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On The Winds of Change // Open, Joining - Printable Version

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On The Winds of Change // Open, Joining - Revan - 04-02-2018

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Darth Revan — Male — The Typhoon — House Acolyte — Very Difficult
(Apologize if this was all over the place, it's super late, but I wanted to post with this boy! tl;dr in case my writing was off while sleepy, he's an evil boy who is showing up to join and become a healer eventually for the Typhoon.)

The raven furred feline narrowed his eyes cautiously as the scent of the border filled his senses. Of course he'd been expecting it soon, having come to join the clan, but he knew the kind that took residence within the chaotic group were not the type of people who could be trusted on a whim. They didn't follow a strict doctrine like he did. Reven did, however, also know that his skills would be useful to the warring clan. And that meant they wouldn't openly wish to toss away the potential of a new ally to aid them in whatever conquest they next chose.

That was why he'd sought out the Typhoon. They cared not for frivolous ideals and that was the exact environment he required to hone his understanding of his own doctrine. They would give him time and the opportunity to experience the failures of beings incapable of seeing beyond the fog that obscured the unknown, and in turn he would offer them his unique abilities.

The Sith was an adept warrior from mastering the powers he'd been born with, the very same powers he honed further by following his own form of religion. The world operated on a certain kind of life energy and those who could manipulate that had the ability to exert their will upon the universe. Some used this power for the good of others, as he'd seen. Others however used it for evil, drawn by the lust of destruction. The few who saw the truth though like Revan used it for themselves. Light and dark were merely a point of view that changed depending on who was looking. Revan knew this all too well.

Despite his affinity for channeling his powers to destroy, the Sith Lord surmised his powers of creation would be more useful to the barbaric group. Revan was knowledgeable healer having studied human books on medicine, and he'd combined that information with his own twisted powers to create something he called Sith alchemy. A medic capable of protecting himself would no doubt be useful on the field of battle for such a war mongering clan, the lust of shiny trinkets and loot drawing their attention to conquer others.

"My name is Revan, and I've come seeking to offer my abilities to the Typhoon," the black domestic called out, sickly green eyes scanning the horizon for the slightest hint of movement. He assumed they were nearby, watching him and waiting to see if he would be another corpse to plunder. There was only one route to their fabled island. Of course they were waiting for someone to foolishly cross. Only Revan had come offering his own skills rather than his personal belongings which they no doubt would have attempted to take by force.


Re: On The Winds of Change // Open, Joining - ARGUS - 04-02-2018

Ruby eyes flashed in the undergrowth, mirth lighting in the dull hue, a wicked gleam of ivory shining through ashen white fur. Argus remembers what it was like to live the life of a dark-furred wolf. Remembers her life before the effects of one too many tortures took hold of her. How the distant whispers were worrying, but now it rattles. It clicks and it chorts and chuffles for attention, a yappling begging to be fed the woes of her mortality. A starving creature by all count, but insistent all the same.

There are days, Argus things, days when her head is clear and days when it is not. Today was iffy. Each moment of clarity like a breath of fresh air, but each moment her mind is blissfully silent it is like the buzz of booze that no longer affects her. Enhancing her perception to a limited view, and pushing the thought of powers of control far far away. Today is iffy because she tetters as if she were the sole balancing point of the world and she was drunkenly getting the balance like a foolish child.

Insanity is not a disease, it does not stay for good or leave forever. It lingers, and it disappears as quickly as it comes. Argus feels it chipping away at her control relentlessly pulling at her senses. There are times she feels more like the beast she used to be, and it's waking up covered in blood that she hates the most, it's the feeling of lingering regret, of having to repress a part of herself just for the sake of control. When did suppressing part of herself have anything to do with sanity? When did it amount to her control?

Unlike the sith's careful picking it was not of a sound mind she made her home here. She did not cross the bridge unto the island, she flew until she stumbled on an almost desert and thought home. She was too resigned, too attached to the word. And already the sentiment carried here, in the drunken fights at the pubs to the lazy, relaxed demeanor of her 'crew'mates. She had seen no reason to prove herself to this clan and this clan had welcomed her like a normal denizen. It was great if it didn't writhe inside her gut uncomfortably.

She kept to the foliage until the other spoke. A flight of white undetectable among the grass, an assassin trained, even if her days of silent killing where long gone. She still held the edge, the ability to keep herself hidden until she chose to allow herself to be seen. When Raven spoke it was with a clear voice, the domestic poised and toxic green eyes flashing through the undergrowth, searching for a presence it no doubt felt. Well, now as a good as time as any, she assumed.

She brushed past the bush next to her, twigs scraping through coarse fur, silver line scars flashing into the sun before her fur settles back carefully, wings folding over most of her form. Dark ruby eyes watch the other for a moment longer, a learned tick to analyze and unnerve.

"I welcome you to our home then- to your new home, Ravan was it?" She kept her voice light, even at the dark timbre of a growl. Her sound almost as if losing the ability to speak constantly. "I am Argus."

(tl;dr- Argus is creepy but is trying to be welcomeing / Welcome!)

Re: On The Winds of Change // Open, Joining - Guru - 04-03-2018

Unlike Argus, she did not hide in the shadows, only embraced the light and added her own lil tinge of darkness to it. Hence, she was here without missing a beat. Guru practically slid over onto her paws from behind Argus as she arrived onto the scene with a flaunted grin and a perky sparkle within her eye. It seemed like Argus was the first to arrive, although that was not new for him. Fucking weirdo. Then again, she wasn't the brightest in the bunch either, so she couldn't judge... Okay, she judged.

Coming to a pause, she sided next to Argus. Her gaze glanced sideways at him one last time, before butting in with her own unneeded two-cents. "My name is Guru," she cooed lightly. "Don't you forget that, Sweetie." The caracal offered a sarcastic wink. "Welcome to the Typhoon."

Re: On The Winds of Change // Open, Joining - Revan - 04-04-2018

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Darth Revan — Male — The Typhoon — House Acolyte — Very Difficult
The black feline smirked from behind the metal mask that obscured his features, green eyes twinkling with interest from behind the visor. As expected they had been waiting, somewhere near the border of the land crossing at least, only he had expected a much different welcoming community. The first to have arrived had a certain unmistakably eerie vibe to her, while the second seemed far more upbeat and playful. Well, he supposed both options were better than them attempting to start a fight or worse.

Instead he had been welcomed with open paws so to speak. That was step one of integrating with the group over he supposed. Introductions were important though, this Revan knew. Names held power. He would file the two newly met people into his memory for access later as no doubt they would be important moving forward. Argus and Guru. A potentially useful weapon and someone who seemed possibly adept at manipulation, at least going off of first impressions when regarding the pair.

The Sith Lord offered a deep regal bow, cloak fluttering in the wind as he tipped himself respectfully forward. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. The warm welcome is much appreciated, Argus, Guru," the feline greeted, looking at each of them respectfully as he addressed them. "It will be nice to have a place I can call home once again. It's certainly been awhile. I'll do well to remember the names of the ones who so graciously accepted me into their humble abode as it were," Revan spoke with gratitude, padding forward with a certain confidence to each of his pawsteps. Now that he was no longer a potential enemy to them he had nothing to fear as he strode forward. Now all he needed to do was establish himself within the Typhoon to solidify his position.