Beasts of Beyond
CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - Printable Version

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CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - MARKO ! - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — to be honest, marko was pretty content with not using his vampire powers. he didn't do much that required them aside from brutally murder and feed on the tourist population. and even then, he only really had to do that once or twice a week. so, using his true potential was rare; why wall-walk when you could just... climb? most things he enjoyed climbing around town were easier to climb, anyways. but he did want to use his powers sometimes, and decided that, hey, that evening he'd actually do it.

the church was somewhere he'd never entered, after what was probably 20 years or so of living in san creado. it creeped him out, and he wasn't even sure if he could really interact with the building at all without bursting into flames. vampire weaknesses, y'know? after a good minute of pacing around the perimeter of the building, he decided that maybe something that would help would be a pigeon to talk to... there was no pigeon in the area, but a crow would do fine. they were just a bit feistier, a bit harder to befriend. he'd done his best with being nice to the town's avian life, though, and with gentle hands picked it up. the crow cawed, but it didn't try to fight him, so he figured that it would be fine with him.

okay, he had something to pour his anxieties onto, now he could try wall-walking. he'd done it before, probably, but not within recent memory.

...maybe marko climbed about half a story, having placed the crow on his shoulder, before he decided to actually try. with extremely deliberate movements, he moved a hand from its hold and pushed it flat against the wall. okay, he hadn't fallen, although his weight was still mostly on the other side of his body. the vampire removed his other hand from the wall. then, he moved his feet from their holds.

he didn't fall.

marko giggled in joy, and climbed up to the top of the church as fast as he could without disturbing the crow, sitting himself down on top of the bell tower. now, he had only one more thing to do before he could get on with the day's usual shenanigans of climbing up other buildings or annoying the other vamps or feeding on humans or lying in the street hanging out with birds. fetching his notecard from his jacket, marko started the whole meeting business. "hey, everyone! i got some announcements 'n' shit to make!"

ah, he was enjoying being undertaker, where people couldn't tell him to get down from the top of one of the town's tallest buildings.

//welcome welcome welcome!! im puz and wow we actually got a board thats wild af. i dont rlly have anything 2 say for ooc announcements so uh. yeah. im just happy to be here honestly. i guess this doubles as a power discovery but thats not rlly an announcement slkdfjsdl

Re: CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - CATHERYN - 08-11-2018

The crux of the issue is that Catheryn doesn't care. That's pretty much it. There's nothing Marko can say now that she won't hear about later, probably in excruciating detail, and more than once. But, she's in the area, and seeing Marko perched at the very top of the cathedral reminds her that she, too, had recently discovered the latent power of walking up walls. Perhaps now is a good time to try it out, and if she manages to annoy Marko in the process of it, then she'll have killed two birds with one stone.

Catheryn comes to a stop in front of the giant wooden doors that lead into the church. Marko is right, no one really goes in here, and nobody knows who rings the bell every morning, either, but they've learned to accept it, just like every other creepy, vaguely supernatural thing in this town. She tilts her head to the side in contemplation, then lifts her right leg and starts walking.

It feels weird, but that's about it. She's calmly walking up the side of the cathedral, stopping when she reaches the landing for the bell and climbing up to sit underneath it. Catheryn doesn't want to be at the very top with Marko, but this is a nice, quiet spot for her to stay, where she won't be able to see him, but will still be able to hear him, which is as good a compromise as she's going to get.

Catheryn doesn't call out to let Marko know she's here, figuring that if he hasn't seen her yet then that's his problem.

Re: CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - XENIA - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 70%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump thump thump. Footsteps. That's got to be what she's hearing. Thump thump. Right? What else can it be? The huntress shrinks between two pews as she listens carefully. The thuds grow quieter and quieter. And they stop. Her breath hitches in her throat.

His words hit her.

That voice. It splits her attuned eardrums in two. Xenia jolts to her feet, banging her shoulder on the back of the pew behind her on the way up. "Marko, I swear to-" Wait! She's in a church, can she say that? Fuck it. "God!" She's done worse things on these holy grounds. At least the Undertaker hadn't been stupid enough to open the door.

Below the wide arch is a tripwire, and the tripwire is connected to a mechanism that will unleash a fan of crudely fashioned knives upon the intruder; glass shards, sharpened scrap metal, name it, she's got it. When you live as a fugitive in an abandoned church, you learn to be resourceful. And that's not even the extent of the booby traps. The place is an impenetrable fortress.

Oh, how does Xenia get into the hideout, then? She'll never tell. (Back window. Stained glass Jesus panel. Pops right out of place.)

By the time the next set of feet beat up the wall, the disgruntled homeowner is halfway up the bell tower ladder, antique (but still very sharp) knife in her white-knuckle grip. Her plan was to simply pop out of the hatch, weapon in hand, ready to strike at the unruly vampire and the gang he surely brought with him to give them a piece of her mind.

Just one problem. The culprit is definitely standing on the hatch and it will not budge.

She weighs her options for a good few minutes just to make sure this goes her way. A well thought out plan is absolutely necessary. In the end, instead of knocking politely, she opts to stab the thick knife through the worn wood to get Marko's attention and maybe chop off a toe or two. Then he'll think twice about intruding onto her property.

Re: CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - alexander - 08-14-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Alex is going to blow a gasket. Does Marko just never learn? He had fallen off of a cliff and broken several of his bones, and he still wanted to climb up high? They didn't get it. The vampire hold their tongue as they approach the church, too lazy to yell up at the youngest, knowing it wasn't worth it when Marko would just go off and climb something else.

They flash a smile at Catheryn when they spot her below the bell, and then to Jikai, though it's a little more strained. Nice to see all of them coming together, even if it's just to listen to Marko list off whatever he thought was important to tell them. They instinctively look around for Rialto or Xenia, or someone equally willing to let them lean on them, because Marko refused to pick a meeting place with chairs. The thought pulls his attention to the Undertaker, a scowl twisting their lips. "You know, most of us have a scheduled beauty sleep around this time." They call out, hands coming to their hips. Damn young bloods and their weird being-awake-during-the-day habits.

Re: CHEAP TRICK ;; 8/11 MEETING - MARKO ! - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — for more information on how marko is at times as oblivious as a really oblivious person (for example, michael), please look to how the undertaker didn't even notice a knife being stabbed straight through the hatch he was unaware he was standing on. if he had, he might've laughed or yelled or do... something, but he was busy looking to all two people who showed up—if only cat was there. no matter, he waved at the two and gave them a big ol' grin. "it's hella nice up hear, man!" he hollered to jikai, keeping his response to alex as just a giggle. he preferred to not give alex the reaction he wanted, it was more fun that way.

"ok! on to the things i wanna talk about, let's deal with the most boring-est thing first. alex—" he gave a tiny wave to the older vamp. "—i'm, uh, promoting you to the high-in-demand rank of slayer. would be higher, but i'm still keepin' an eye out on who exactly i should give the big deal names. might still end up bein' you, though," marko said. short, simple, and sweet, except it really wasn't any of those.

next thing, and this one he actually kinda had to keep more concise, considering it was a bit more complex than giving alex a big promotion to a semi-high position. "so, along with the positions and such, i wanna introduce a title system." he took a deep breath and pulled his notecard close. this was something he couldn't let himself struggle to read, even if he wrote it extremely sloppily for some reason. "for loyal dudes, i'm giving out the title of hound dog. for welcoming dudes, radio star. for the people who've really, like, learned the territory and have made an effort to expand our knowledge of it, or... something, wayward son." he paused a moment, to let those three sink in (and let carry on my wayward's son play in his head for a moment). "for the people who've really proven themselves on the battlefield, smooth criminal. for dudes who have helped immensely with the process of organizing things, barracuda. babes who do something important involving medical stuffs, sandman. kinda the opposite sorta thing than how the song goes and all, anyways, uhm... babes who chat it up and do stuff with the other groups 'round, freebird." he paused dramatically. "and, finally, for the babes, and dudes, and everyone else who does something that really impacts san creado, they get the title of killer queen." yes, he did name all of them after songs. the mixtape he was listening to was pretty fire.

with that out of the way, he had one more important thing to talk about before he could make his way back down. "alright, final whatever, the festival we're throwing! the fiesta, if you will! that's gonna be happenin' really, really soon. with some... suggestions, i have decided on a system to make this really fun!! there's gonna be a bingo system, where if you make a bingo, you'll get the title of hound dog, yeah? and then, there's also gonna be this rewards card thing that rialto mentioned to me once, but that i'm making actually, like, good, where if you finish everything by goin' to all these places you get the title of wayward son. cool? well, if you do both, then you get the title of barracuda, and i heard you might also get some prizes along with those titles!" he grinned. "that's all for now, i guess! alex, you can get your beauty sleep now."

in the time span of about two steps, marko tripped on the section of the knife that xenia had stabbed at him, and only barely caught himself from falling down the entire building. luckily, it did give him a view of cat, who he looked at in pure confusion before properly pulling himself back onto the bell tower's little landing area.

//TL;DR awex is pwomoted to slayer uwu
fiesta stuff is gonna happen!! a guide will be up soon describing it in detail
titles!! they exist now. heres the poppiest mixtape markos ever made
pure fire: