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GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - Printable Version

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GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - bubblegum - 08-11-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
should the girl be moving around right now? no, probably not. was she going to anyway? oh, absolutely. but, it's alright. it was for a little activity that wasn't too physically demanding. an activity everyone would hopefully be able to enjoy!

with everything that's going on, she honestly needed something to hopefully unwind. a kite was an easy, nice thing to make. although perhaps that was selfish of her to do it for herself, so she decided to share it with everyone else, and prepared an abundance of kites of various shapes, colors, and sizes. she even got some paint out in case they wanted to decorate their own.

the young girl set them out along a few towels along the beach, having lynn help her carry the supplies as she hobbled over everything. goldie's hind legs dragged behind her as she moved, and shook with each step. the injured girl leaned heavily on her walking stick she'd acquired and basically could only move because of it.

goldenluxury, after finishing her set up, would grab a small, blue kite that she'd painted a yellow sun on and begin to fly it. "c-come over hh-here i-if you'd l-like to decor-rate and fl-fly ss-some kites!"

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - eobshin - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia;"]♡ — Eobshin still had no idea what any of the big animals around her were saying most of the time, but she did know that when someone was talking loudly, they probably had something cool to offer. Maybe even food! Hopefully food.

Slithering forward, the baby ball python moved over toward one of Goldie's paws, only stopping when she was just a breath away from rubbing against her. Once there, she just stared up at her, head tilted. Her gaze traveled up the string that she was holding, landing on something batting around in the wind. Suddenly even more interested, she held her head up a little higher, neck stretching out to get a better look at what was happening. A smile crossed her face, and she seemed entertained enough just watching the weird sky thing.

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Decorating and kites. Those two things was not something Caesar was particularly fond of, and yet the demon was here at Goldenluxury's call. Caesar came after Eobshin arrived, a sour look on his face - although said look was normal. "What's the point in this?" Ah, yes, Caesar being a typical grump ass about events. The day he wasn't an ass about something was the day he died, or got sick. Whichever came first.

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"I'll sit out on this one, but I'd love to help out anyone" the great drake rumbled as he meandered over, somewhat hovering when Goldie was dragging herself around - and still he hated whoever had done this to the poor girl.

/low muse oof


Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - bubblegum - 08-14-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie's eyes drifted to her own kite as she waited for others to arrive, her legs shaking. the injured girl sat quietly, sighing silently before shifting her attention as a little python approached first. she perked her ears slightly, curious as to who this was - if anyone. she didn't say anything, instead watching the other and smiling as she noticed the smile on her face.

she grew distracted, though, as caesar arrived. her smile faded. she did not like the male at all, and she certainly didn't appreciate him seeing her in this state. she knew that she was weak - he didn't need to tell her. she twitched her ear at his words, rolling her eyes. "t-to have a l-lil' fun, caesar. i g-guess you're j-just not cre-creative enough to en-enjoy it." she said simply before looking away as lucifer approached, simply nodding to his words.

"if anyb-body wants m-me to hh-help decor-rate their kite, i-i can."

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - VANDAL R. - 08-14-2018

The Typhoon... definitely needs something calm and easy to busy themselves with. She knows things have been too scary rough, too tragic complicated recently, and flying kites sounds like something that's neither.

She sees the small blue and yellow kite in the sky and makes her cautious approach, limping on three limbs and wincing whenever she tries to put some weight on the injured fourth. It's nowhere near healing yet, but she figures she should at least try to walk as normally as she could. By the time she reaches the little group, her sides are already pushing forward, pulling back, panting as she tries to catch her desperate breath. Seeing the ball python next to her niece, though, definitely makes up for the struggle of getting there.

Vandal flicks her ear in greeting towards Lucifer and Caesar, passing by them to stand next to Eobshin. She can see the small snake trying to get a better view, and the mutated maned wolf quickly lowers her head. She's figured the python can't understand what's being said yet, and instead waves her talon lightly to catch Eobshin's attention, then quickly points to her own muzzle, asking if she would like to hitch a ride.

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - Verdigris - 08-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper had wondered what a "kite" was when Pincher had mentioned the event earlier that day. It sounded like an arts-and-crafts sort of thing, but he had also said something about putting the objects up in the air. The air was for birds and some types of insects (and Argus, he supposed), who could come down whenever they wanted; if an object blew away, it was unlikely to ever come back. There had to be something more to this than just letting the object fly away.

  Once he arrived on the shore, though, he could see that Gold's "kite" had a string attached to it, holding it at a reasonable distance. What a weird contraption. Twitching his tail, he took a yellow kite and attempted to unroll the string. As the string finally unraveled to its full length, he glanced down at the kite, raising a brow. The question was how to get it to actually fly. With a firm nod, he started dragging the handle back, hoping that the wind would catch the kite and lift it up. Nothing seemed to be happening yet, but maybe a sudden gust would tug it into the air.

  Or not, he reflected with a wince as his back slammed into a tree. Pulling away from the wood, he stopped in front of the still-grounded kite and stared at it, thinking. He could figure this out on his own, he didn't need to ask for help- something would come to him eventually.

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - goodsprings - 08-15-2018

naturally, captainpaw was lured in with the sight of a kite flying above the the others while he was along, and eagerly joined the rest of the crew. the calico quite obnoxiously padded in between caesar's legs, then walked closer to look over the kites. he took one that was shaped as an average diamond shape. the outline was in blue, with black stripes over white paint. the streamers that fitted the end of the kite matched the color scheme as well.

"um, i never used one before. wanna teach me?" he turned back to hold his kite up to caesar, looking at the officer with a smile.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - MARCELLUS - 08-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Never had he done things like kite flying before he was taken from his family and friends but he was definitely eager to try it. The only problem was the writing portion, or drawing rather. He could barely write so he wasn't sure how drawing would work out for him. The cheetah wasn't particularly planning to do anything today as he was still recovering his throat from the burning of tea and of course, recovering from being sick for an entire month. But why the hell not? When he saw the event in the distance he had been limping down Barracuda Bay as a little walk to exercise his stiffening joints, paws sinking in the heated and warm sand and his eyes showing nothing more than boredom. He couldn't run since he lost breath way too quickly and he couldn't do much anything else due to being sick, not wanting to infect the entire population of the Typhoon. Though, it would definitely give their enemies a good chance to one up them and an advantage as well, if the entire population of the Typhoon did become sick. Luckily for Typhoon he had no plans to infect everyone as if he were the plague.

The king cheetah lifted his head to see a kite flying in the sky and instantly he was intrigued by the site, the male padding over to the scene and giving a flick of his tail in greeting. He didn't want to strain his voice too much so that it could heal, and especially right now he definitely needed that silence to let it heal. The male looked over to one of the darker shaded red kites lied on the ground and he picked one up in his jaws as delicately as he could manage, moving over to the other side of the event site. The one he had grabbed was the shade of a stereotypical kite but it had been in the shape of a heart. The male turned his head and grabbed a small tipped paint brush in his jaws, dipping it into light pink paint and bring it back out to smear it on his kite. What he was trying to draw originally was a lollipop but it ended up looking more like a disfigured animal. Lifting his head up to see his work, Marcel frowned, his face full of nothing but frustration.

What was he doing wrong?

He dipped his brush in the water to clear it off before moving it to the white paint and bringing it back out, basically jabbing it right onto the kite and trying to draw a straight line right below he pink blob. Instead of drawing a regular straight line he ended up making an entire and immensely large "L", the king cheetah growing even more frustrated which was beginning to tempt him into just giving up at that point. Marcellus took a deep breath and dropped the paint brush to the ground, deciding to just stop there and fly it as is. He grabbed the handle of the kit with his paws and watched as the wind began to pick his kite up, the large red colored kite with a big pink blob on it and a white L flying in the sky. Out of everyone else his kite probably took the cake for the worst one.

Re: GOOD DAY THAT IS MY NAME / kites - the trash man - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]hearing the voice of her cousin ring out, linux pricked their pink-hued ears to tune in to what golden had to say; gathering something about kites and decoration. ooh! that sounded fun. linux immediately gathered their paws from underneath them, carefully closing the gaming "thing" that they loved to play with it's funny folding mechanic and touchscreen and made their way back to their room to gather all the child wished to use for their decorating.

out came the kitten again, now dragging along the weight of a woven basket filled to the brim with stickers, stolen and not. they were all pastel shades under the sun and sickeningly embossed with glitter of every kind. some nameless brand of glue was chucked in there for good measure as well, for some of the stickers were now at their second or even fourth use and the backs had that kind of furry texture to it that only really worn out stickers possessed. "i think.. i think i'm ready!" the child's proclamation came between bated breaths, tired under all the weight of all the crafting supplies the milky-white kitten had brought along. snow coloured legs shaking under all the materials.