Beasts of Beyond
i will not be afraid / introduction - Printable Version

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i will not be afraid / introduction - emil - 08-11-2018

desert. why had she chosen the desert?

the dire wolf longed for the snow, for the familiar cold and winter of her old home. she longed for familiarity, deep inside her she wished her family were still around to hug and comfort her. to tell her everything would be okay. she was still their little girl, rough edges or not, murderer or not.

it was hot. unbearably hot. it would take time for her to adapt, to lose her thick winter coat. for now, she suffered silently, panting softly in the shade where she lay. even in the shadows it was sweltering, making her feel as though she would burn alive, but she would deal with it. perhaps when she was younger she would have complained, griped about the heat and badgered every passerby about why they would ever want to live in a place such as this. of course it came from her being a northerner. a child born in the dead of winter, grown up in the snow. she hated it. but she would not leave and she would not complain.

the dire wolf let out a few soft pants, head dipping to rest upon her paws. she thumped her tail briefly on the ground and cast her gaze around the area.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - madster - 08-11-2018

like north, ornias was a cold-weather kind of guy. he was a shorthair, sure, but he was still sweaty. he used to live in a nice tundra and now he was the furthest he could be from snow and slush. to compensate for the heat, he had taped an ice-pack to his forehead. it was both fashionable and practical. he didn't love to walk around in the heat if he didn't have to, but for some reason he was out here, anyways.

he saw a large femme- woah, was that a wolf? god, she looked like she could kill him, and he begun salivating. "hey, beautiful, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" he asked her, shifting his weight.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - emil - 08-11-2018

flirting. she'd never liked the concept of flirting, especially the "pick-up" lines. some were alright, only a few of them at the very best, but the one that had just reached her ears was by far the most used and annoying one she'd ever heard.

north slowly lifted her head from where it rested, eyeing ornias for a moment. "no," she murmured finally. "but i did scrape my knees when i crawled out of hell." brown eyes lingered on the male for a moment before drawing away, tail twitching lightly. "do you need something, are you only here to bother me with pick-up lines?" the girl drawled. in all honesty, she didn't mind the company, though she would have enjoyed it more had he not greeted her like... that. the dire wolf flicked her ear and returned her gaze to ornias, quirking a brow expectantly.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-12-2018

Dante happened to overhear the conversation as he passed, and his lips were curled in disgust, though the look was mostly directed at Orinas. "Who are you?" His words were now spoke towards North, as his gaze had went over to her now. A puff came from his mouth as he spoke from the cigarette between his fangs, though he didn't seem to really notice it. He was used to it, after all.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - GRIMNYTE - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The humidity of The Pitt's territory was the only thing that seemed to invoke a reaction out of him, a slight writhe here and there out of pure discomfort for his own skin. It was particularly awful when it focused directly on the overgrown scruff around his neck; thus, he had begun to remedy it by asking after slaves to clip the sides of it, although at this point he was debating cutting the mane off entirely. He had work to do, and it just got in the way. The best he had been able to do at this point to cool his own body off was constantly drinking in place of a more permanent solution.

It was inefficient that he had not been enabled with powers to adjust to certain terrains without having to rely on his own bodily system. Adaptation got worse with age. It was easier when you were younger.

Esklav arrived by the growing party for no particular reason. "Water?" the leopon would offer, his eyes flickering from the flask that clasped snugly on his neck and back to the female in turn. If she accepted, he would shrug it off and nudge it forward. Either way, he was curious enough to hand out his services before thrusting a question upon her, his curiosity holding far more priority than any other attempts to make her comfortable. Water would be enough, if his hypothesis was correct. "Your species of wolf tends to populate colder climates than these. It's extraordinary that you haven't died from dehydration yet. In fact, it's incredibly stupid." he smiled. He had a strange smile - it didn't seem completely genuine and did not fully reach his narrowed, deadpan eyes. If anything, it seemed forced.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - emil - 08-12-2018

attention flickered to dante as he approached, ears twitching at his question. a puff of smoke escaped him, wafting into her face. she was used to the stench, but she hated it so. it was disgusting, clogging her lungs and making her cough. the dire wolf shifted slightly and sat up, holding her head away from the puffs. "north stark," she said slowly.

another creature joined the group, larger than her, but that was to be expected. she was still young. still growing. soon enough, though, she would be bigger than him. she was a dire wolf, after all. north eyed him for a moment, and despite his strange forced smile and the plain look in his eyes, she offered a small smile in return. he seemed the least unbearable of the trio gathered, perhaps she could make a friend in this hell. "please." the canine accepted his offer with a nod. his next words came as a bit of a surprise, the way they were spoken so bluntly, but that didn't stop her from releasing a small laugh.

"yes, i'm finding it a bit of a stupid decision on my part." north murmured. "i would much prefer the snow, but..." she trailed off, smile fading. a shrug of her shoulders indicated she would say no more on the subject. the young dire wolf sat back on her haunches and looked between the three for a moment. "what are your names?" she queried.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-12-2018

Dante's tail flicked whenever Esklav came over, though he didn't look at the other male as he spoke. His focus was on North at the moment, and he grunted in response to her question, "Dante Northwest." He took note of the current conversation going on, and how North mentioned how she much preferred the cold. Shit, he preferred being near the ocean, but you don't see him complaining or commenting on it, do you? "Then why don't you go join Snowbound?" The last word was in a hiss, as if he was mocking the pacifist group.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - Stryker - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  Familiar voices of his colleagues drove him over to the conversation, finding a newcomer amongst them. A large wolf of adequate size, sassy as can be, which drove Stryker a little mad to know that he wasn't exactly the largest to roam around these parts or even the cockiest. Some tough competition. "I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy snow compared to the desert," he mocked, coming to a halt. "Trust me, I know." His distaste for the Snowbounders was strong, seeing that he was exiled from there, but he didn't want to project too much. This was not his time to shine sadly. It was... uh... West's time?

"The name is Stryker," came his sly greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, South-East."

i replied to this yesterday and apparently it didnt post... fun. lazy post!

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - emil - 08-13-2018

snowbound. a place she had considered before coming here, and though she wanted for the snow, it would not happen. that time of her life was behind her. a memory, and a memory that would stay a memory. no longer would she mourn the events of things she had no control over. the time of mourning had passed. she was set on something else now.

north slowly turned her gaze to dante, eyes narrowing. "don't mock me, beast." she said sharply to the hybrid. "i have no intentions of serving hot chocolate to every creature crossing the border. though it would certainly be an upgrade from your haughty attitude." the dire wolf scoffed and turned away.

a lion approached, and immediately she felt her pelt bristle. she'd always hated lions. hated them with a passion, had more passion for killing them than making friends or anything of the sort. her eyes narrowed to stryker as well, an immediate distaste for the male upon the second he opened his jaws and began blabbering on. her tail twitched slightly in annoyance. a moment of silence after he finished speaking, and finally she breathed out a sigh, tipping her head back. "i beg your pardon, stryker, but you do not know me, nor do you know my tastes." north said coolly. she chose to ignore the play on her name, instead lowering herself to the ground once more. "any other clever jokes from the lot of you?" the wolf rumbled out with a subconscious smile, one brow lifting as she looked between them.

Re: i will not be afraid / introduction - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-13-2018

Dante liked Stryker, for no other than the reason he was also ganging up on North. It was pretty damn impressive to see the female take no shit from anybody here, and it made Dante raise an invisible eyebrow out of interest from her reactions. He took another hit from his cigarette out of amusement and puffed out the smoke. "I mean there's outta be a reason you choose here rather than Snowbound, right?" The hybrid rumbled in response. "Can't see a female dire wolf like you lasting out here too long." Was he being sexist on purpose? Oh yes, absolutely, though he did somewhat believe his words. Females were below him, but hey, he admired North's attitude. It was quite hilarious to him and he wanted to see how far she got before lashing out at him.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE