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BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - Printable Version

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BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - AMUNET - 08-11-2018

Ament as he is named- is a small little thing now. Four moons old is enough to venture on his own, gather a sense of independence within the boundary of pack. and further within that- the sense of friendlies - clanmates curiosities. He does not know enough about then beside they are all different and it is interesting. They look at him with an intelligence the raptor does not know, and the quiet interest the raptor feels is frustrating- bubbling closer to violence than he likes. He does not want to hurt. but it is very hard to see how something works without looking deeper- and sometimes the quickest way was the easiest way.

While he was little, it would stay small. Crewmates would note with sudden curiosity the lacking in smaller game decrease over time. The day was long, and his pack was out exploring in their own ways. Ament was similar- but he did not need the friendlies to see him now, it would be easy to avoid the temptation by satisfying smaller ones. His claws where small, and his body very nimble, so if he crouched here and ducked inside maybe he would see something-

capybara's were overall slower creatures, compared to the chibi-predictor. but it took a minute to get up from all fours, a somewhat familiar but uncomfortable form- but it was handy to getting into smaller places; until he got his balance when growing up. Maybe they would have had a chance but bordome makes the raptor restless- merciless. blood is so much more satisfying when he hunts it down himself. So much warmer- so much more satisfying.
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Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

The last time Caesar had a run-in with raptors was the first time one of his bodies were killed. He hadn't appreciated it to say the least, but did he learn his lesson? Absolutely not. But during the time he was stuck in his room being sick, Caesar had learned of there being eggs on the territory and hatching, revealing to be raptors. Caesar most definitely was not happy, but since they hatched here, they were technically members of The Typhoon, weren't they? Which meant he couldn't attack them. A shame, but he should honestly learn to value his life. And yet, how could he do that and he could easily cheat death?

Caesar noticed the raptor on all fours as he happened to come near the area and the demon frowned, his ears flicking. Great. He thought to himself, realizing that the rumors weren't lies. But of course Caesar had a death wish adn was curious as to how feral these creatures were. "Hey!" He called out, taking note that Ament seemed to be stalking something. A mischievous grin was on his face as he continued speaking as if the raptor had sentience, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - EXODUS-- - 08-12-2018

★ -- Exodus only knew of the warmth of her siblings and mother's quiet, but strong and powerful gentleness.

She knew that there were others hat roamed the island. The youth cared little for them, though they intrigued her, their very existence sending a curious little spark igniting her veins like fire.

They were not prey, as she had come to learn. They were not friend or foe either. They were just there.

And Exodus did not know what to make of them.

Her curiosity was more dismissive than anything; Exodus did not linger on the existence of strange, twisted creatures with vibrant pelts and horns and wings that looked nothing like prey or like mother or her family. The inquisition burbling underneath her skin churned until she allowed herself to force it back down. Perhaps they were prey in the end? Strange prey-- prey that Exodus did not eat but she knew if the safety of her family was compromised, no love would be held for these foreigners and their ways.

She had, ignored them, for the most part.

But this one was hard to ignore.

Vivid yellow in color, speaking in the same babbling language that she had heard so many times, but couldn't care to understand. It was not as if she could, anyways. There was almost a barrier between them, the typhooners and the newborn creatures of old. Their eyes gleamed with an intellect Exodus knew she could not match, and it almost disturbed her.

But why would a predator be unsettled by prey? Prey that she would not eat, but prey nonetheless. She did not know of what else to call them.

It was on this fine day that Exodus had decided to follow her brother, slinking a good few yards behind them. As her body was preparing itself for moult in the days to come, thin, needle like quills pushed it's way past her skin, ready to make way for a sleeker set of feathers. She did not know what to make of it, other than the fact that it hurt and she itched and ached and felt as if all her skin were to peel away. The feathers upon her little frame felt loose somehow, and Exodus would have become uneased at the prospect of nakedness. To be without her feathers was simply ridiculous. But then she eases herself with the thought that this new burn was to give way for a metamorphosis; one that would make her more akin to mother. One that would strip her of her feathers and expose patches of skin and scales that would harden into sable midnight armor. Her baby quills were growing spines and her feathered arms would elongate into webbed wings. It had to be so. She was sure of it.

The stranger before her was approaching her brother, speaking in an unknown tongue that sent a trill of wonder down Exo's spine. He did not radiate ill intent, but rather something far more diluted. Exodus found it was still something she did not quite like.

Exodus did not know what to make of it, and as always, a test was afoot. The utahraptor would see if this strange feline were friend or foe. Her bites was always foolproof. How he reacted; with mild annoyance, fear, or anger, would determine if he was worth noticing or considering a threat.

Waddling behind Caesar on ungraceful limbs, the child would attempt to extend her neck and aim to nip the officer, right on the butt, letting loose an obnoxious cooing sound as she did so, almost as of she were laughing.

But Exodus could do no such thing, right?

// dkrirbrj I'm sorry it had to be done

Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

Caesar knew that there had been multiple raptor eggs due to word of mouth, but of course the Officer was dumb enough to think that these young raptors didn't establish a pack yet, like the raptors from The Ascendants. So the demon wasn't expecting another one to show up, and let how a yowl of alarm as his ass was bitten. Numbness in the ass definitely wasn't something enjoyable, and Caesar tried to push that weird feeling away as he turned to face Exodus, his fur puffed out in anger. "What the hell!" He spat, aiming to lash out at EXODUS with one of his forepaws, claws unsheathed.

Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - raz - 08-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Truthfully, Elia was afraid of the raptors. She saw them occasionally, mostly glimpses through trees and wafts of their stench, but she didn't know how to approach them, she didn't know if they were dangerous, and that scared her. Still, her nerves of steel permitted her to approach, sniffing at the raptor that had bitten Caesar. Elia knew that nips were no blood was drawn were usually playful, so maybe she could use this opportunity to bond with one of the raptors?

The hound bounded bravely over to Exodus, aiming to snap playfully at Exodus. Her tail wagged as she glanced over to Ament, noticing the blood on its maw - fear gripped at Elia, but she was fearless, she was a pirate, so she tried to mimic Exodus' body language and made an attempt to wordlessly invite Ament to play. She didn't bother talking to the raptors or Caesar - there was no point, from what she'd seen of Caesar he wasn't someone she wanted to talk to, and obviously the raptors didn't speak.

Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - EXODUS-- - 08-13-2018

★ -- Exodus isn't sure what she had been expecting.

But she had not been expecting the snap of claws to her face at all.

The sting is sudden, and Exodus rears, hissing indignantly. The others were never so blatantly unwelcoming of her testy bites. She was a pest, to be sure. But a fiesty one, at that.

She had not quite felt pain like this before. It stung and the hostility that radiated from Caesar spoke of ill intent. The creature's anger was in no way threatening to the boisterous little child, but in turn it fueled her own rage, like a flame sputtering to life. She did not see a threat, but a blasphemous act-- she was a spoiled girl, left alone to her own devices and free to explore as she pleased, coddled by Lucifer (mother). Exodus was not unfamiliar with anger, but any signs of vexation aimed at her had been practically nonexistant to this point, and Exodus found that she did not like it at all.

Her maw peeled back into a tiny little snarl, pearly, tiny teeth on display with a hiss. Her tail curled, and then it splayed, the fluffy down on her body (not quite yet fully fledged feathers) puffing out with her irksome.

A soft shree escaped her lips as she lunged forward, aiming a warning snap towards her offender.

And then there was the click of jaws as Elia snapped playfully at the utahraptor.

Luckily for Caesar, Exodus was far too easily distracted. He had been saved from Exodus's indomitable, unconquered (hah) wrath. She'd be back, another day to deliver the utmost pain. Perhaps. But not today.

She would not forget today, though. Exodus held grudges and she held them well.

Her direction shifted, albiet reluctantly. A hiss has burbled from her lips, though died down as she cocked an inquisitive head at the typhooner.

Exodus knew of play. She knew of tumbling with her siblings and wrestling with them to strengthen her developing muscles; to prepare herself for the fights to come.

Elia's posture was open and inviting. Raptor play was usually rough and tumble. Undignified and unrefined, and lacked the aggression they projected towards so many other things. Somewhat reminescent of the dominance battles that would occur in the near future.

Elia was no pack member. But a call to a tussle could not be ignored. It was clear that Exodus had yet to abandon her childish ways.

Exodus's tail rippled side to side in concentration, much like a cat wiggling its hips before a pounce. As the young reptile crouched, she sprung, aiming to sweep Elia off her feet with a harmless little shove.

She wanted to see how the other would react.

// mobile, have this trash response

Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-13-2018

Unlike the raptors from before, these were children and it showed awfully clearly. Still, Caesar could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Exodus carefully, his tail lashing. Whenever she went to snap at him, he tried to step back, however she was distracted by Elia. The Officer was fully prepared to lash out at her again, as evident by the way he held his right paw up and he was quite shocked to see Exodus abandon him so quickly. But at the same time, he was grateful because it meant that he didn't have to risk losing yet another body when he just got this one back.

Caesar let out a growl as he watched Exodus turn and start playing with Elia before he stalked away from the scene without another word.


Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
well it seemed he'd arrived too late to stop Ceasar from starting a fight with essentially babies - some part of him wondered at the dream demon, picking on kids now? feral even if they were that seemed a mite bit pathetic and well mean - and horribly not a good thing considering they were baby feral raptors and those claws could still tear flesh quiet easily,

speaking of - Lucifer's great form touched down on the sands lightly as he loomed over the proceedings, great forelimbs crossing as he settled down content to watch Exodus and elia play, one eye kept on the situation for any accidents as he lay his head down quietly - glimpsing Ament further ahead, hm, trying to be another little hunter? - the dark beast approved, he wanted his little terrors to know how to hunt for themselves as any parent would, for how else would they survive? - not that the striker wouldn't provide, but he did want to encourage.

so when a small rodent meandered close to his still figure, a sudden snort sent it scurrying nearer Ament's little hiding place.


Re: BROKEN BOY;; Open, bored - AMUNET - 08-14-2018

it's easy to loose track of time like this, hunting; but this is less of hunting and more of a way to alleviate boredom. Ament isn't a sane raptor- in fact he is rather feral makes him dangerous to the intelligent eye. yet this act alone is only a hint of the carnage an older raptor in his place will do to get rid of the itching feeling under his plumage. dull feathers itching - itchingitching i t c h i n g making him restless, merciless, pacing and in this case: hunting.

for now it is a game, an easy one to wait out the little creatures who taste yummy. Ament knows of hunger, but he has mother to provide for them. Mother to protect them and soon- mother to teach them things. How to hunt isn't something that is needed to be taught though- it is known. Deep down- deep down. Instinct tells ament how, but it is not instinct that brings him here, merely another way to try and achieve the same goal. wit. It is not the same as the friendlies, but maybe- maybe it will be enough.

hunting is all about focus, and the bright annoying one who babbles in a common tongue ament does not know at him first is a distraction. Whatever prey he could have had is lost now and it makes him grow- makes him frustrated. He hasn't the time to react though before one of his sister's arrives, both bigger than him- exodus nips at him and caesar goes to swipe at them. it makes ament more than frustrated, and spotting his sister curl around in an offended crouch- waiting to strike makes him eager too. The littlest one- the quietest one ticks his little claws towards caesar. Not an act towards his sister but the one who has aggrieved his sister so.

Then- a play is started, another friendly comes over and offers to play- to distract his sibling. the elder clutchmate follows into the challenge. and the littlest one takes it's chance. Abandoning his find of a rat nest to ambush his sister. Sharp razor teeth aim to snap at ECODUS' tail, aiming to catch the older one in their own distraction. He was not against playing with other's, but he would never miss an opertunity to bully his siblings (although, he is bullied a fair amount as well, he passes his own share in more clever ways.... usually)

Mother- ever watchful of the pack- his siblings and himself was not far off. It was a creature comfort to be near, and a visible one when he spotted the giant god. Ament let's out a familiar little chirp into the play, not entirely an invitation but an acknowledgement towards him(mother had never really been genderized before to them. Mother is mother) afteall; mother hardly plays fair. But maybe they could team up against the girls?

Unbeknownst to ament, a rat skitters by, mostly by luciferus' doing, but none the less still ignored. Afterall, there is no need for blood now. The little raptor is no longer bored, and the little vermin will remain speared... for now.
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.