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DYING IN LA / o, visitor - Printable Version

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DYING IN LA / o, visitor - COSMIIX - 08-11-2018

From what he heard last in Snowbound, Jacob had left and went to the Typhoon. He was still unsure why but he didn't seem to think all that much about it as the mutt stayed at the border with his ears twitching, no scent clung to him specifically but he had recently obtained a few new wounds that were scattered on his body and some of these said injuries were still bleeding though the canine had made sure that he had bandaged them up well enough. He hadn't settled anywhere yet but he was planning to do it at some point but for now the former leader would take a seat wincing slightly at his wounds. His ears twitched slightly as he let out a soft sigh, it wasn't every day or night for that matter, you ran and got nearly slaughtered by a bear. He didn't know how far behind his travelling buddy was though the thought of finding Steve made his stupid curled tail wiggle to the sides. It reminded him of how the two had come across Snowbound but it was much more different than the first time, the sand underneath his paws made him feel quite warm on the inside and didn't seem to mind the grains of sand that got stuck between his toes.

So maybe being reunited by a grizzly bear isn't the most romantic but hey, Stark found his missing piece and finally silenced most of his reoccurring nightmares. The dog would wait there at the border with a twitch of his ears, the both of them had taken on different appearances. Hopefully, his reactor was enough to give away who he was. Steve would with his blond beach hunk appearance should be plenty of a giveaway as well.

/ wait until Holmes posts

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Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - steve rogers - 08-11-2018

It truly was some form of twisted fate that kept bringing Stark and Steve colliding into eachother. It was painful in some sense but Steve would much rather be with Stark than without him. Life just seemed better that way. After reuniting over running away from a bear, this seemed much more mundane in its place. Yet the normal-ness of it served as a reminder to the golden canine that life could be normal. Perhaps it could be normal for him too, for them. It was a small hope that Steve would harbor likely for the rest of his existence.

Shaking his head to clear himself from his cobweb thoughts, the blue eyed golden retriever would wag his tail gently once. He consistently had to remind himself that this was indeed real, that he was home. Steve padded closer to Stark, his blue eyes would graze over the wolfdog before he took a seat. Everything was still swirling within his mind, he felt like a damn snowglobe. The male could only hope that his thoughts would settle soon, or eventually. Shooting an unsure glance over towards Stark, Steven blinked his baby blue orbs.

"You're sure they won't mind us visiting?" He really hoped not, Steve hadn't seen Jacob since  he had up and left, guilt ate away at the male the more he thought about it. Wagging his tail once, the retriever would let out a low sigh.


Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - goodsprings - 08-12-2018

it surely was not often that captainpaw was near the borders. the striker was normally, if not always, in the middle of barracuda bay with some sort of mischief going on. whether it be at the capricorn tavern or simply doing miscellaneous activities with his sister and friends; the border never occurred to the striker to check up on. he was always under the false impression that the typhoon would always be safe. always be impenetrable and there wouldn't be a day he would have to be worried about someone invading that space with bad intention.

how quickly that would change, one day.

today was not such one, though. cap had been close enough to the border out of sheer chance that he had roamed far enough in his aimless wanderings. this was a part of the territory he had not dug his heart out to find treasure or lost trinkets. though it appeared he would find two outsiders, waiting ever so patiently for one of his crewmates to appear.

"hiya!" the calico tom greeted with a cheerful purr, tail curling over his back as he looked between the two unfamiliar figures. he had never been to snowbound before, the last interaction he had with someone from there was with the fellow that had brought supplies after pincher had that important talk with atbash. they seemed much more friendlier though. at least, not grimacing or looking like someone had hooked away their meal that morning.

"is there something i can help you with? i'm captainpaw, a striker here. and you are?"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - no more - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Her experience with the Bounders had been one of blood and pain, watching as one of their members had been tormented for no reason beyond the enjoyment of seeing another in pain. The child had left the scene quickly, queasy at the sight of blood though by some ironic twist of fate her work was with injuries and making sure blood stayed within the body, her next the tense interaction between the one who had given them supplies as a peace offering. As for her father – or, well, father-in-law – she had heard nothing of his connection to Snowbound nor his status as their former leader, such had escaped her.

It had become oddly common to find Aita wandering close to the tracks as though she was simply waiting for someone or thing to approach, though what even she might never speak of for she had no real clue what drew her back, simply following her whims where ever they may take her. No different was this day as the darkly toned bengal found her steps drawn once more to the stone gate, a gentle hum parting her lips, though this time she held a purpose. Hitting her side with each step her satchel was partially filled with a mixture of various herbs found within this part of the island and she sought some common to the railroad but no other place, only to find her progress was impeded.

“Don't mind as long as ya got somefin ya need an ain't an enemy,” the sage spoke with a sharp tone as she came to stop by Captainpaw, gaze flicking between the two strange canines, curious as to what their purpose was.

Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Snowbound was an enemy. Caesar thought bitterly to himself as he made his way over, hearing Aita's comment as he arrived. The demon stood next to his granddaughter, his black eyes narrowed at the visitors on their land. He didn't seem to look too pleased about their presence, but of course, he couldn't exactly chase them off unless they were being hostile. That was unfortunate, in his eyes, because that's what he wanted to do.

Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - COSMIIX - 08-12-2018

Stark glanced over at Steve with a twitch of his nose shaking his head lightly "Of course not. I love Jake and he hasn't seen you in forever. . . I'm sure he'll be happy to see us. Stop being a Downer Debby," He couldn't help but lean against Steve though his attention soon diverted in the direction of a calico, his ears twitched as the wolfdog listened closely "I'm Stark Ferro and this is Steve Rogers. We're both here to visit Jacob. We wanted to check up on him," He said with a smile on his maw though it somewhat faltered when two others arrived and they didn't seem too peppy to see them. The ironic thing was that Steve nor Stark were part of Snowbound but rather they were loners wandering on their own without a single law or whatever to stop them from doing what they wanted. Snowbound was in the past and none of them even smelt of it. "We aren't part of any clan as of right now, so, we aren't enemies. . . Rather visitors and I wanna see my kid," He wasn't anxious of either of them, as a former leader of an anti-clan you learned to intimidate and not get intimidated or spooked by a few possible enemies. But he did consider Jacob as one of his own, the young male reminded him of his sons Yuuri and Rocksalt, he missed the both of them but he didn't know where they were but he knew where Jacob was and he wanted to see him. The wolfdog flicked an ear for a brief moment only to scratch behind his ear with one of his hind legs in a nonchalant manner, his eyes concentrating onto the small group. His eyes concentrated onto Caesar for a moment before looking away. Jesus Christ. That's too much yellow for one cat, He thought with a shake of his head unsure of what else to say.

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Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - steve rogers - 08-12-2018


Feeling Stark lean against him, the golden canine would return the motion. Despite the tension in the air the soldier would wag his tail once. It felt too nice to have Stark by his side again to dwell on whoever these people were. Inherently they weren't terribly important to him anyway, and he meant that in the best way. All he was here to see was Jacob with Stark, that was it currently. Anything after that wasn't his priority right now. "Hello everyone, nice to meet you." It would have been rude for him not to greet himself as Stark had already introduced him. Now all he had to do was wait he supposed.


Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - GABRIEL - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Oh great, it was this asshole. The one who'd had a bit of dirty laundry aired out right on The Ascendants' border with- Pimostra, wasn't that her name? Gabe hadn't seen her around very much after that scene, and it was the most significant thing he'd seen from either of them. Clearly, with the guy standing here, he hadn't stuck around The Ascendants, but Gabe couldn't find it in himself to give a damn. His boyfriend seemed nice- or whoever he was, and they were here to see Jacob. Pincher's guy, wasn't he? Yeah, Gabriel remembered when Roy made the dumbass decision to capture him; the hybrid assumed he'd been returned, so he'd probably show up unless he was busy with something else. Gabriel wasn't too keen on looking at him; he wasn't with The Ascendants anymore, but Jacob could bend the ear of the guy with all the authority. He wouldn't stick around for a reunion anyway, seeing as he saw how the last one of Stark's went. "Right, good luck with that. Hope it goes better than your last chat, cabrón."

The owl-cat gave his shoulders a roll before turning to take his leave. He had other things to do, like figure out who the hell offed Des and how to off them back.


Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -
The dragon was last to the group at the moment, coming in to land by slowly banking from the air where he'd been gliding just a above treeline with his pasengers - he landed quietly a few paces away before joining them - and eyed the two briefly, but well, he could understand wanting to visit friends or family from afar.

he did have at least two family members in other clans after all, though they might have since gone wandering this world.

and considering they were visiting for one of his passengers - one in delicate condition and thus now had an overbearing dragon bodyguard but got the plus bonus of taxi rides like Goldie now did, speaking of whom was also seated upon dragon airlines.

"lucky I landed then" the beast rumbled, turning his head back - careful not to dislodge the passenger seated between his horns like she ruled the world from on high "Jacob seems you've got visitors"

/taggin [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=112]jacob r.w.c.[/member]


Re: DYING IN LA / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 08-13-2018

Visitors? He'd seen a few visitors here-and-there while he had been in Snowbound, but the young-male hadn't seen any visitors in the Typhoon just yet. Until now. He was mildly hesitant on approaching the scene, as he didn't know whether to trust or not trust Stark or Steve. The young feline would approach and he decided to stand beside Lucifer.

Crimson-hues would then focus on the two strangers and he would blink, introducing himself as well. "Kirishima."
tags :: updated 7/26: