quiet moment, and this seemed a fine opportunity to get to know the other better. “If you would like I am happy to show you if you would like to stop by my home, I can make some tea and cookies,” trailing off Ishayu hoped Gordon would be welcoming of the idea, she seemed a sweet soul she would be joyed to get to know a bit better, but allowed room for her to turn the offer down, never wanting to make her feel pressured to accept or even show up if she ended up not wanting to.

Re: pry loose the nails ☀ q&a - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Gordon seemed upset by Ishayu’s initial response, though she did understand. Flowers were fragile and even the smallest of winds could potentially break them. Luckily, the other female’s offer seemed to brighten Gordon up and the little she-cat smiled up at Ishayu once more. ”Sure!” She chirped. ”I’d love to.” She went quiet for a couple of heartbeats before realizing that she hadn’t introduced herself yet. Blinking, Gordon quickly added, ”Oh! My-my name is Gordon Cipher.”

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━