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I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - Printable Version

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I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - charrie graveyard - 08-11-2018

The pup wasn't sure how long he had been running, his fear driving him forward and away from the dangers that lie behind him. He could still hear his family's screams as fire engulfed them, shots ringing out into the forest as the humans finished them off with their loud sticks. After that, he ran, never looking back in fear that the humans might pursue him.

Now, as Fang dashed through the brush, trampling through patches of flowers and pushing his way blindly through bushes, he eventually tripped, tumbling across a border line. Sprawled out on the grass, the pup scrambled to his feet, nearly stumbling again as he looked around fearfully. His breaths were quick, chest rising and falling rapidly as he was suddenly frozen in place, trembling. Enemy territory. Nowhere to run. He was trapped.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #82CFFD; font-size: 24px;"]— FANG

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - BOYWONDER - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:500px; maxheight:; text-align: justify; font-size:9.5pt;"]Of all the things -people- Boy expected to find when he heard the small commotion, a child wasn't at the top of the list. Certainly on it, especially considering his own childhood had been tumultuous at best before the circus took him in, but he supposed part of him was still always wanting to hope that life was kinder than its reality. Stupid of him, yes, though his dying optimism had little to do with the panicked wolf boy, so the lion made himself smaller, aware that looming could frighten him even further. B kept a careful distance between them and attempted to appear as non-threatening as he could. [color=#2f87af]"Hey, it's okay, kiddo. I'm not gonna hurt you." The lion kept his voice soft, mild, hoping that he could broadcast something soothing to the terrified kid. [color=#2f87af]"You're safe here. Are you hurt?" He didn't look injured, but it was best to check.

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - SAMUEL M. - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]He smells instinct on this creature. The chemical fear that radiates from the youth's pelt is something most animals in this neck of the woods have long since come to suppress, in favor of humanoid rationalization and careful logic. Thus he understands, under reasonable assumption, that the child may not have been socialized like the rest - and though a mere child and not dangerous alone, such a wild creature was sure to keep a pack trailing not far off. He would take great care, then, to keep the kind of distance a mother wolf would respect should she happen upon them.

"Hush," whether Samuel is addressing Boywonder or the child is not explicitly made known, though he keeps the sound no louder than a whistle between his teeth. The pup appeared to be rather young; there was a chance the poor thing was hardly verbal yet. He lowers himself slowly to the other's height, and moves forward with slow pawsteps, his body close to the ground. The next sound he makes is wordless - a soft clicking of his tongue on the roof of his mouth, a gentle, soothing gesture which he hopes may draw the frightened pup closer. His gaze is soft, his parted jaw offers no show of fangs; and though he seems to take the stance of a predator prowling up to a fresh kill, he only intends to comfort the tiny wolf as best he can. Frankly, though, as a socialized being he cannot be certain as to whether or not the two of them will be perceived as threats all the same.

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - miss ririchiyo - 08-11-2018

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...=720&h=720]
"Is that a mutt?" Came the soft, curious tone of Persephone as she arrived at the scene, her fluffy form standing at a distance. The shepherd-mix wasn't too fond of kids, in reality. She tended to stay away from them, but this one just seemed terrified. She could smell the fear coming off of him, and it really did.. Aggravate her, how such a small creature could be so weak. But then again, she wasn't much further off.

She was only four months old. She was young in this world, but she knew she would be bigger the older she got. As all things did, she would get bigger. She knew she would. She had to.
"It's just a kid, what are you two planning to do about it?"

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - jericho - 08-11-2018

Jericho rarely finds himself at the furthest reaches of Sunhaven's territory without purpose these days — there are far too many other things requiring his attention back along the boardwalk of the floating seatown.  Too many new faces to greet, to many activities to set up, and during the free moments he does get the tom struggles to split it amongst the greenhouse, his shop, and everything else he wants to explore.  Today he’s looking for herbs to add to his stash, or perhaps to harvest for seeds and plant in his garden.  After all, he thinks, it’ll be fall soon enough.  The ginger tabby pads through the forest, his paws gentle on the earth despite his lopsided three-legged gait.  His jaws hang slightly ajar to taste the air as he walks and he pauses when the bitter scent of dock hits his tongue to lean down and examine the nearest plant.  The Havener moves to sniff at it when suddenly the distant undergrowth rustles with movement and Jericho swiftly becomes upright once more.

He stands there for a heartbeat, listening in silence before he hears pawsteps joining whoever had rushed past him, and the Helion's piqued curiosity gets the best of him.  Jericho swiftly nips at the stem of the plant he had since nearly forgotten and carries the leaves as he limps forth towards the gathering group.  The taste of dock is still tart on his tongue when he comes to a stop and places it at his paws to speak.  His ears are pricked and marigold gaze flickers blindly across Persephone, Samuel, and Boywonder as he attempts to identify them, only to give up and turn his attention to the pup.  Jericho has as little clue as to what's going on as the rest of them, but he hears the rapid breaths and somehow seems to sense their fear and it makes his heart ache.  "H-Hey, are you lost?" the ginger feline adds gently, his voice soft and hesitant.  Persephone's words catch in his ears and for a moment his sightless eyes move in her direction, though they stare beyond her.  To be honest, he doesn't know.  He only wants to help.  His focus returns to Fang, unsure of the boy can speak or if he's simply too scared, but regardless the feline keeps his distance in order to give the pup some breathing room.

/mobile but welcome!!!

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - Mama - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The world is a cruel place to many, looking only upon a select few with a kind eye, the rest left to wade through the muck and draw from it some semblance of peace. She had known the harsh touch, her skin adorned in scars from a life that had taken root in a harsh land, and had come to converse with others who had lead such terrible existences until they had been forced to try and make something better or succumb to the darkness. Yet to do such to a child, to leave them alone with only strangers to offer them comfort, it was something she had never been forced to handle.

Maroon gaze flicked between each present, watching as they each approached the child in a way meant to calm him and offer some sense of comfort, and so Ishayu thought better of approaching herself. Already large when compared to the child she was beyond even her own species and stood above many she had come across, instead approaching Persephone rather than the frightened Fang, making a move to gently draw her back. “It is best we stay back, allow them to calm him,” leaning down she whispered to the pup, yet her attention was set upon the terrified wolf.

It was a struggle to fight back her want to reach for the child, to comfort him in anyway she might be able to, but knowing having so many about him would be enough to frighten him further let alone one so large attempting to touch him without prior permission. And so she instead sat with Persephone, hoping she was able to move her some distance away to give the others room to work with.

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - rhosmari - 08-11-2018

He didn't exactly count himself to be qualified with kids. Though he did take in Pele he was trying to be helpful because she was hurt and needed the help. But that by no means mean he was good with children even if he wanted to be and thought he was doing what he thought was best. The male never thought of having kids of his own because he didn't want them to turn out like himself. Some strange mutated freak and so he had settled for being alone for the remainder of his life. Sure, it bothered him and of course it put him in a dark place to know that he wouldn't be with anyone but at the same time it was for the best, for himself and everyone else. His paws had taken him through a small field and he smelled something. It was a strange aroma that most couldn't detect but he could, the smell of fear. A tinge in the air and his eyes widened a bit and pupils constricting. Fear was a strange call to him and something that made his shark senses scream to take over.

With sharpness he tracked the scent, hunger brimming in his eyes as he slowly made his way toward the area. His tail was held down low, paws quiet in their approach as he slipped his way through the grass. At first he just wandered, taking his time for a preemptive strike but then he slowed as he neared the area and he noticed through his hunger that there were others here. But the fear, he swallowed hard and closed his pearl colored gaze to take a deep breath which was not the best of moves but there were others here and he couldn't just allow for the shark in him to take over. That and when he finally noticed where the smell was coming from it was just a child. Like Pele. Shock colored his expression as the mutant made his way over to the the child but he kept his distance a bit. "Hey, laddie. It's alrigh'. Ya safe here. Do ya got a name? Mine's Monroe." He partially wondered if his appearance would frightened the kid and he backed up a bit more because he didn't want to cause a problem.

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - charrie graveyard - 08-12-2018

At the sounds of another creature's approach, his head would snap in Boy's direction, ears pinned against his head. The lion's size alone terrified him, and as he spoke, Fang's eyes would narrow, not quite understanding what they were saying. "S... Say..." He started to repeat, but was cutoff as more animals began to appear. Why were there so many? Of course, they were only trying to help but to Fang... there were too many... too many of them. In that moment, he felt surrounded, he felt like prey.

Trembling, he would shake his head, starting to back away from the group. "N-N... No! Back! Back!" He yelled, fear laced in his voice. These were only two of four words knew, the only ones he understood. Fang didn't want to get hurt, not like his parents and his siblings... he didn't want to fade away like them. It was then that the pup was painfully reminded of his family's absence, tears forming at the corners of his eyes as memories of the burning forest and the humans with their weapons flashed before his eyes. He didn't want to end up like them... anything... anything but that.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #82CFFD; font-size: 24px;"]— FANG

Re: I SURVIVED ✧ o, feral wolf pup - dead sons/daughters - 08-12-2018