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running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - Printable Version

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running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - jericho - 08-11-2018

The last meeting is still so fresh in Jericho's mind — it hasn't been a week, not nearly, but so much has occurred since he last summoned the clan at the fountain.  He knows they won't make it 'til Monday without another update, but he doesn't exactly mind the idea of an earlier meeting.  Mondays are an odd day, aren't they?  Jericho's perception of time, given he's a feline, tends to be feeble at best, but somehow he likes Saturdays better.  He thinks that moving the meeting up by a few days isn't the worst of ideas regardless, necessity aside.  The sun is beginning to set once more as his claws scrabble against the fountain's stone, his entry slightly more graceful than the last.  The lip is still too tall for his stubby three legs to reach and he's no good at jumping, but he manages to pull himself up rather swiftly.  Jericho seats himself against the backdrop of the mountains, the setting sky over the ocean bathing his front in a glow of amaranth pink from the vibrant heavens above.  He exhales to ready himself and calls, "S-Sunhaven, gather over here!"

There's a few minutes of pause in which he allows his clanmates to follow his voice to their usual assembly spot, and in the meantime the ginger tabby, his rich fur turned a more muted peach shade, shuffles his paws against the rough concrete below.  When all of the voices and footfalls turn to but a soft murmur among the crowd, the tom clears his throat to signal his beginning.

"Ah, well, I wanted to start again by welcoming everyone, because we — I-I mean, our numbers have grown quite a bit again.  So welcome to Stellamaris, Buckingham, Amnia, Foxtrot, Pierce, Jeanne, Persephone, Chippedstone, Boywonder, Fang, and Samuel!"  Jericho has to stop to let himself breathe after all those names.  Goodness, have they really grown so much so swiftly?  He smiles rather sheepishly from his perch on the fountain, and adds, "We're very happy to have you all.  H-Hopefully I didn't miss anyone... and, um, since I don't think I've properly introduced myself to all of you, I'm Jericho — er, the Helion or leader here.  If you have questions or need help getting settled in, just l-let me know!"

He hopes to know all of them soon, but with the recent influx it's been difficult to keep up with each and every newcomer.  Jericho's honey gaze flickers blindly through the crowd as his focus moves about, pricked ears rotating about before his attention settles.  "Uh, moving on to rank stuff, Warsongs is... um, I think she must've left or something?" he tries not to wince at the words as he speaks them with a rough swallow.  It's odd, thinking about his sister.  He can't say he knew her well, but he truly wanted to.  Jericho's holding out hope that she'll return, but for now all he knows is that she isn't around anymore.  "...So she's, ah, demoted I suppose.  That said, I'd like for Stellamaris, Pele, and Mama Ishayu to step up to Hearthkeepers, please!  Ah... c-congrats."

At least that bit allows his tense muscles to relax; it's always nice to move onto the more pleasant topics, and he knows that promotions tend to be things that make people happy.  "And Quantum and Monroe, you've b-both been really involved and active lately, so I'd like you to both step up to Dawnguards.  Um, thank you both, and keep up the great work!"  Jericho smiles again at that, this one bigger than the last.  They've been a great aid lately, and the tiny Helion doesn't know what he'd do without them.  It's nice to share some of the burden, though at the end of the day the tabby is the one in charge.  "Ah, to change gears slightly, I'd like to talk about guilds.  I'm g-going to be heading the Divines, but I'd like Quantum to step up to Head Slayer and Ja'sunna to step up to Head Impressionist.  These... uh, a-aren't high positions, but you guys are gonna be in charge of the war and art guilds, so it's definitely a promotion!  Ah, I want to get guilds rolling, so you can start doing meetings, events, traditions... um, whatever you want for your guilds, really!  Y-You're in charge, after all."

Jericho falls into wordlessness for another moment to allow everything to sink in that's been said thus far; Apollo and Artemis above, he feels like he's rambling on and on.  Hopefully they've caught all that's been said so far, because Jericho has lots more to get to.  The striped feline inhales and continues, "Okay, so we've got l-lots of events right now!  Be sure to check out our weekly tasks, mass meet & greet, a-and random adventure event.  Big sh-shoutout to Monroe and Quantum for setting those up!"  The tomcat nods a little into the audience, though it's cast in the crowd's general direction due to his own being unable to see where exactly the newly-made Dawnguards are seated.  "And speaking of weekly tasks, w-we've got new guides and threads for certain stuff: high position requests and notices, ambassadors, and weekly task sign-ups.  Look into those if any of that sounds interesting!"

Nearly there, right?  Jericho begins mentally checking over his to-do list, chewing lightly upon his lower lip in thought.  "Oh!  We've also introduced a l-little homes system just for fun, if you — ah, if you'd like to show off where you live and let others visit.  You... um, can always visit me of course."  The last bit is spoken with another shy smile, although one that's warm and genuine nevertheless.  "Okay, ah, almost done.  W-We're on a trial alliance with Snowbound right now, so... be nice to them, please.  We'd like to make it a permanent one.  For now we're only allies with them and... a-and the Ascendants, but we're on trading terms with everyone else if you'd like to travel around with your shop!"

They're in the home stretch now, and Jericho shifts his weight where he perches on the fountain lip.  He almost feels physically tired from speaking so much (is that possible? maybe it's a mental thing, because he sure does feel as though he's rambling), but the feline carries on.  "A-Alright, lastly, I wanted to announce that since Sunhaven is still new, we'll be having a little founding day event to celebrate our great start!  That'll be coming up soon, but... um, b-but if you have ideas or would like to suggest anything just let me know!"  He lets out a big sigh now, and it's as if a giant weight has been lifted from his shoulders.  That's everything off the list, right?  He flicks an ear and his brow furrows in thought, but slowly he gives a hurried nod to himself.  "That was... well, a lot, I know, s-so if you have any questions feel free to ask!  Ah, that's it though, thanks for listening, everyone."

OOC: Hey!! This is earlier than last week but it's because I want meetings to be on Saturdays and not Mondays.  Anyways, here's a quick OOC summary of what was said:
- Welcome to Sunhaven to Stellamaris, Buckingham, Foxtrot, Pierce, Jeanne, Persephone, Chippedstone, Boywonder, Fang, and Samuel!! Sorry if I forgot anyone, but we're really happy to have you all!
- Warsongs has been dropped by their roleplayer, so they're assumed missing/having left
- Stellamaris, Mama Ishayu, and Pele are promoted to Hearthkeepers!
- Quantum and Monroe can step up to Dawnguards!
- As for guilds, Quantum can step up to Head Slayer and Ja'sunna to Head Impressionist.  Since Guilds are sort of meant to be their own separate entities within Sunhaven, you're free to start doing events and meetings and making traditions and stuff with 'em now!  Guild Heads are also responsible for promoting guild Seconds in case they fall inactive, but you can really do that whenever.  Basically, guilds should be good to roll now!
- For current events we have weekly tasks, a mass meet & greet, and a random adventure event.
- Also be sure to check out our new homes system!
- Guides have been created in the leader board for hp requests/notices, ambassadors, and weekly task sign-ups.
- For a lil politics update, we're having a trial alliance with Snowbound to see how it goes.  We're visiting other clans right now, but basically we're neutrals with everyone besides Snowbound and the Ascendants, aka on 'trading terms' so we can still sell stuff to them, but allies get first pick.
- By the way... you may not have noticed, but we're boarded now!  We're gonna be having a sort of founding day festival that'll hopefully become an annual tradition.  If you've got any ideas or stuff you'd like to see, feel free to throw 'em out there now or message me here/on discord!

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - GRIMNYTE - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]It was nice to be in a group like Sunhaven. The members were agreeable, and she had no problems finding her way around after a while. What was there to complain about? Maybe she didn't have a lot of friends, but she was thoroughly convinced she didn't need to have them to have a good time. It was all up to her and how she made due.

When the meeting was called, Stellamaris had been strolling back from the beach to rest up in her house, fur wet and slightly sandy. Upon hearing Jericho's voice and seeing a small crowd already gathering, she bounded forward to seat herself. Most of the meeting ended up being about general stuff, like the alliance with Snowbound and what had occurred in the past few days with events and such ― in other words, nothing particularly new or exciting. "... That said, I'd like for Stellamaris, Pele, and Mama Ishayu to step up to Hearthkeepers, please!" Jericho's voice was loud and clear, but as soon as her name was called for a second time, she had trouble processing it properly. What had he said?

She had been... promoted. To a position.

"I..." what did she say? Thank you? "Wow, Jericho, nobody's ever trusted me this much before"? Stellamaris, usually so stoic, felt herself at a loss for words. Even if it wasn't huge or anything, it still meant a substantial lot to her, and she swallowed nervously before gathering her bearings and listening more closely through the rest of the meeting.

Monroe ended up getting promoted, which was good. Really good, actually. They seemed to be friends in a weird sense, so Stellamaris didn't find it inappropriate to congratulate him for the second time, having been there when he'd been promoted to Hearthkeeper before. "Congratulations, Monroe." she was sure he'd do a good job. Even if he seemed weird and nervous around her sometimes.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - Mama - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Perched upon her cover porch with a book before her the serval had been enjoying some time to herself, the influx of new faces had been tiresome and she had begun to wear thin as she attempted to greet each, never allowing any to go feeling unwelcome. Large ears swivelled around as the call of a meeting rose, a look of confusion touching her features for a brief moment. She was sure it had yet to be a week and it seemed most had structured their meetings as such, but rather than question Jericho's actions, for he had shown himself a capable leader thus far, she merely rose upon unsteady legs.

The first steps were the hardest, trying to bring her down but Ishayu merely continued, forcing her body to move, still adjusting to the fact she was much smaller than she had once been. Uneven, and somewhat uncertain, was the tread which she took up for the lack of a limb was familiar to her but not to this degree, a grumble of annoyance parting her lips. It had been a hassle to learn to walk without trouble the first time and now it seemed she would have to repeat the process.

A faint smile curled her lips as her gaze settled upon first Stella and then Jericho, the only faces she recognised from the group, yet it grew stiff and unsure as her name left the Helion's lips. She had been here for less than a week and had done little for the group, thinking to leave within the next month once she had grown accustomed to this body, the only thing keeping her here the forge she had slowly been making, and possibly a few here she had come to like.

“I...uh, fuck,” the word slipped past her lips before Ishayu had the chance to realise exactly what it was she was saying, surprise crossing her features before she quickly forced a smile, pretending as though she had not just cursed for the first time in a few years. “Thank you Jericho.” Strained was her voice now as she struggled to find the right response. It was only a small thing, a stepping stone if anything, but she felt a swell of pride. Never had another trusted her within any position of authority and she had no wish to disappoint Jericho when he had been so kind to allow her to stay, a stranger who might have posed a threat.

“Congratulations,” calling out once all had been said she offered Stella a larger smile than the first, teeth shown this time and her maroon toned eyes reflected the joy within the gesture for once, before she sought the others who had been called, specifically Pele for she had come to rather like the child.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - Pele N. F. I. - 08-12-2018

She'd been here for a little over a week now, and so much had happened since then. Elio kept explaining that she was not ready to begin travelling. It'd gotten to the point that she thought the little puffball was up to something.

Though with the meeting being called, she had no time to question Elio or his methods. Trotting over she took a seat by Mama yet again, mimicking the first Sunhaven meeting. A few shout outs to newcomers, she hadn't realized they'd garnered so many. Though she'd kept away from joinings because she felt she shouldn't greet new members of a clan she did not belong to.

But then, came the rank, the rank she wasn't prepared for. Sure, no one was ever really prepared for a rank, but she wasn't even a full member of this clan! She was a temporary fixture until she fully healed and went on her way. She couldn't fathom why Jeri would promote her, he was there when she was found on the border. She shook her head and said her congratulations, feeling uneasy about the whole thing.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - axiom - 08-12-2018

© lexasperated
Quantum only ever comes alive in the evening - the day is hot and stifling, and the evening air cools against her fur nicely. In the days since she joined, she usually held most of her events and things during the later hours of the day and interacted during the early night hours. Her paws itch to move, to start her evening workout routine while the sunlight still glows bright in the sky; she skipped too many days after moving here, lured into laziness by the peaceful atmosphere of the group. But, as the days increase in number, she feels her darkness nibble at the corners of her mind; she needs to feel her muscles burn with the endorphin rush of sprint training.

As she joins the meeting, though, she quells her desires for a moment in order to listen to Jericho's words; she knows by now that the quiet tom rarely speaks extraneous words. She wonders if he likes to avoid inflating his speeches with bombastic shit because of his stutter - he certainly lacks enough spine for him to have grown into a direct way of speaking purely by chance. She finds most cowards to talk in circles, avoiding answering questions directly and describing objects in vague terms, as though they think they'll avoid confrontation by simply refusing to take a hard stance on anything. Regardless, she likes his directness, his inability to twist his words with sugar-coated half-lies. Because of this, she respects him more than she would ever respect Atbash.

Her pierced ears twitch each time he announces her name, her apathetic expression unchanging despite the surprise that slams into her mind with each mention. Promoted to dawnguard, made head slayer, and given a shoutout for her event work? Her reddish eyes glance through the crowd as she tries to find her sisters, intent on congratulating Ja'sunna. But, as she can't find the other tigresses, she looks back up at Jericho. In the back of her mind, she doesn't believe she deserves this; her itch for violence, insatiable, sinks into her mind harder.

She came here to get away from the bloodshed, though she sees now that - for her, at least - the violence exists inside of her, ready to spill out at a moment's notice. She can, at least, understand Jericho's decision for her to lead the warfare guild; she is an unchained, loyal monster - those always make the best protectors. She chews the inside of her cheeks as she nods, supposing she might as well try to live up to the expectations of a peaceful high position; she feels the friction of her dawnguard responsibilities against her nature, but she ignores it. She wants to break out of her violence, doesn't she? This might make a incentive to keep going. To stay out of that downward spiral.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - buckingham barnes - 08-14-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Padding in on soft paws, the maine coon quietly made his way over to the meeting, entering after Quantum. This was Buckingham's first meeting at Sunhaven, and it seemed like there was a lot for him to take in. At the edge of the crowd, the former assassin sat himself on the ground, ears pricking up as he focused his gaze on Jericho. The meeting first began with welcoming new members, to which Bucky caught his own name in the mix- it was nice to feel welcomed here already, especially by the leader. "Thank you for the welcome," The male gave away his presence, eyes gleaming with appreciation.

After the welcome, came the promotions. Bucky wasn't expecting to hear his own name in this particular announcement- he still considered himself to be a new member, and he's slowly learning and adjusting to this peaceful clan life. Plus, he hasn't been around enough for a promotion, so he held no surprise when his name wasn't mention- if anything, he'd be surprised if he did hear it. "Congratulations to Pele, Stellamaris, Mama Ishayu, Quantum and Monroe!" The former assassin mentioned with a meow, his bushy tail wrapping around his front paws as he continued to listen.

What really caught his ears during the long meeting were the guilds and home system. Buckingham loved the idea of the home system- it was a great way to help him feel included and more at home in a clan he hasn't lived in before. Buckingham already got himself a house- which was a docked boat. He hasn't really lived in a home before, but he was enjoying it so far. It was a new experience- he's already gotten used to the boat rocking occasionally. Buckingham didn't really care much for the art or medicine guilds. Medicine was never really Bucky's forte- he didn't have a great experience using herbs back when he was a juvenile(that's a whole another story for another day) and art hasn't ever been in his interest. The warfare guild would suit him best. That's probably a bad sign for the tom, considering he wants to change his ways- but he can't get away from war. There's a quote that can easily explain Buckingham's dilemma:

They made you a weapon and told you to find peace.

Bucky used to be a weapon- an asset, a loyal pawn to a creature he'd like to say is worse than the devil itself. Despite how badly he wants to live a peaceful life for now on, he knows in the back of his head that he just can't. After he abandoned his handler, and through those months were he continued to live as an individual, self working assassin- he grew close to people, and relationships grew. He finally got to know what having friends were like, knowing what that feeling is in his chest as he worries for other's safety and well being. As an asset, he didn't care for the slightest of people's safety, thoughts, and opinions. He used to kill without a thought, he used to be that enemy that Sunhaven would fight against for the safety of others. It was all for the mission, people used to be nothing but targets. But that changed completely the moment he got away from his handler. He was able to realize he can use his skills to defend other lives, and he got to think of that even more when traveling by himself. That feeling in his chest never left him, and he knew it would be impossible to ignore it. It wouldn't be right, especially if he had the skill right at his finger tips. He can use it for better use this time around.

He looked around for Quantum in the crowd, taking note how she's officially the head slayer now. Once his gaze landed on her, the male gave a nod of congratulations, before fixing his attention back onto Jericho and listening to the rest of the meeting.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - miss ririchiyo - 08-14-2018

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...=720&h=720]
To be honest, Persephone didn't really care for welcomes to newcomers. But, she supposed being called out like this wasn't too bad. She didn't like the attention, but it was better than being ignored. "Thank you for the welcomes." Perse woofed, sitting down to scratch behind her ears.

Re: running in the shadows — 8/11 meeting - PIERCE - 08-15-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce hadn't attended a meeting in... a while, which did not look good in comparison to his perfect streak back in his very first clan. However, once he'd moved to Snowbound, he'd kind of gotten more distant from the clan and its traditions, and that wasn't a pattern he wanted to continue following in Sunhaven- it was like a second chance, in a new clan, with no Riddlersgame to fee guilty about, and he wasn't going to pass it up. So, when he heard Jeri's call for a meeting from outside his home, he'd been quick to set down his watering can down, call a quick, "I'm heading to the fountain, love!" into the open window to his young daughter, and hurry toward the already-gathering group of Sunhaveners to listen to what the leader had to say.

All in all, it was a rather simple meeting- welcomes, demotions, promotions, nothing really out of the ordinary. He had been present at the confirmation of their trial alliance with Snowbound, and he was planning to attend the mass meet and greet as well, but nothing else really jumped out at him. Which, honestly? He didn't mind. For once in his life, he didn't have anything to truly worry about, and for the time being, he was content with that. "Thanks for the welcome, Jeri! And congrats to everyone promoted." It'd been over a year since his last promotion - he had sat as his first clan's vice-leader for, what, a year and a half, and hadn't held a position since -, but he could still remember the rush of euphoria he'd felt every time he'd been noticed and praised by his leader.
