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BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - Printable Version

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BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - VANDAL R. - 08-11-2018

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - ARGUS - 08-11-2018

ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ sᴄʀᴏʟʟɪɴɢ
it's not like argus was asleep anyway. no, the quartermaster spends too much time awake during the nightie, when monsters lurk to do exsactly that. Hunting in the shadows was a part of their deal. argus was not about to make an enemy of a tie to their past, and the demon is easily settled when argus obeys fine lines for hunting. The night is beautiful enough of an excuse even if it is not the reason. not the real reason. Power for a little sacrifice.

Infection is not a simple matter, when a wound isn't treated properly, it get's infected. It rots, and there isn't much that can be done. Some venom quicken the pace of rot in the bit area, some can make your blood silidify, some can make you rot on the inside, slowly. Until someone pushes to hard during a fight and you crumble- and don't get up. Like any other rot- you can smell it. It smells gross, but not as bad as someone dying. It's treatable as long as it isn't far along then- all you can do is dispose of the limb.

all in all- nasty. argus can do nasty, because they have done much worse than simple infections, but the smell isn't what drawls the hollow closer, but the sight. Crippled animals are easy prey- and they are still in the sense of mind that everything is food when they spotted vandal cripple to the ground, a grimace on her face. It's only nearing does she shake out of it, the blue recedes to red in their eyes but it's vivid- bright, and unlike the dull tones of the day that argus usually carries.

immediately argus is in medic mode- although they are in no ways a practitioner of it outwardly in the clan they know lots from... testing a few things. Argus comes beside vandal, looking at the would with a clear wince before probing quietly. "you think you can move your limb for me?" they make a gesture to the wounded leg. Trying to see the set of the venom. Water snakes were an unknown- their venom unknown to someone who only had pit vipers and mamba's of the desert to deal with. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about it would be able to help. But for now all argus can do is access the damage.

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - ROSEMARY - 08-11-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary, ever the nocturnal creature, happens to wander around this part of the beach as part of her usual stroll. Her ears twitch as she catches the sound a of a whine from pain, shortly followed by Argus asking a medical question. The ocelot's lips thin as she angrily remembers how the quartermaster likes to get involved with injured people - without proving her medical ability by holding classes so Rosemary can assess her skill level - and her rage doubles as she remembers that she hasn't seen Argus in over half a week. Her paws quickly turn as she races towards the location, her mind alight with slithering angry thoughts.

"Argus, stop trying to do my job and do yours - though I have no bloody idea what it is that you do," the ocelot sharply commands as she steps between Argus and Vandal, though her orange-amber eyes don't even look at the white wolf as she speaks. Her rage passes quickly, after it exploded from her mouth with all her pent-up irritation at the quartermaster. Rosemary, truthfully, doesn't hold a high opinion of Argus; the wolf is prone to disappearing at times, and Rosemary cannot remember the last time the wolf did anything productive like visiting an ally or holding an training class. Still, Rosemary is tired of an unverified medic trying giving her family members medicine without her assistance - or even bothering to consult the mecro mambas, as though Rosemary doesn't exist. As though she doesn't run a fully staffed team of healers, hasn't proven her healing abilities time and time again with the injuries she's treated in the Typhoon. She gives Argus a cutting glare over her shoulder, before her attention fully rests on Vandal and she feels the anger flutter out of her mind.

She tilts her head, seeing the bites' various puncture wounds - none seem healed properly, but she can't get a good look at it. Holding her paw over the flesh, careful not to touch, but she frowns as she can't seem to spot any signs of inflammation. The flesh, as far as she can tell, is not swollen or overly warm or smelly. "Do you remember what the snake looked like?" she asks Vandal, though her gaze doesn't leave the curious snakebites. She frowns slightly, wishing that she knew more about snakebites; herbal medicine can help with poisons, but venom? Venom is far more difficult to treat.

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - rochelle - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 65%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Fischer wishes she'd gotten to Vandal first, before Rosemary, before Argus. Besides her responsibility to provide medical attention and care to the entire crew, her duty to keep her friend safe was important in it's own right. The two tasks were on different planes, both that she held up with great value. So it was discouraging to know that she was trailing behind Rosemary on this one again, thinking she shouldn't think herself to be so lucky that the Head Soothsayer had arrived already, but the wave of sea salt that was carried on Vandal's fur stung on that wound even more so. But she made her way there as fast as she could, smelling the reek of rot on the Privateer's pelt. Her teeth grasped down on her lip, and with a seized expression she tried to think about what herbs she had in her satchel, and how she could improvise with what was in stock to treat the settled infection. Hopefully Rosemary had some too, but she scolded herself, knowing not to be so reliant. It wouldn't end up good for anyone if she assumed anything, not for the Soothsayer's, not the Sages, and certainly not the rest of the Typhoon.

"I've got ... stinging nettle, and marigold too." The blind feline offered Rosemary, the satchel falling softly into the sand, paws reaching and grasping to retrieve the aforementioned herbs. Concentration had sharpened her mind, though her heart beat fast, body shivering as Vandal's whine cut through her. Fischer would feed the stinging nettle to Vandal herself it meant so much ... she would take the pain upon herself if she could, but the tortured fracture in her heart for her friend was agony enough. Without much thought, she popped the marigold in between her lips, softly but quickly chewing it into a fine pulp. It was better for Rosemary to assess the state of the wounds while she assisted in the care, for Fischer couldn't rely on her sight for clear signs, only things she could pick up through taste, touch, scent, and hearing. From what she'd picked up on, the bites had gone untreated, though from what corner of this earth she'd gotten the bites from Fischer had no idea- that's why she stood away from Rosemary as she inspected Vandal. But the blind Soothsayer faintly sniffed in Argus' direction, blinking upwards to her. "Could you fetch some freshwater for Vandal please?" Her lips almost pursed in a sheepish smile towards the Quartermaster- between Fischer and Rosemary it felt like a 'good-cop-bad-cop' dynamic. But her expression faded quickly, simply, being replaced by a solid, flinty look. She would've asked one of the Sages if they were present, but they were surely off and asleep, she hoped, and the task could be done by anyone, so she trusted it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - goodsprings - 08-12-2018

he's not sure why he's out here, firstly. captainpaw was out passed his bedtime by a longshot for certain. the calico tom had gone home at dusk and greeted his family for the night. got tucked in. read to. kissed goodnight and was ready for a good night sleep to give him enough energy for the following day.

sleep never came.

something was nagging at the boy. he wasn't sure what, but his body was restless. tossing and turning. kicking the sheets off, pulling them back over him. the pillows were either too soft or too stiff. there was never a right position to lay in. eventually captainpaw got fed up with it and stood from his bed with a grumpy scowl. he figured a walk would tire him out quickly. though, he had never been out in the jungle so late. not even out to the shoreline. the latest ever being was when they had set off the lanterns a month back.

it frightened him at first. the odd noises. the shadows that played tricks on his imaginations and made him look over his shoulder constantly. the tom was happy to make a break for the water once his paws reached the sand and felt his heartbeat ease as they hit the water. he stood there for a few moments, unsure as to where this burst of energy came from. he certainly was tired when he got home. now, he felt like he could swim to the mainland.

his kelly green gaze shifts as something captures his attention, and he notices vandals glowing green markings, moving steadily across the beach cap began to move toward her, perhaps maybe she could help him figure out what was wrong and then... she... fell asleep?

there's a pause in his step. the boy watched as argus comes forward. then rosemary, snapping at them for something. he's not sure what, but he can hear the tone of her voice from where he is then fischer; she's nice. he can't make out the words, but the moment comes where cap realizes vandal had not fallen asleep, and was perhaps hurt. he continued onward, though this time with more urgency in his pace and rushed to vndal's side, gently placing a paw on jher side opposite of the injured shoulder.

"vandal? what did you do..." he whined, his nose scrunched up at the scent surrounding her and looking to rosemary and fischer. "can you fix her? she smells... sick." death, would probably be more accurate, but he hasn't experienced that yet. the closest being to goldenluxury's own incident.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - no more - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]To hope and dream is a matter few regard highly though it seems an integral part of much of life, within this case it holds no grounds.

Of late Aita had found sleep elusive to a point much of their night was spent curled within one corner or another counting any manner of things, seeking to push their mind into a state of exhaustion by force if such became necessary, but it simply continued on, forcing them to continue the meaningless counting or seek other tasks. Sick of such they had set about sorting and tidying the herbs present within the tree house only to find the work passed all too quickly, enough stimuli to keep them focused on the task until it reached its conclusion yet not enough to tire them.

Little was present to capture the young sage's attention, reading held little appeal when it became an impossibility without waking another, sketching upon a similar line, and they held little care to converse with another, further attempts to sleep holding little sway over them, pushed aside for the prospect of a walk. Familiar was the trek which lead them through the jungle, one they had walked each morning as they sought company, curious as to what events transpired as they slumbered, drawing them towards the bay, already the sounds of the ocean faint but noticeable. For a time Aita merely walked, enjoying the sensation of the course grains between their toes, water lapping at their paws before it was drawn back once more, enjoying the quiet of the night.

Voices. Familiar were all but one, dark ears swivelling around, straining to catch the exact words spoken. Curiosity rose within Aita and their pace quickened, a little jog now though the wet sand slowed them somewhat, slowing only slightly when they drew close enough to pick apart individuals. They had forgone bringing their own bag, though the contents were merely basic herbs meant for minor injuries they would be able to patch up alone, all the same dark lips parted admitting a soft curse. Drawing closer they looked towards Argus with a raised brow, unsure as to what brought the Quartermaster here. They had yet to learn of her medical knowledge and would likely hold a similar opinion to that of her aunt, but for now they thought better of addressing the wolf, instead offering their inquiry to both Soothsayers.

“Anytin I can 'elp wit or get?” This was not their place and so they would stand back, allow the pair to work and merely watch for now, waiting to be called upon if their assistance would be needed.

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - ARGUS - 08-12-2018

ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ sᴄʀᴏʟʟɪɴɢ
there is nothing more annoying than someone telling them what to do. anger is an easy thing, and it makes something dark inside of the quartermaster want to snarl, to snap to... put them into their own place. Argus has never curbed to authority, and even now argus does not feel a need to listen to pincher with half a mind. yet somehow he trust them, more than his siblings, more than some of his family to run the place. Because they were gone or unborn to be there at the beginning. They did not met the leader fresh from the ship with an open smile- did not see the night that the fire kissed the furs of weary sea-mammal's finally reaching land.

and this night the hollow part of them is all that more closer to the surface under their fur. It's a dangerous thing- how easy it would be. Vandal is collapsed and rosemary and they are alone. The hollow is always ravenous, and crewmates are fair game as long as they are not caught. Who would miss the quad-eyed feline? Not many. Not argus.

argus has half a mind to snap at the medic that comes by. bright red eyes narrowed look at rosemary. "Do not quarrel with me, and do your job. Rosemary. Someone who arrives first should asses the damage- i was meerly doing my job." Argus keeps their own voice mellow as they spot other's coming to rush over. ah, a missed chance then, but it is easy to let go of their anger. anger is fleeting.

Ficher is first, and she is more kind in asking for assistance. It's an easy distraction and argus dismisses rosemary without a thought. Giving a hum towards the other medic. "I aalways keep some water on me. how much?" Without asking argus pulls open a wing, a satchel comming from the folded wing and the hollow sets it down in front of the medic.

Next is one of the offspring, the worried tone in their voice makes their teeth on edge. It would be causal to send them off- dismiss them- after all rosemary is quick in attempting to take control, but here argus knows what to do about infection. Knows how to treat it with a very long line of experiments with it. "I'll do what i can, we all will." Argus nods quickly to aita, the last one to arrive but no less important. "Can you go fetch some clean gauze, or cobwebs? You two know where the medic den is, yes?" Hopefully their parents have instilled that knowledge to them. They address both of the kiddo's with this statement, turning to both before coming back to face vandal again. "How long since you got bit?"

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - ROSEMARY - 08-13-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
She nods to Fischer, Captainpaw, and Aita; she is pleased to see two of her team members on the scene, and she holds no hostile feelings towards the young male. "Go ahead and make the marigold once the wound is clean - though I'm not sure if stinging nettle will be effective here. There aren't any signs of infection, and poison is... slightly different than venom," Rosemary speaks with a slight nod, taking the water bottle without asking to start cleaning the wounds. She still can't smell infection, can't feel any heat on it... and she is unsure what she can do about the wound besides the basic treatment and giving Vandal painkillers.

As Argus speaks about sending her sage away, the ocelot cuts another glare to the quartermaster. "Don't order my team around, especially when you're ignorant about our protocol. I always carry bandages with me - you'd know that if you saw me treat Solveig or Junji when they washed up on the territory," she spoke rapidly, making a shooing motion with her paw. "And you clearly don't know that Aita was promoted to sage a week ago, so please stop embarrassing yourself. And just get the fuck out, leave the healing to my team and go hover over another high position's shoulder - God knows Caesar needs more micromanaging than I do." She wasn't in the mood for some unproven medic ordering her team around when her sister was in agony, especially when those orders were to leave the area for an item Rosemary already had in her possession.

She turned her back on Argus, busy cleaning the snake bites. She wasn't in the mood for this shit. "Aita, do you see any signs of infection?" she asked the young sage, fairly certain in her own diagnosis that the wounds weren't infected. But a second set of eyes was always a good idea - and it might prove a good lesson for Aita.

[ i checked oocly with lexi, the wound isn't infected! ]

Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"If it helps at all Rsemary I was there - the thing was a sea snake, colourful, though I didn't get a god glimpse at what colours entirely" came the deep baritone and the looming shadow cast across the party - ignoring the tension for now in favour of helping Vandal, whom seemed hadn't recovered as well as could be - and the ancient shadow worried once more for the fragile glass mortals lives were spun into.

blinking down at the group he inclined his head with an offer "do you require my assistance in any endeavour here?" if it'd help, he'd hunt down the type of snake if need be - or fetch ingredients quicker on the wing.


Re: BUT I'M HUNGRY FOR BLOOD | open, healers needed - ARGUS - 08-14-2018

ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ sᴄʀᴏʟʟɪɴɢ
it would be harder now- surely, but the anger doesen't fade in the slightest as rosemary seems to keep yapping at them. Doing their job? No- there may be witnesses now but does argus really care? Did argus ever care about that when putting someone into their place? The answer is no. Argus may not curb to other's authority, but they will be sure to bend other's to their own, and fear is a good motivator as any. Fear is something argus has ruled by before and it would not be the first time Argus attempts to control someone here now. witnesses here will only help spread it- let rosemary be an example to what happens when they are crossed.

But argus doesn't, and it says a lot about how far they have come. That they meerly drop the fact- drop the []imatter[/i] with the medic there. Red eyes glance in the head medic's direction for a moment longer, and the danger there in their eyes is fadded, the challange gone. Not out of respect for them- no it would be brought up another time; this matter. At a less rushed time. and a less worried state. But for now argus turns and looks up to their step father and his words. A light humm from thier maw more mellow than the last tnese passed words allowed.

"If it's a venom we're working with I can create an anti-toxin from the the snake venom. Or we can look to see if someone hasn't already made some in the dens.." Argus stubbornly stays in place where rosemary obviously dismissed, them, the quartmermaster staying to help because venom the hollow very obviously knows. But a slow acting venom like this doesn't sound entirely right either. It enters the blood and is usually fact acting.

"Rosemary, do you know where they keep the anti-venom in the medic den's? I can an object if i know were it is." that is- if they have any. Argus does not expect them to have every snake's anti-venom, and they would still need to narrow down what kind of snake it was. But argus does not know these kinds of snakes. and leaves the clues for someone else to figure out. Maybe if cleo were here it would have been a bit easier. "Do you know what colors it was? the shape of it's head and tail?" Argus asks their dad this time.