Beasts of Beyond
YOU DON'T NEED POLTERGEISTS FOR SIDEKICKS / o, leaving - Printable Version

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YOU DON'T NEED POLTERGEISTS FOR SIDEKICKS / o, leaving - beck. - 08-12-2018

    It was inevitable this day would come. His spirit was wired as being restless, never content with where he roamed and never hanging around for longer than a few months. He thought clinging to the sleepy community he carelessly formed would have stretched out to last more than he usually haunted, but Beck was itching to get on the move again. Just the thought of the lousy swamp he tried to call home was enough to make his bloodless heart cramp up with bitter sadness. An unexplainable ache that wormed its way through a nest of sinew and burrowed deep within his chest. They knew the truth now; he was nothing more than a broken child who thought he could replace the family he lost with animals. They probably never liked him in the first place.

    There was never much to pack, save for his collection of mementos and belongings, yet those were all easily stored in his apparition anyways. Scarred paws hesitated as he moved to pack the few things he had stolen from his peers to remember them by if they left long before he ceased to exist. Would they even remember him? Hardly anyone did. With a tremble of a sigh, he brought the simple trinkets with him anyways, preparing to flee from his creation before anyone could catch him. Dawn was waiting to bleed into the morning sky, and careful to keep himself numb, the scrawny feline slipped the bucket handle belonging to a sleeping Audrey over his neck and abandoned the sunken little house he called a storage unit without a second glance. It would probably take them a few days to even notice he was gone. Staggering from his fly trap friend's increased weight, Beck left no trail to follow or note to explain. He simply disappeared, too cowardly to admit why he couldn't stay and too unsure of himself to know where he was headed at all. All that could be said was that Beck and any trace of his three months wasted in the wetlands were gone.

/ as much as i love being in tangle, recent events and school and marching band have just caused me to be. too sad to really keep up with roleplaying anymore. maybe one day beck will be back, but for now, he'll be put on hiatus
i'm sorry :'')

Re: YOU DON'T NEED POLTERGEISTS FOR SIDEKICKS / o, leaving - Morgan - 08-12-2018

As Morgan appeared in the darkness, all that was left of Beck was a faraway dot - his familiar, waning presence. The samoyed knew he had no hope of catching up, seeing as even his sixth sense could hardly detect the former Commander. With a dejected sigh, the dog sat back on the cool earth and frowned. "I didn't even get to say goodbye... or thanks." He kicked at the dirt in front of him, forming his mask over his face to hide himself. Silent as could be, he stared for as long as he could at the last disappearing trace of the reason why his life was the way it was in the first place.


As the last minuscule blip of the poltergeist vanished beyond the horizon, the General's mood picked back up. He closed his eyes, no longer needing to look around as the morning sun crept ever so slightly upward. Instead, he let his mind feel around his surroundings, wandering around the nearby town. What he found were his fellow Tanglers - his home, his family. A samoyed smile found its way onto the masked canine's face as he whispered, "I won't forget -- I can't forget."


Re: YOU DON'T NEED POLTERGEISTS FOR SIDEKICKS / o, leaving - madster - 08-12-2018

malphas had mixed feelings towards beck. of course, malphas had this undying loyalty to the leader, so he had to respect beck on a certain level, but... they had never really fostered a meaningful connection, and malphas was left wanting more. he could understand why he'd leave though- he didn't exactly have the best reputation in the clan now, after the whole roseblood debate. he padded up to stand besides vigenere, shifting his weight.

he wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was angry. vigenere could probably tell- at the realization beck had just gotten up and left, his demeanor changed. he clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes. he wasn't disappointed- he was mad. what a leader, he thought. leave when things got tough. his crimson gaze shifted over to morgan. morgan was their future now, and hopefully when it got hard morgan wouldn't just run away. he hoped so, at least. "well, that's over, i guess," the medic mused idly, trying to hide his anger. beck betrayed tanglewood, the clan he had founded himself. how terrible.

Re: YOU DON'T NEED POLTERGEISTS FOR SIDEKICKS / o, leaving - arrow - 08-12-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Hope he finds....whatever he's out there for." Chewing on the inside of her cheek as she always did under somewhat unnerving scenarios, Arrow's gaze shifted from Malphas to Morgan, a sinking feeling in her chest. Not from Morgan being left in charge on his own, no, she trusted him. She liked having Beck around, he was interesting. But maybe with all the things causing him stress, enough to start malfunctioning like a broken robot, it was best for him to up and go. She didn't blame him, and she wasn't mad. Especially after getting, well, kicked.



trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Ghostly skin, tainted by a painful past and a ruined reputation had made his way out of the territory, and Delilah wasn't one for goodbyes. She was never one for sour-tasting farewells, the waving of hands as friends and families parted ways.

Beck was leaving. Delilah didn't talk to the male much, but she still.. She was still fond of the male, even through his hard moments. She knew what it felt like to want to keep a part of someone, she knew how it felt. A pastel paw graced her stomach, brushing against the rose branding tainted into her skin as the male left Tanglewood. It felt empty inside of her, why did she feel so empty?

"Why is he leaving us?" Delilah finally spoke up, cherry blossoms blowing in the wind as she brushed up against Morgan's leg instinctively, her body tense and shaky. She didn't want him to leave, she had too many people leave already. But she couldn't force him. Nobody could.