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SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - Printable Version

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SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - Cakie ! - 08-11-2018


Man, it's kinda hot here. A soft brown figure paused her trek to adjust the heavy bags that weighed down her slim form. Breath puffed from her jaws, the feline glancing up at the sky and watching clouds slowly inch past. Was she lost? Just how far away was this place? The dark brown bandages around her ankles were chafing against the furless skin beneath them. She settled for a three legged hobble as she lifted a paw, nibbling at the wrapping in an attempt to satisfy the itch. Out of the blue, a sense of irritation struck her.

"Hey! Hello? Anyone out there? I've been searching for this damn place for, like, three hours. Some help or guidance would be greatly appreciated." Silence greeted her pricked ears, save for the distant chatter of insects. She visibly slouched. "Fantastic."

With a curse under her breath, the spotted cat slipped off the bags and stretched. "This was meant to be more of a bribe to help me get in, but if I'm gonna die out here, I wanna eat this stuff first." Undoing the clip on one of the packs, she jammed her paw in, briefly wiggling it around before fishing out a yellow candy wrapped in plastic. Butterscotch! A nice grab. Pulling it out of the wrapper, she popped the sweet in her mouth and stuffed the trash back in the bag.

Cheek puffed out with the sugar pressed against it, the pale brown stranger wriggled under the bag again, continuing in the same direction. Her expression lit up with surprise and joy after pushing through a large fern. There it was! That giant gate... thing. This was what she was looking for, right?

With renewed energy she bounded forward, gawking up at the arch. She was told there were some bells. After a brief search, her gaze locked on the cluster to the side. If she rang them, they would come. With a nod to herself, she reached out and tugged the string, ears twitching as they all sang. Sitting down, she slid her bags off and rested them next to her while she waited.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #936c4b - TAGS

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-11-2018

Kazumi had always been wondering what this bells was for turned out today he would figure that one out. The vampire hadn't been special far away when the bells had started to echo through the whole territory. It pulled him out what he had been doing previously to drag his paws over to take a look on what was going on out of his own curiosity. It turned out to be a foreign, someone how not was from here. The scent told her of instantly. Hmh interesting. He wondered what this kitty-cat was doing here?. There was always a such mystery whenever a stranger stept into thier territory, one of them happening to be how they even had got here?. How did they even found this island?. Perhaps Kazumi not was one to talk, having been a joiner once as well not even that long ago. How he had come here though was an entierly different story though.

" Well someone is a bit of an attention seeker, huh?." he grinned, after all by ringing the bells like that she could call the whole island to herself, and not all of them might be as friendly as him was. Oh well half friendly since it did cross his mind of wanting to drain this little girl blood completely dry from her body. Hoho. But he had been having a meal the previous night so he could behave himself for the time being. But if he ever happend to cross this one in the middle of the night who knew what would happend.

Something else come to enter his nose after he had taken some more steps before stoping entierly. That smell was that Butterscotch?!. Twitching his nose would take in a sniff as his gaze drifted to the female mouth and then back at the bag she was carrying with herself. " Is that butterscotch i'm smelling?." he asked, his usual smug look had changed to a hopeful look. He really wished for it to be. Candy was his biggest weakness in life. His little beloved addiction. Better not to disappoint him now.

//welcome to typhoon! ^^

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Caesar quickly followed after Kazumi, snorting as he heard the canine's comment about this joiner being an attention seeker. "More like an attention whore," The demon grunted, his gaze slowly traveling to Coffeecreamer. The look in his eyes revealed he wasn't too amused by her actions, and he actually looked annoyed by them. "Why are you here?" He asked, completely disregarding the candy she had in her mouth. He wasn't particularly interested in it, and wanted to get this business shit done and over with.

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - bubblegum - 08-12-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//this is rushed i'm sorry dsfsdf

the young girl was drawn by the familiar sound of the bells, her legs dragging close to the ground as she leaned on her walking stick for support. her legs shook with each step and she clearly struggled her way over, movements slow. it certainly did not feel good to be moving around right now, and she probably shouldn't be doing it, seeing as she had received some pretty serious damage to her spine, but that sort of business never stopped her before.

she had something important to do, anyway - she definitely could not fall behind this time. it was too dangerous for her to now. she needed to be sure she didn't screw up somehow and that her family was safe. she needed to be sure she protected deldrach as much as possible. she needed to be sure decius didn't hurt anyone else. so far, all was well, but that wouldn't stop her constant anxieties now - she could not stand being away, unknowing if someone needed help or not.

but, still, she wasn't stupid, either. goldie knew she wasn't well enough to move around as much as before. or, at the very least, she ought to get some sleep, to stop worrying her family. she was trying to sleep, but nightmares and panic surrounded her now and she could not find a way out, so she remained just about as tired as she had been before all of this. at least she wouldn't collapse as much.

she arrived after caesar, rolling her eyes at his normal rude comment before sitting down to relax her shaking legs. the girl looked to the stranger quietly, sniffing at the scent of candy. "could i-i hh-have some ca-candy?" goldie asked hopefully, blinking her green eyes with a small smile.

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - no more - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Brow furrowed in what might only be deemed annoyance, the song of bell rising about her, a swell of sound enough to break her concentration. Upon the wood her blade jumps, a grumbled sound parting her lips as she assess the damage done, forced to abandoned her project for there is little to be done in repair work. For a time it had become merely apart of life to hear the bell call to them all, ringing out across the island, beckoning them to join the one who awaited audience, yet time had worn away the need for it until it became almost rare. In truth she hated the sound of it though it seemed half a song, lilting and bright was it, trailing into a soft ring her head detested for it lodged within, brushing along her temples with a feather-light touch.

With her current project left in such a state there was little for Aita to do than stow both fragment of wood and knives within her satchel, easily thrown about shoulder and chest, before her movements are drawing her through the jungle. It is a path she has walked many times for she has come to make it a point to greet as many as she can, to put names to each face for it grows easier to offer some semblance of care, even if such is merely fabricated in most situations, when she is tasked with caring for them.

Dark eyes are touched with annoyance, if not a flicker of outright anger, as they touch upon the familiar golden body of one she deemed family – poison was the word when it was within regards to him – a faint groan rising from between her teeth. Though blood was shared between the pair it had become apparent the two shared a similar disposition, caring little for the other. “Goldie,” strange was the worry which touched her tone, a frown curling her lips as she watched the Reaver once more about her work though she had been instructed to rest. It seemed not to matter who of the medical team tried to get her to stop for even five minutes something always came up which drew her away, fulfilling some need Aita might never come to understand completely.

More lingered upon her tongue and it proved a great struggle to force the words back for this was no place to speak of such, instead her attention shifting, touching upon the stranger. “Ya got a name? An if ya joinin our merry crew welcam, ignore the chucklefucks,” - with this Aita gestured towards the two men present - “enjoy ya stay in Typhoon land, were da fun never ends.”

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - snare - 08-13-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Food!  Different food too!  The wolf puppy loped along with his ears pricked and nose twitching about as he quickly approached, so focused on the prospect of both a new face and treats that the sharp tongues of his clanmates didn’t bother him.  Why care about that when there was something new and interesting to investigate.

”Welcome!”  The puppy would great, a cheerful contrast to his more salty crewmates.  ”I’m Snare.  What kinda food you got?”  The small fuzzy wolf would stick his nose foreword, his tail wagging back and forth at the delectable scents he caught with his muzzle.  He swiped his tongue over his jaws, trying to keep himself from drooling all over at the prospect of a tasty treat.

Re: SUGAR AND SPICE // o, joining - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

not close behind the group, backing up and acting like a dark canvas backdrop upon which all those assembled before seemed to suddenly be in the foreground of a void came Lucifer, silent until the stranger spoke up again and only mildly rolling his eyes at Cesar and Kazumi's words - yes the stranger was a lil eccentric but he'd run across far odder things than a little attention grabbing.

he shifted his weight eyeing Aita and Goldie below before gently craning down to nudge [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] silently asking if the feline wanted to take the strain off herself and have the dragon ferry her around for a bit, truly he didn't mind it and he rather hated to see her struggle so after everything, fragile that these bodies of theirs were.
