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Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - Printable Version

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Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - Hector Clark - 08-12-2018

It's been a pretty boring week so far for the mercenary, hell he could hardly remember the last time he had a somewhat decent conversation with another person actually. Oddly, loners weren't the most sociable of people it seemed, and he'd of thought that people who called themselves "loners" would be social butterflies. Who'd of thunk that they'd try to chase you away when you tried to give them company, maybe offer them a drink? That was fine though, he didn't need drinking buddies anyway, not like it was pathetic to get drunk all by yourself or anything. Luckily for the ethiopian wolf, it seemed to him he was getting closer and closer to "civilization" or the closest thing to it anyway.

To be honest, these clans sounded pretty chill, just people getting together, helping each other out. But there was something else that came out of these places, and that was conflict. When you're a mercenary, that's something you gotta count on. Although he supposed if he liked the place enough he could simply not charge at all, maybe stay awhile. He didn't really know yet, he just knew he didn't want to be out on his own anymore. It got boring really fast.

As Hector was walking, thinking to himself the current song he was listening to ended and another one played. He grinned as "Cherry Bomb" by the Runaways started playing. Damn, he just loved the little mp3 player that was hooked onto his belt alongside a woodsman's pal machete. Sure the headphones were a little awkward, but hell, he made it work.

The male approached the border, his head bobbing up and down to the beat of the song before he stopped and found himself a comparatively dry spot to sit. He wasn't too impressed by the marshlands, but fuck it, it was the first place he found and he was just sick of being alone. Hector took on a relaxed demeanor with a small grin as he waited and jammed out to his tunes, now softly tapping a paw to the beat of the song. Someone was bound to approach him, he just had to give them some time.

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - Hector Clark - 08-12-2018

He had kinda zoned out there for a second, though he was brought back to reality by Vigenere's waving. Damn, and he was just starting to get into it too. Hector gave the Tanglewooder a small smirk before he pulled back the headphones, letting them fall down and hang from his neck as the song continued to play its upbeat tune. "Hey, how's it going man? I'm Hector Clark famous mercenary and daring outlaw. I'm sure you've heard of me." He said in a joking manner, the smirk turning more into a grin making it quite obvious he didn't really think the other would know of him.

"Don't suppose you could use a guy like me? I could use some place to stay and hell, what better place than here right?" He asked, not sure really where to start with this whole thing. Honestly, this is the first time he's ever done this, so understandably this was all quite new to him.

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - ophelia. - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia landed nearby with a small flap of her wings, folding them neatly against her sides once she was steady on her paws. She was fairly sure that Vigenere had this under control, but it would be nice to meet someone new, nonetheless. Luckily, it seemed that this was a joiner, one with... an odd device. Curiosity piqued, she tilted her head slightly, filing that object away as something to ask about later, once this Hector fellow was settled in.

"I'm fairly certain that Tanglewood could use anyone. At least, that's what I was told when I joined." she said, shifting her gaze to Vigenere as she spoke, a bit of humor in her gaze at the fact that it was him who had said it to her. Her gaze soon shifted back to Hector.

"I think it's probably for the best that I don't have much information about the most daring and famous outlaws and mercenaries. The less information I have, the less likely I am to get tangled up in the more immoral of affairs." She was speaking with her usual monotone, but there was no ill will in her eyes. She meant no harm by her words, only a soft bit of teasing. "Nonetheless, welcome to Tanglewood, Hector. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay."

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-13-2018

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - ABATHUR . - 08-13-2018

Ah, to walk through this territory that he knew somewhat well, to greet joiners as the biggest spider they'd ever lay eyes on, maybe even be larger than them, letting them keep in the back of their heads that he existed, letting him listen to their reactions to him, which he cherished slightly now that he was even a little bit bigger. When he was a normal size it was just annoying, something he had to put up with, but now he truly felt like something that people would rationally freak out over. It was an invigorating feeling, a feeling stuck in his eyes as a subtle yellow tint that you had to gaze into them for a while to fully see, but a feeling that hovered over his usual calm mental state more than usual.

Well, of course the first joiner he encounters while larger was bigger than him anyways. He should've expected this, but even if it didn't put a damper on his joy, it was still a disappointment. "Greetings," he would say, voice cold and analytical as always, not even slightly hinting at anything he actually felt, a cold tone that contrasted his colorful eyes in a disorientating way, though one he couldn't solve as his speech was a biologically feature and not one he felt like changing. "Abathur Everman, part of medical team. Can ask self for any inquiries, problems, medical or otherwise " His introduction was sweet and to the point, and despite how little emotion it betrayed, it hopefully didn't sound aggressive or rude - though some people were insulted by things they shouldn't be, so he could never truly know.
tags - "speech"

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - aya - 08-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell slid out of a tree nearby, padding over to Hector and the group cheerfully. "Wow, you know, I think I have heard of you." Aya said with recognition and surprise, blinking at him. She left it for a hot second before continuing. "Aren't you the guy who brought gonorrhea to the groups?" Her tone was totally serious, real questioning and shock in her voice.

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - Hector Clark - 08-13-2018

Hector's amber gaze turned to face the winged feline as she made her rather impressive entrance. Damn, if cats could fly then what's stopping the day when pigs fly? It seemed the day when the impossible becomes possible was right around the corner. He nodded as she spoke, noting just how easy that was. He wondered if the other groups shared the same recruiting method. Perhaps he'd have to check that out sometimes. When she spoke about her lack of knowledge of mercenaries and outlaws, his grin widened a little. "Oh but it's fun to be a little immoral from time to time. But thanks, I hope I will."

His attention was then turned to Vigenere, who seemed to be a little less than amused by him. He supposed he was gonna run into the stick-in-the-mud eventually. "Alrighty then Capt'n, good to know." He responded, getting a small sense of deja vu upon hearing that Cipher name. As strange as it was, he dashed this away as quickly as the feeling came.

His pointed ears then pointed to the direction the strange voice game from before his gaze followed, landing upon the horrifyingly large spider. Now while he wasn't exactly scared of spiders, seeing one so huge was offputting and his grin faltered for a moment before he managed to force one back on. "Jesus, what the hell are they feeding this guy?" Surely not even those tarantulas were supposed to get that big right? from the spider's profession, he could only imagine he was making a meal of the sick and elderly. But with all jokes aside, he spoke in a somewhat cute way, if you could get over the creepy spider features like massive fangs, eight legs and eight unblinking eyes that seemed to follow you no matter where you went. "Hey little guy, so I gotta go to you should I get hurt? Alright cool." As Hector grinned down at the large spider, he really didn't want to get hurt while he was here.

Then finally another voice caught his attention and the ethiopian wolf looked up from Abathur the to tortoiseshell cat appeared from behind a tree. First, he gave her a surprised and somewhat confused smile as she seemed to recognize him until the punchline hit him hard. It took a great deal of willpower to keep himself from bursting out laughing at her response. Now either she was the greatest bullshitter he'd ever met, or she really did meet a Hector Clark that gave people gonorrhea, either way, that was the funniest response to his stupid little introduction he'd heard yet. He almost didn't know what to say in response. Once he knew he wouldn't burst out laughing, Hector gave her a wide smile before responding. "Damn, my evil twin brother must be out and about again, he happens to be called Hecter with an E. Yeah, I don't know what my mom was thinking when she did that. I can assure you though, I do not have gonorrhea" Damn, he was starting to like this place already, sure they had Capt'n Stick-in-the-mud and Abby the Spider, but at least they also had some people with a good sense of humor.

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - aya - 08-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]"Wow, what a terrible naming choice." The tortoiseshell responded to Hector drily, though she was supremely pleased he had picked up on the gag and kept it going. "Still, I think for the good of the group you should prove you don't have it. You know, for safety." Aya's intent was crystal clear, or it should be, anyway. "I'm Aya. Welcome to Tanglewood."

Re: Hello Daddy, Hello Mom! (Open, Joining) - madster - 08-14-2018

malphas was next to approach, sliding besides aya. with a narrowed ruby gaze, he eyed the newcomer up and down. he seemed... cocky, and a bit strange. he stretched his neck, trying to think of the right words. then again, they needed someone with his enthusiasm. everyone in tanglewood was so depressed- but did he really have a right to say that? he too was a depressed fuck.

"hey. i'm malphas. medic one. abathur is medic two- electric boogaloo." he said, referencing the order of how they had been promoted. he considered himself a little more advanced, and a little more empathetic. "so we can both help you." he yawned. "though i tend to focus my efforts more on like... mental health shit, so if you need that you can come see me in my house in the town, it's my office." he grinned... wait, was he proud of himself for once? ooh, that felt good. "so yeah. speech's over."