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plotting w/ stryker? - Printable Version

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plotting w/ stryker? - Stryker - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  B) looking for some threads with others!
i'm up for anything, especially character development that effects him or others.

Re: plotting w/ stryker? - Stryker - 08-25-2018


Re: plotting w/ stryker? - cavalrychoir - 08-26-2018

okay so uh,, maybe these two could meet??
so ren develops crushes easily and especially likes strong characters (bonus if they can kick his ass) be it physically, mentally or emotionally (or all three). so maybe their paths cross somehow and ren is attracted to him but red flags go up in his mind like "this is not a good dude !! avoid this dude at all costs !!" but at the same time "i just want to kiss his devilishly handsome face is that so bad ?? a kiss right on the mouth with my mouth ?? maybe play in his fluffy mane i'm not hurting anyone right ??"
while the voices in his brain fight for dominance, as they talk more, ren accidentally says the right things/agrees with him in some areas of conversation bc he used to be like him: a bad dude. somehow they get closer and become friends and stryker picks up how ren seems to get it (controlling others, taking lives, wanting to be on top, doing whatever is needed to reach his goal, manipulative etc) but he doesn't make any attempt to put it into action. so he tries to coax him to do things/convince him it's p cool being a disney villain all while ren is trying to convince stryker that he's been there and done that and he too can become a better person.
bc who wouldn't want to help the person they like become a better version of themselves??
so they both try to persuade each other to join their side all while ren internally battles over whether he should run from stryker or kiss him. they could stay as friends or they could graduate to best friends but in the end, they just won't see eye-to-eye, probably have a great battle that tears them apart and they become enemies. and ofc, styker doesn't have to return the feelings and should they have a relationship, it would only be temporary as i have a love plot going on for ren already.
this is probably going to pan over a couple private threads/visits ig?? idk

feel free to change/alter/suggest anything :3