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gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - Printable Version

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gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - no more - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There had been little sign of the young sage and for a rather good reason, she had found herself unwell because of her own idiotic actions. It had been nothing more serious than a cold but had quickly ruined her, an already weak immune system had driven Aita to hole up within the tree house she had come to call home, enjoying some time alone though it came with aches, a stuffed head and a terrible tremor which made most tasks difficult. It had been a few days now that she had kept to herself, barely interacting even with the rest of the team beyond asking them for anything which might help her, instead focusing on catching up on much needed sleep.

Beginning to feel somewhat better she had thought better of spending another day cooped up inside, growing restless and filled with energy she had instead sought to do something more productive, gathering together the needed materials for her little impromptu lesson. She had no want to see another hurt as Goldie had been but they needed to be prepared if ever it might happen once more, and so she set about her work.

“Oi, firs aid lesson,” croaky was her voice as she yelled over the sound of the ocean at her back, as always drawn to the bay and the water, the sound of it soothing her frayed nerves. Set before her were loose piles of various herbs, each merely basic things she had gathered herself over the past week so it wouldn't deplete their stores, to be used as examples.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - raz - 08-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]To Elia, it seemed likely that at one point or another in her life she would have to save someone's life - as was mandatory for becoming a hero, obviously - so over the hound bounded, pressing her paws into the familiar sand as she sniffed at the herbs with a wrinkled nose. They didn't smell great. "Can I join?" The pup asked, tail wagging softly as to appease Aita.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

"I thought you were more of a fighter, Aita." Caesar frowned as he made his way over at the bengal's call, clearly displeased at what she was doing. The Officer moved past Elia, almost like he didn't notice she was there. "First aid? What made you sink so low?" He was disappointed, to say the least. And he honestly blamed Rosemary for this. The female seemed to be close with her Roux family members, and Aita was probably no exception. Caesar didn't like that. He didn't want Rosemary to be close to his grandkids, tainting their view on war.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - no more - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Hero. So simple a title for something which seemed to hold immense weight, a stone atop the heart for it brought with it tribulations unlike any other path a life may lead one down, within itself a reward if only you were prepared to pull apart the barbed wire to retrieve it. Many times they had come across heroes within the stories they read, little more than basic tales all with a similar structure for still were they learning and the simplistic stories proved the easiest, each overcoming a great evil with little effort upon their part. Yet to be within the cruel world, to taste the pain and blood upon your tongue, there was nothing simple about being a hero as the stories had tried to make them believe.

A hum escaped them, brief and sharp, as the hound made her approach. Familiar to a degree was she for they had been present when she had spoken of having drunk sea water, the mere memory curling their lips, though they could recall no name. “All are welcam,” shoulders rolled back in a shrug as the bengal spoke, curious now to see if the pup retained anything. She was older than they were by two months yet seemed to a degree less mature, but then she had not been shaped by secrets and blood, had been forced to swallow pride and guilt alike, learning all too quickly that life was no game.

“Ya dense fuck,” the words left their lips before they could register what it was they were saying, dark gaze touching upon Casaer as he approached. Indeed his thoughts upon the child were correct, they were one made to fight and time would show more of such, their sturdy, broad frame one made for endurance and strength, but their path had been chosen for them for they had sought to become more than a mere child all too soon. “Da fact I'mma Sage, or did dat go over ya head, ole man?” A sneer curled dark lips as each word rose for already had Rosemary taken the child, a pupil to the witch in more ways than the mere act of healing for their own budding interest in witchcraft as growing amongst their want to learn more of anatomy and poisons. From the very day Aita had heard whisper of the Necro Mambas they had sought to join the division, to expand their knowledge where it came to such matters, and they had achieved such quicker than they had thought to.

“Don't tink I ain't a fighta, jus cause I heal don' mean I can' fight.” It did not matter what Casaer offered next for it held no importance to Aita for already were plans in place for Vandal to train them once things had settle some, the matter taken into their own hands.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Of course Caesar wouldn't know about Aita being a Sage, considering he had been stuck in his room for a couple days due to being sick. And of course, he wouldn't admit that. Caesar's own lips curled as Aita spoke to him in such a way and he unsheathed his claws, digging them into the sand. "Prove it." He snarled. Doing it here and now would prove pointless, as this was a first aid lesson, but the demon would gladly take her on elsewhere. And would likely cheat.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - ROSEMARY - 08-12-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
The soothsayer fought hard to hold back her chuckles as she approached, as Ceasar's disbelieving tone and utter obsession with war amusing the hell out of her. She briefly considered messing with his mind again, but... she thought she did enough recently; after all, her game could only continue so long as Caesar remained ignorant to her interventions. "I promoted her about a week ago," Rosemary spoke, her apathetic voice ringing with extra tartness as she looked at the golden savannah cat.

Taking a seat next to Elia, giving the hound pup a nod of greeting, she turned her four eyes to Aita as she waited to observe Aita's lesson.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - snare - 08-13-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare wasn’t exactly interested in herbs, but he might as well attend.  Knowledge was power, even if he was too young to have the words to that.  The wolf pup would waddle towards the small group, his ears pricked as he picked up scent and sight of his crewmates.  He found himself involuntarily flinching a small bit as Caesar snapped at the sage, stopping in his pawsteps in the span of a hot second.  No, no, no.  He couldn’t be afraid and weak, he needed to be strong, especially in the presence of crewmates.  The young pup was just going to have to learn to deal with his more fiery and snappish crewmates. 

He continued approaching the group, but still kept a good amount of distance between him and Caesar but still getting a good view of Aita and the lesson that she was about to present.  His shoulders hunched as he leaned foreword to get a better look, his curiousity very much piqued.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - Grey - 08-13-2018

Truthfully, he would like to know first aid. He sees no harm in being able to treat himself of minor wounds should the times arise. After all, Bakugou is healing from his own wounds. The cuts and bites are beginning to clear up, now appearing as scars beneath his creamy pelt and only causing mild discomfort when he moves a certain way. The whole kerfuffle between Aita and Caesar made the ragdoll roll his eyes, unamused at the childish chatter spewing from the officer's lips. He agrees strongly with the sage's clearly superior logic, flicking an ear in her direction before he sits down and curls his fiery tail around his paws. There is a brief snort that projects from his lungs, a chuckle from a thought which has invited itself into his buzzing mind. Ah, it'd be nice to do a first aid lesson with an example...a live example. Bakugou closes his eyes, focusing on acknowledging his thought then casting it away once it has properly materialised. Yes, as much as the elemental boy would love to pound Caesar to the ground then suggest the officer to be used as an example for the first aid course, he doubts it can even happen. So, rather than wasting his breath with a snarky comment, he stays quiet.

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - no more - 08-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It took a certain kind of person to take on a child, especially one who lacked any training where it came to warfare. Their lessons with herbs and healing had begun before they any chance for such had arisen, and so they had little to gain with this little display of dominance, left with only a few options that would hopefully leave them unscathed.

Surprise widened their eyes a small fraction, a flicker of fear touching the dark depths for only a brief second, yet it was long enough to be noticeable, ears drawing back against their head. They had never thought through their words, no filter separating the structure of their thoughts from those which ended up being spoken aloud, the realisation they had had a mistake coming slowly. “What, ya so fuckin weak ya gonna take on a child? Pathetic.” Leaning up into the Officer's face they saw nothing wrong in further pushing his buttons, the voice of another rising behind him.

Rosemary. Their attention shifted towards her and for a time they regretted their words, heat rising within their cheeks. It was childish to further push him when he had shown no care where it came to harming a child, even one of his family, but anger boiled within the pit of their stomach, seeking to lash out in any way possible. Drawing a breath through their teeth Aita turned their gaze towards Caesar once more, keeping their tone terse, not wanting this to go further then it had to. “If ya would, sit or leave.”

Re: gonna teach you some shit - first aid lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-18-2018

"You think I give a damn?" Caesar shot back at Rosemary, the demon glaring over at her for a few seconds. "You ruined a perfectly good fighter, is what you did." He growled. Aita may still be a fighter but now, even that was ruined in the Officer's eyes. Whatever respect he had for this granddaughter had disappeared completely, only because of the fact she was training in medicine - plus Rosemary was training her; that made it absolutely fucking worse. Turning back to Aita, Caesar replied to her first comment, "You're not a child if you dare challenge me." He shot back. Aita knew nothing about him, she did not know what powers he possessed and how he couldn't obliterate her ass. He only lashed his tail in response to her demand, not moving from his spot.