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I CAN'T QUIT YOU BABY :: open, roaming - Printable Version

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I CAN'T QUIT YOU BABY :: open, roaming - Zjarr - 08-11-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Zjarr had made his greatest attempt to shift his attention from sheer bitterness and self-loathing to something productive, something he and perhaps those around him could utilize. And this attempt was, shockingly, a successful one, for once. In this great leap he turned to the forge once more, spending his days locked within the seemingly endless and sprawling corridors of the Ascendants' observatory. The walls of his quarters lay bare and freezing to the touch of skin, yet he seemed to not be bothered by it—the flames of the forge kept him warm, as well as his natural layers of fur which he owed tremendous gratitude to. For once he was pleased with himself, pleased with what he still had and not what he longed for. It still tore his black heart into little pieces, but at the very least, he could not drown in his sorrows, and especially not at the mercy of the bottle. Rarely could the cyborg wolf be spotted without some sort of weapon being experimented upon or improved or sharpened or even simply admired. Rarely could the cyborg wolf even be spotted at all.

To put it lightly, he had gotten himself caught up in blacksmithing, denying himself the simple pleasures of suitable nourishment or the drowsy ecstasy of a rewarding slumber, or even the benefit of social interaction with those around him. Generally he could be sociable, extroverted even, but in this instant he bore no desire to meet with those that made up his neighborhood. Occasionally the demon would poke his head out in the search of a quick meal or to bring up some easygoing inquiry to some ongoing passerby. 'ey, what's the time? Day 'r night? Am I causin' a ruckus? And yet he was utterly oblivious to the icy hell that he would return to once he decided to call it quits and hang up his smithing tools and blades for the time being.

Out from the dank darkness emerged the unkempt form of Zjarr Ignibus, his fur a mottled mass that clung to his skin and seemed to hang from his frame. Though a generally physically impressive beast for his species, it was obvious that he had malnourished himself in the time he spent away from the light. His frame was noticeably thinner than it was, and muscles would barely ripple beneath his sunset pelt in place of the rolling waves that he bore earlier.

Most noticeably, the more he walked down the corridors, the more terrified and panicked and agitated the unholy monster grew.

His unnaturally heterochromatic hues flashed back and forth, rapid and shallow breaths erupting from his maw as his tongue lolled out slightly. Hushed whispers blessed (or perhaps cursed?) Zjarr's ears, and perhaps he would realize he was better off in the dark than to learn of his entrapment, their entrapment. They were stuck here, locked inside the Observatory. And the rest? Locked outside. Abruptly the endless snaking corridors felt like mere rabbit tunnels, growing tighter and tighter and threatening to strangle and collapse upon the wolf. He gritted his teeth together and kept moving.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: I CAN'T QUIT YOU BABY :: open, roaming - BASTILLEPAW - 08-12-2018

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[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille was slowly tiring of being trapped inside with seemingly no means of escape, all of their attempts at seeking something out within the control room or generator falling flat. They had food to last a few more days at best, but freshly killed prey animals went bad too quickly to be trusting the meat now; it would likely be inedible before it actually ran out, and Bast had discovered in frustration that he could not conjure from outdoors for some reason. Just as he could not teleport out, it seemed he could not bring anything in. Annoying, that.

He was keeping the restlessness out of his bones as best he could, settling for "patrolling" the Observatory. It was silly and he felt a bit ridiculous running rounds like so, but he needed something to do, and he was less inclined to just sit around puzzling ways out all day endlessly. So, he was currently on one of his makeshift patrols when he stumbled upon Zjarr, eyeing the guy idly. Bast had never been quite as hostile as everyone else over the whole Pele issue, and he would admit it was easier to forget about the tension when the elder seemed to hole up in his room so much.

[b]"Yo," he greeted, neutral, having not much to say to him. They weren't exactly close friends or even vaguely acquainted, aside from sharing some concern for Pele. "What're you doing?" he settled for, as opposed to inquiring into how he was. Bast could feel the tension and vague anxiety rolling off of him.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: I CAN'T QUIT YOU BABY :: open, roaming - Zjarr - 08-13-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Zjarr hated to admit it, but he could very much consider himself a claustrophobic in quite a few cases, and this whole "stuck in the Observatory with no way out and food rations running low" bullshit especially alarmed him. He was content with wide open spaces or maybe some tight quarters with exits, but this shit? It heightened his anxiety, increased his risk of panic attacks, made him overly finicky and apprehensive. He could hold himself together in similar situations, sure. But in this case there really was no way out. At least, not one that could be easily seen. He didn't know the Observatory that well, frankly, and didn't know all about the mechanisms of it. He was likely the least helpful fellow trapped in this situation.

A vaguely familiar voice echoed in his eardrums, and the cyborg wolf froze in his tracks, reluctantly glancing over his broad shoulders to see the form of the Astral Seraph appear. Hmm, only Bastille. The demon didn't have any explicit emotions or thoughts about the fellow—he was a leader, he was trying to aid the situation, and he welcomed Zjarr like any other newcomer, unlike a great handful of people who took an instant disliking to him at first upon learning who he was and what he had done. That was...respectful. Yeah, maybe. He didn't really know the guy that well.

"Oh. Hey there, Bast," the canine murmured wearily, nodding his head in the feline's direction in acknowledgment. "I was, erm, walkin'. More like pacin', I guess, heh," he added with a brief, visibly nervous chuckle that somehow managed to escape past his lips. "Used to take walks to calm me down. Can't really do that now, so this is the closest thing, really. Hope I'm not disturbin' anyone with it, though." A subtle frown rested upon his maw as he eyed the other male curiously, and he felt the slightest of sympathy for the fellow. Bast was a leader, and naturally, people would feel the need to depend on him in these uncertain times. It was a horribly stressful task, a duty Zjarr had shared as the sovereign of his own group once. Well, it wasn't really mine. I took over it. But y'get the gist. "Y'holdin' up well, man? Reckon just 'bout everyone here either feels like shit or like they'd shit bricks." Panic and anger. A fun duo.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: I CAN'T QUIT YOU BABY :: open, roaming - Seina - 08-13-2018

[Image: __by_mamasaurus-dc7dgwz.png]
Inu was one of those how not took it very well to be locked inside of here. It was not only because of how he not liked to be trapped in places as well with hating the darkness but it was casuing problems for him when it come to his hunger. Since being trapped in here hadn't been eating for days, not even before the lock down had really eaten properly. Living on the blood from preys was not really a good diet for a vampire with a predator origin. It helpt to cure the hunger for a short time but never could he be as strong like he would have been if feeding of predators instead. But that was just an impossible task for him to do. Just having to kill a helpless prey was bad enough to have this feelings of guilt that never seemed to go away. He really hated what he was wishing there was a way to cure himself from this nightmare.

Having sticked to himself, something he tried to do through this whole situation had also been pacing around aimlessly just to get his head of other things, to get the time to keep on going. No one seemed to know how to get themself out from here and Inu was not even sure what those on the outside even was doing. Shouldn't they have come up with an solution by now?. For how much longer were they going to be stuck inside of here?. If he not got out soon his worst fear would become a reality. To lose it and attack anyone how happend to have the unfortunate luck to step in his way, or he might even get killed. Did his immortality work just like the real him did?. Inu had never tried that teori out, not really wanting to either. It might even be possible he would just disappear into nothingness like he had been meant to do.

Sighing, the vampire hadn't spoted the two at first until he almost bumped into one of them, not knowing who it was but it had not been Bastilleprisoner. Blinking would catch himself just in time to take severly steps back while his mismatched orbs glanced up at the possible bigger canine. Feeling his cheeks heat up out of embarassment to almost having walked into this one felt very flustered. " Gomenasai." he mumbled in japanese, trying to apologize for his own mistake he almost had done. Shifting his wings a bit nervousely decided the distant between the three of them would work fine for now so he smiled sheepishly at the two since he had no clue about thier conversation or rather what he had interupted about.