Beasts of Beyond

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+--- Thread: CREATE RED VS BLUE BASED CHARACTERS | {OPEN & POWERS PROVIDED} (/showthread.php?tid=5044)


[Image: Red_vs_Blue_Logo.jpg]

Some of you may have seen characters that have Halo armor on them. However, these characters have little to nothing to do with the video game series whatsoever! These characters have been teleported to this world, and are former human. They are currently looking for a way to turn back to being human, but they run into the issue of getting roped up into clan business despite trying to avoid it. We are finally opening up this adoption for those that want to join in with us to join in! It would be beneficial to know the series from season 1 to season 10 for information and plot purposes. Or, you can apply to play a character and then watch as you roleplay so you don't have to be forced to watch the TV series. There are certain design requirements that are in place depending on the character you adopt, and that will be explained below. There are hundreds of characters that can be played, and it's entirely up to you what animal they will be and what group they will be in. Majority of the characters are in the Ascendants, but it doesn't matter where you place them, whether it be warbound or peaceful it's entirely up to you! Anyone that joins this group will have the necessary powers given to them to play these characters, but that doesn't mean you can simply join and get the powers only to leave later on, as that isn't allowed. You will be required to make at least a joining thread before said powers will be given to you. There are a couple rules that need to be in place before we begin!

[font=georgia]➤  Activity and interactions is a must. Expect a lot of threads from the group and with the clan where you place your character in. There will be activity checks and if you do not meet them, you will be given a warning, and if the activity does not improve your character will be rehomed. Some of these characters are extremely plot-driven and are extremely important. Life does happen, and if it does we can reserve characters until real-life events have been resolved.

➤ Please be at least semi-advanced. We aren't asking for extremely advanced roleplayers here, as we basically accept anyone that can at least write a decent paragraph!

➤ Your character can go into any group that you see fit. There are no restrictions where you put them. However, if you do want them in a specific spot, the Ascendants is the current place the majority of the characters are, but that can change if they feel like moving or other reasons.

➤ Questions are welcome! If you have any questions about what is going on and don't care about spoilers, please ask. It's better to know than not know.

➤ We are an open group. We will openly plot with the clans that we are in and with each other occasionally. It isn't proper behavior to express cliquey behavior in this group, as we are extremely open and interaction with clan characters is needed for character development.

➤ This is a first come first serve basis. Simply fill out the form below and you will be accepted. There is a private Discord server for this group, but its primarily for keeping in touch and storing images for characters. It is not often used and you are not required to have a discord whatsoever as we plot on site as well.

➤ Put 'I hate taxes' somewhere in your form to show that you have read and understood the rules

Now we can get into the characters that are open for adoption! Again, there are small specific design choices that need to be followed for certain characters, and with each category, the powers that will be given will be listed that will be delivered to the roleplayer.

Characters not available to play for plot reasons:
Agent York
The Director

Simulation Troopers:
The only design choice needed for these characters is to have their signature helmets. Everything else design wise is entirely up to the roleplayer! The powers that will be given to these characters will be earth & electricity elementals, and telepathy. Below in the spoiler is the storyline to how they found themselves in the BoB Universe.


- Characters:
Church (aka Alpha) on hold/played by Guts. position may open in the future
Lavernius Tucker
Michael J. Caboose currently not available
Dexter Grif
Kaikaina Grif
Franklin Delano Donut
Sarge & Lopez on hold/played by pallidi. position may open in the future
Richard Simmons

The design choice here is somewhat specific. Freelancers will have a lot more armor than that of the simulation troopers. They will have armor covering their two front limbs, and a chest plate that goes down to the middle of their back along with their helmet. Their armor is still made out of metal. For an example of the armored areas, click Here. The powers that will be provided include electricity elementals, earth elements (to be able to carry said armor), and telepathy. Below is the spoiler is the plot to how the Freelancers came into the BoB universe from their own.

There are a total of 49 Freelancers in Canon that can be played, however, not all of them have concrete appearances or personalities and are basically blank slates for you to build however you want. Those Freelancers will be stated if they have a blank slate.

- Characters:
Four Seven Niner
Agent Carolina played by Persia
Agent Florida
Agent Maine on hold/played by Guts. position may open in the future
Agent North Dakota
Agent South Dakota
Agent Texas played by Charry
Agent Washington played by Sorrel
Agent Wyoming
Agent Idaho
Agent Iowa
Agent Ohio
Agent Utah
Agent Illinois

Blank Slate Freelancers:
There are later characters in the series that are not listed here. If you would like to play them, please state below as all characters in the series are available to be played!


[b]Character chosen:[/b]
[b]Character appearance:[/b]
[b]Activity level (1-10):[/b]
[b]Clan placement:[/b]


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