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where is my mind | introduction - Printable Version

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where is my mind | introduction - Orion - 08-11-2018

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Broad daylight shone in Maverick's eyes as his brown gaze stared up at the sky, narrowed eyes focused on the clouds. His feet dangled over the side a tall stool outside of the gala. Sighing, his palm reached out towards the sky. "Dearest, why aren't you a beauty today," he echoed softly. His other hand rested on his heart now as he leaned backwards in the chair, almost falling into the void below him, causing him to lean forward and let his wavy black bangs fold into his forehead. Legs kicking back and forth as he sat down, he suddenly leaped up from his chair and kicked it aside in a quick decision to leave the area. He began to roam the tents, getting ready to spew the gossip. After all, today was a big day. Today was the day the others arrived to his domain. Some folks from unnecessary groups, San Creado and the Morgan Heights they were called, were about to appear on his doorstep and demand that he kneeled into their subjection. The Madddened Maverick thought otherwise. After all, he was the Ringmaster for a reason. With a quick whipping into shape, these groups would learn their lesson that they did not run things around these parts. The Beserkers did. Just like he did with his former colleges, they would be taught that frowning upon them and controlling their every move would be their mistake. May they be damned.

For those unfamiliar, Maverick had a despicable distaste for what he'd call 'bullying'. Even the wrong look would set him off, causing him to sporadically grow suspicious of their truest intents. Enemies were all around. Who could he truly trust these days anyways? Now if he couldn't even trust his own former carnies who practically raised him, why would he trust some mere strangers who happened to be apart of his group of misfits? Simply, those 'strangers' only longed for a leader. Someone chaotic and willing to take the next step in the plan... willing to betray at any moment for his own benefit. So how could Maverick trust someone because they leeched off of him? Without him, this group wouldn't survive a day alone. Even so, he was quite talkative to the right people at the right time if they caught him in a polite mindset. Otherwise, things would go downhill.

With fingers tapping on his thighs frantically as he walked, Maverick made his way down the field's overgrowth and came around the tents looking for something to do. While he did have a meeting in mind, he'd figure that checking on things would be better for the time. As he searched, his gaze shifted aperiodically throughout the area with eyes wide and searching every little detail. The leeches (posse) needed his attention... and he needed to know every little about them, but nothing about him.

Someone from the outside may recognize him and his actionsand think he was rather odd, but after all, they were all a little different here. That's what the Berserkers was all about.

Re: where is my mind | introduction - tequila - 08-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"][ ooc ] i'm, uh, going to say that tequila was here all along uwu

There was the usual eerie hum which decimated any chance at silence, weaving carefully along the sides of the tent and murmuring unintelligible whispers. The atmosphere was laid out to be one of tension but a kind of tension that was mutually accepted, understood by the hearts of the people who lived by here. People. He thought he called them 'people' for a moment. Some who knew the nature of their mad driven souls didn't view The Berserkers as 'people'. No, they were hooligans by their very nature - barbaric, savage, crazed. And yet humans still came crawling in, one after the other like maggots chasing after flesh all desiring to come and watch their show, their show filled with acrobatics and fools. One of these 'maggots', of course, was Tequila who proclaimed himself as a magician. At this moment, the adolescent boy is now poking his head out of the comfort of his tent, yawning as he carefully rubs his face with both hands. He was a circus freak with a mediocre backstory: a child who ran away to join the circus merely because he liked the unified choir of cheers that came along with it. The gasps, the screams, the cries. He was addicted to the feeling of it, the adrenaline which showed through beads of sweat. It was one of the reasons that throughout the years of his life, Tequila simply accepted the changes, the coming of a harsh rule. He often went with the flow, not caring too much about where life took him. The excitement was all he needed because life, as he had come to realise, was quite a boring thing.

His nose twitches like a rabbit's, the seventeen-year-old sniffing the air to catch the whiff of their most 'Marvelous' Maverick - the M&M, as he liked to jokingly call him. Tequila could almost relate to Mavericks sense of paranoia towards others but Tequila's distrust simply stemmed from his horrible personality. He was social, sure, and enjoyed crafting himself to be as charming as possible but his exterior led him to become suspicious of the ones around him. He paid attention to voices a lot, the way people inflected certain sounds, fidgeted with the fabric of their clothes. Sometimes it was clear to him that they were lying to him so Tequila, in experience of dealing with both liars and his dishonest personality, has come to assume that everyone was the same. Wretched, lying creatures who crawled on top of others for salvation. Hah. He smooths the material of his gloves, straightening them so that they better fit around his wrists before walking out with a sweeping motion. The bells hanging off his ears have already begun chiming, waves of noise bouncing hopelessly off objects and persons. Tequila habitually takes a deep breath in, filling his lungs with air before releasing a harsh but calm exhale.

He has almost too much energy when his steps resemble that of springs, the soles of his feet reverberating against the ground. Tremors alert him of Maverick's coordinates, the ringing of his bells give Tequila just enough of an idea what the Ringmaster might be doing. His movements were...inquisitive, like there was some decision to be made...or of boredom. It was usually one of those two whenever Tequila came and asked what was going on. "G'morning!" Tequila finally calls, but then quickly retracts with a small giggle, "Or good afternoon." He's genuinely unsure of what time it is, raising his head as if taking a look at where the sun was positioned. He bites his bottom lip. No answers come to him when he decides to move on as he can never really tell what time it is. "Ah, doesn't matter." Tequila offers a signature smile. "I hear San Creado also happens to have a big Ferris Wheel. And a pineapple - a big, big pineapple." News of any tourist venue came by fast, especially considering how much Tequila loved to stay up to date with what was happening in the world. That being said, it was very much likely that Maverick had already heard such news. "Are you busy today? I can lend a hand if need be."

Re: where is my mind | introduction - Character Graveyard. - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]This was certainly a fun place to live. With the tents, the Ferris wheel and the gala. Plus the name of the group sounded nice when it rolled off her tongue- the Berserkers. A strong name for a strong group, though she didn't meet anyone just yet that came off as strong in any sort of manner to her. So, here Harleen was. Walking around and looking for other people to interact with.

Blonde, pink and blue hair fell over the woman's shoulders as she pulled it down from a ponytail. Lips colored ruby-red would form into a genuine smile and blue-eyes would blink as Harleen approached Maverick and Tequila. She'd been here for a few days and she was already having a ton of fun in this place. But, it would be more fun if Mr. J was here with her. But it was just her, good ol' Harleen Quinzel. The woman would come to a halt beside Tequila and she would offer a wink in Maverick's direction before speaking. "Hello boys! How have your days been going so far?" Then for a brief moment, she would pause before introducing herself. "I'm Harleen Quinzel if you were wondering."

Re: where is my mind | introduction - Orion - 08-13-2018

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Dark eyes shifted in the direction of Tequila, his jaw clenching at the site of him. The younger male reminded him of times he chose to forget, hence his misdirection about the male's friendliness. Even so, he paused in his steps at his arrival, only to listen to his words of supposed polite wisdom. "Morning, Tequila," he hummed lowly. 'Does it really matter what time of day it was?' His mouth twisted into a slight frown. Maverick wanted someone new to approach him, not a familiar, but there was always more time to do more digging on this teenage dirtbag. Tequila was a long time member of The Berserkers. Even so, he was not quick to trust and had held the child at an arm's length, but instead tried to manipulate him as much as he could. The more on his side, the better.

A furrowed brown rose at the mention of San Creado. "Too ironic for my tastes," the Ringleader continued. With their arrival seemed to also bring their downfall if they were outnumbered, but he was excited to see some new competition around these parts. Now if only their leader and him could chat. Then there would be something interesting about the two groups. Would they be great enemies or strong allies against Morgan Heights? With time he would find out. For now, he was going to have a distaste for their group. "I heard they've got plenty of mystic freaks there though," he pointed out optimistically. Perhaps they could snatch a few resources or newer members there if they ever felt left out. Morgan Heights seemed normal compared to them sadly. Oh well... There was always next time.

With that thrown aside, Maverick spoke without thinking. "I'm afraid there isn't much to do, really," he commented. Truly there were plenty of things to do that he didn't think of, but for now he was focused on a single thing rather than multiple. "All we have to do is wait for their arrival or prepare to go to their homes, depending on the mood." More like depending on his impatience.

Finally, a new face in this lonely world. His eyes drifted over to the strange woman, staring at her hair for a moment, only to meet her eyes milliseconds later. Too much staring... "It's a pleasure, dearest Harleen," he reminisced. "I assume you know me as Maverick already." At least he hoped so.

Re: where is my mind | introduction - tequila - 08-14-2018

He's not fazed by any feeling of distaste towards him. Tequila, after all, was a bad user of reaction formation and often projected what he thought into the actions of others. Any unnecessary friendliness led the boy to become suspicious because he too would take the opportunity to swoon any person if he had to chance. Nevertheless, he found himself tugging at his clothes with a plastered smile upon his lips, pressed in a way that didn't hurt his cheeks when he held the expression for so long. Too ironic! the man says and his eyeless face centres properly on the ringmaster. Mystic freaks! He feels he'd fit right in. Though he has heard about vampires and werewolves to be only in story, Tequila's own abilities were shown by his unsettling ability to navigate. Anyone who stayed long enough would realise that the long fringe which stopped just before the pointed tip of his nose was merely hiding bandages which coiled around his head like that of a snake. It was possible that Tequila merely had eyes somewhere else but many had settled that the bell-ringing male was blind - why else would he sometimes become confused when asked to pick colour from colour?

He notices just how much he's begun fiddling with the frills of his clothes when a woman interrupts their 'conversation'. He merely pauses, noticing how much the ground had tremored against the sensitive soles of his feet before she had even spoken. Tequila wasn't paying attention so it seems. But then, furrowing his brows, he replays what 'Harleen Quinzel' had just said to them. She, rather cheekily, called them both boys. It was at this point that Tequila supposes that it was always the crazy ones who seemed to know the truth. Joining The Beserkers always meant you were crazy. He doesn't see why any sane person would want to join. "Jean-Jacques, but I'm most commonly called Tequila," the feminine boy replies, twiddling with the ends of his hair. He was leaving an air of mystery towards his nickname - it didn't have any particular correlation to his supposed real name after all. Still, Tequila moves on to the next part of Harleen's question, blushing a little when he turns around to 'face' her. "The days have been quiet, and a bit tense. But I'm most glad to meet you, Miss Quinzel. Did you come from far to join us?" His successive lines were like that of a child, coming one after the other.

Re: where is my mind | introduction - Orion - 08-18-2018

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//I believe Harleen was dropped.