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Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - Printable Version

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Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - Daunte - 04-02-2018

The ashes fell like snow
Daunte — Male — The Ascendants — Observer — Very Difficult
The rush of air being forced to the ground against it's will sounded throughout the plains, the grass rippling from the gales of wind being created by large draconic wings. With an earth shattering impact the prismatic dragon landed on the ground, folding his wings in comfortably a moment later. While the beast's scent wasn't particularly impressive, the territorial markings were unmistakable. That was the reason for them after all. If they were easy to miss, especially for the more dangerous creatures the group wished to keep out, it would entirely defeat the purpose to begin with.

Truthfully Daunte wasn't sure if he'd fit in with a group like the Ascendants. It was a peaceful group that, to his knowledge, rarely engaged others in open combat. For someone like the crystalline scaled dragon he wasn't sure if pacifism would fulfill him. The male thrived in the thick of battle, but he'd always done so with a firm reason in mind. Even the Ascendants, in their life of blissful peace, were not out of reach of more sinister plots. Perhaps it would be individuals like the colossal dragon that would stand steadfast in their defense.

Of course though, the winged beast hadn't come to fight for the star gazing clan purely out of the goodness of his heart even if that was part of it. No, Daunte needed a cause. Nay, a distraction. The male wanted people he could throw his life away in defense of to prove to himself that he really was worth something after all. Try as he might, despite everything he was capable of, it never seemed to be enough. It had to change. Something had to change. And so here he found himself, on the metaphorical doorstep of the Ascendants.

The jagged dragon took a few steps forward, took in a large amount of air, then released a reverberating roar to alert anyone within earshot. He imagined that given the decibel level of the noise there would be at least a few alarmed members of the peacful group rushing to the defense of their friends and family. Today though there would be no fight required, instead an ally awaiting himself to be put to work for decidedly selfishly shallow reasons.

Re: Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - Character Graveyard. - 04-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had been nearby when the dragon had landed and shook the ground. She stumbled over for a brief moment, taking a deep breath before she got to her feet. The female shuddered before she stood up straight. Luna attempted to lock eyes with Daunte as he roared. She wasn't scared, she was just ready to attempt to defend her Clan if it was necessary but it didn't seem like this big guy was a threat.

"You're in The Ascendants' territory." She said. "I'm Lunafreya. Are you here to visit or are you here to join?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - ghostpact - 04-02-2018

this young boy is a problem you should call it in ! - tags
Immortal didn't need a roar to be alerted to the thing's precense. The serval was on his regular patrol, wondering if it was just going to be a boring day or if he'd meet anyone new at the border asking to join their small clan. He was beginning to think it was a fruitless adventure and went to turn back to the Observatory, ready to call it a day and rest because he'd been up late the night before pulling his (epic) prank. Then the ground shook and he immediately crouched low to the ground, ears twitching back and forth wildly before pinning against his head. He'd assumed it was an earthquak at first, but quickly realized that was not the case. He looked over his shoulder carefully and immediately his jaw dropped. This was far better than the raptors. So much better. His heartrate kicked up and he only hesitated when the thing let out a beastly roar. God, that hurt his ears. And it was awesome. "Holy. Shit. He bounded across the field, skidding to a halt beside Luna. There was no way he'd be able to do anything against the dragon had he been there to attack. He hoped not. The dude could obliterate everything and that wouldn't be fun. Immortal could come back (duh), but he wasn't sure about his new friends and he wouldn't attempt it, but he'd hate to see them go so soon. "Please be here to join.." he muttered. "Yeah, Ascendants land here! I'm Immortalhd Marchant, but my friends call me HD."

Re: Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - Daunte - 04-02-2018

The ashes fell like snow
Daunte — Male — The Ascendants — Observer — Very Difficult
The dragon's head swiveled to land on the small form of Lunafreya, lowering his head in a bow that ended up looking a little more menacing than he otherwise would have intended, but luckily the female seemed quite fearless. Whether that was due to naivety or sheer bravery Daunte wasn't sure, but he was nonetheless impressed with her stalwart nature. Considering the kind of clan the Ascendants were it was likely a good think that they had individuals like the brave girl to stand up to would-be threats.

"I'm well aware of where I am," the dragon snorted in a huff, a little bit of annoyance in his voice from the rather obvious introduction, but he pushed it no further. It was likely part of her job defending the border and what not so he wouldn't place the blame upon her. "But it's a pleasure to meet you miss Lunafreya," the dragon continued, tone returning to a more pleasant demeanor now that they'd moved to introductions. Before he introduced himself the arrival of another one of the clan's members appeared, the crystalline beast slowly moving his head to lay his purple-gold eyes upon the feline.

"And to you as well Immortalhd. My name is Daunte Nakriin, but call me as you may," the winged creature introduced, giving a flex of his massive wings for a moment as he did so. He'd flown quite the ways figuring the travel to be much faster that way, but it was decidedly exhausting. "Indeed, though obvious by my lack of aggression I imagine, I've come to join this place," the crystalline scaled dragon affirmed, eyes that echoed with intelligence analyzing the pair that had arrived. Not because they were a potential threat, but because they would be future allies of his. It was imporant to know who it was you'd be willing to die for after all.

Re: Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - Character Graveyard. - 04-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
He was a joiner- that information made Luna relax and her hunched shoulders lowered. "Nice to meet you, Daunte and welcome to The Ascendants." The snowy female said, her blue eyes still focused on the large winged-reptile. "I assume you'll be fine on your own while taking a look around unless you'd prefer to be shown around by another?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: Piercing the Sky with Scarlet Vengeance // Open, Joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-04-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
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Bastillepaw had never intended to join such a peaceful Clan. Really, he'd never intended to join any Clan -- he'd hated his mother's and left as soon as he was old enough to leave without them fretting over his health. He had always been staunchly convinced that group living simply was not for someone like him -- someone twisted and damned and destined for failure. None of his past lives had done well with groups, or found a sense of family among them; none of them had quite fit in. Echo perhaps had come the closest, though he had in the end revealed his true colors -- he didn't care for the Tribe, he cared only for their leader, and once she was gone he left with her. Pollutedsoul had always been an outcast, on the outskirts, so eager to be involved and loved and apart of his Clan but always excluded. Royalty, his family had been -- but he'd still be nothing. And Zaniel was... well, different. An odd kid, and an odder adult; bitter and angry and not one to make nice with his family or their home.

And yet, here he was. A few weeks into joining the Ascendants, Bastille had yet to leave. He felt a stir crazy almost daily, trembling with too much energy, but he wasn't so sure that was for lack of fighting but rather because of his souls acting up. Still, though -- he did miss combat, and he missed the chance to take his aggression and energy out on someone. The Ascendants had yet to so much as be threatened by others, frankly. Even if he wanted to go after an enemy, Bast didn't have anyone to target. It was... fine, he supposed. He didn't exactly want to see his home attacked or his Clanmates injured, but it might be nice to get some action every fuckin' once in a while. (Surely Starry would let them defend themselves, right? That didn't go against pacifism.)

As he arrived at the border, he looked unbothered by the hulking presence of the dragon. Bastille was not easily intimidated, either because he knew he could hold his own or because he simply did not care for his personal safety -- it was hard to tell. As it was, his two favorite Clanmates were facing off against this dragon, and he would make sure nothing went wrong. (Luckily, it seemed to be another joining session, anyway.)

"Welcome, then," he said with a nod, catching the last bit of conversation. This foreigner seemed polite enough, and had done nothing to disrespect his mentor. That was good enough for Bast. "I'm Bastille," he supplied idly, before drawling, "We have maps stationed in the center of the Observatory for reference, if you're going to explore on your own." He eyed the dragon's frame, as if silently calculating if he would fit indoors. The Observatory was pretty large, but was it tall enough? Were the hallways wide enough?

Huh. Maybe he should start an extension project, developing some form of attached structure for their... larger members.