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ACID RAIN — joining - Printable Version

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ACID RAIN — joining - SAMUEL M. - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]There is nothing here that draws his interest. He scented a colony in this region; he followed its trail until it led him to these marked borders. Nothing more, nothing less. He wills not to travel further, therefore for this group he will adapt his needs.

Samuel Mikhailov is an adaptable fellow, he knows. He does little to push his needs over the will of others. He perceives emotions easily, and reacts appropriately. At his worst, he is cunning and vengeful; at his best he buzzes with a strange passion that runs through him like electricity, an overwhelmingly rapturous shock. But in times like this, standing only half-interested on the border of Sunhaven, he is temperate, and he is without expression. He is a background figure in a crowd of want-to-bes, future leaders and eager socialites. He is the backup, the support in their ventures.

Samuel is perfectly fine with this. Samuel has rarely had the opportunity in the past to do much more with himself than provide a crutch to lean upon. This overshadowing leaves him adjacent to satisfied - there is more beyond quiet acceptance of his fate, he knows, but when the opportunity arrives he firmly believes that it will make itself clear to him. He believes not in a god above but thinks that signs, little prophetic notions, are still a possibility and he will see them when he is ready. Now is not that time.

"Mikhailov, Samuel." Name, last and first. Business comes later. It's the general farce all joiners go through - he refuses to make light of it, for he feels there ought to be some kind of record to keep track of members but he assumes that the process serves little purpose than to avoid enemy infiltration. Still, he is politely firm, and he considers speaking to the leader of this place later on about a log book of sorts, some kind of secretarial work. (Then again, he doubts these little clan animals think that hard about streamlining their traditions.) The serval smooths the fur of his chest, rolls his shoulders back with a comfortably calm sigh. "Joining you all."

Re: ACID RAIN — joining - BOYWONDER - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:500px; maxheight:; text-align: justify; font-size:9.5pt"]Boy was a bit of a chameleon himself, though nothing so extreme as swinging on a pendulum; most of his adaptability involved the degree of his friendliness, how he approached people, and what buttons to push. The latter wasn't especially common, but he'd always found himself tempted with some, especially those who always seemed distant or detached. It'd gotten him in hot water a few times in the circus, when a few hadn't taken very well to smartass remarks, though he'd like to say it ended well. Somewhat. Everyone in that encounter left alive, at least, and that was part of the reason he didn't go after weak points very often. As aforementioned, the other half was just that finding the stoics was a bit difficult as a performer surrounded by other entertainers; it wasn't like he'd gotten many chances to talk to the audience.

But that life wasn't with him anymore, and here, in Sunhaven, he wasn't quite certain what to do with himself. It wasn't a comfortable state of being, so when he found an opportunity that could return him to a little bit of familiarity, he didn't hesitate to pounce. Thankfully not literally- he didn't think the serval would appreciate having a lion squish him, but he might appreciate Boy's poking even less. Only one way to find out.

[color=#2f87af]"Make yourself comfortable, Sam. How do you like the view here? Something else, isn't it?" The dark feline grinned lazily. [color=#2f87af]"I'm B. Maybe Sunhaven can put a little skip in your step."

Re: ACID RAIN — joining - rhosmari - 08-11-2018

"Joining ya all?" The words feel foreign on his tongue and he flexed the appendage in his mouth for a moment. It's just how formal it was that made it feel strange to him but then again there are other members of Sunhaven that talk with a formal air to them. He was not the type to be formal and it wasn't something that he was known for anyway. He was more open and jovial he supposed but that was to cover up how he felt on the inside. Though that hardly mattered when he had two strangers that were standing here before the border. Although the mutant was highly sure that one of them was already a member here while the other was joining considering the words he had just spoken before. Easily the shark mutant slide up from around a tree, pearl colored eyes focused on the serval as he gave a closed lipped smile. He was self conscious of the way he looked and that wouldn't change. He dreaded the curse that was placed upon him and he tilted his head a bit as he gauged both of the males before him. "Oi, sorry tae be repeatin' ya like that. Ya talk real pretty like." Maybe that was the wrong wording and he looked a bit sheepish before he sat down with a soft thump of his rear end against the ground.

Waving a paw to Boywonder whom he caught as being named 'B' he chuckled lightly before he wrapped his tail around himself, tucking his asymmetrical fin underneath his chin. He had to make a bigger splash here then just being a mess and he sighed a big before pulling his ears forward and going head long into introductions because that was what he was good at. "Name's Monroe, laddie. I'm one of the keepers of the hearth around here. Ya can call me what ya like really. I can give ya a tour of the place if ya be wantin' one. Other than that welcome tae Sunhaven and I really hope ya like it here. I catch fish most of the time since that is me shop." He was the ocean boy and he allowed a more easy smile to form on his maw as he looked back the way he had come from.

Re: ACID RAIN — joining - jericho - 08-12-2018

Jericho is perhaps Samuel's polar opposite — where the serval observes this place with a clinical detachedness, the tomcat brims with adoration for every inch of Sunhaven's land and the people who live there.  He spends his days struggling to familiarize himself with each peak and valley in the mountains, every new scent and voice to match.  There aren't enough hours and the blind tabby too often finds himself drawn to the quiet seclusion of the greenhouse or his bookstore instead, yet his love for Sunhaven is what draws him into the territory on days such as this.  Joiners are not frequently so direct, but the words spoken into the mild summer breeze certainly get Jericho's attention, perhaps both for their content and their straightforwardness.

The ginger-furred feline comes to a halt beside the Dawnguard with wide eyes and pricked ears.  His jaws part slightly to taste the air — he recognizes Monroe's vaguely fishy scent immediately, but Boywonder's is more foreign and until he speaks Jericho cannot place a name to it.  It causes the little leader to feel a pang of guilt, the skin beneath his fur turning a sheepish shade of crimson, yet he doesn't let his focus linger on it for too long before his honey gaze blindly turns to the direction in which he can smell the stranger.  Though he cannot see him the wildcat seems to speak with a firm definiteness, unlike Jericho's own polite hesitance.  The male offers up a shy smile in greeting cast unseeingly past Samuel into the mountains beyond but with genuine warmth nevertheless.  "Ah, I'm Jericho," the Helion speaks as his clanmates fall into silence, breaking the momentary lull with his own introduction, gently-spoken and modest in nature, "W-Welcome to Sunhaven, Samuel."

/this post is ASS but welcome to sunhaven b!!