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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had always been an overworker. Ever since he was born, he had been placed on a pedestal on what he should be doing in this world. His mother and father had been leaders of their own group, his mother the head of a tribe while his father had been the tyrant of his own gang. They both were considered mighty and powerful in the eyes of their followers and because of this, the ones that would look down upon him would also be looking up at him, waiting for him to grow up and become just like his mother or father. He was "royalty" — filthy blood colored but royalty nontheless. Even as his father took him away from the island, he was still forced to live up to expectations that his father wanted him to come realize. He needed to become exactly like his father, strong and powerful. One that didn't back down from a fight but also knew when it was time to take a step back and figure things out. The only problem was that he became overly ambitious as time passed. His father had demanded so much of him that Pincher had grown tired and wanted to be more powerful than his father, to have the ability to make his own rules and own decisions. All the training and teachings became a weapon and it was plunged into the throat of his father when the day came that he was killed.

It had been hard. There were days where Pincher remembered every muscle burning with exhaustion from overtraining but he had been gifted with an ability to sit back and enjoy the little things in life. While he was supposed to be scoping out past enemy lines to spy on the enemies that his father despised, he had taken up on doing stuff while observing. One of these had been origami — the art of paper folding and creating creatures or things out of paper. He had always been fond of it because in a sense, it satisfied the precision that Pincher seeked in all his plans. Now, he was finding shelter in origami as he was sitting out in the sun of Barracuda Bay with a large stack of paper beside him as the male folded a yellow piece of paper to create a fish and set it on the towel that lay in front of him. His intense ice blue eyes seemed faded, almost as if he was in a daze as he grabbed a pink sheet and began to work on another form.

Re: CALIFORNIA BURN — ORIGAMI - Verdigris - 08-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]As a child, from the very beginning, Paper had known that becoming the Pack Leader was a long shot.

  For starters, the hierarchy was long and winding. First he had to become a squad leader, then he had to defeat the other squad leaders in battle, then he had to defeat the Falconer in order to become the Second- and from there, he had to wait for the Pack Leader to die. That was assuming that Dustdevil and Miragelight both died within his lifetime, too, in whichever order it happened to be. Up until recently, he had thought that impossible; both were in very good health when he had left the pack.

  Of course, that hadn't been the case, but by the time he found that out it was too late to matter. Part of him still wondered who had become the Second after Dustdevil rose up. His money had been on Blankslate, but Stormyheights was also a vicious opponent, and all of the squad leaders had their own strengths and weaknesses. Any one of them could have come out on top if everything went their way.

  That held little bearing on his life right now, though. Right now, he was more concerned with helping the Typhoon and figuring out who had attacked Gold than he was with his old pack. The road to the top was long and winding, too, but it would be worth it.

  Noticing Pincher folding origami, however, Paper let himself be drawn over, his eyes fixing on the fish figure. That would explain where Gold had gotten her folding skills from, if nothing else. "Soothing?" he asked softly, looking over at Pincher's work-in-progress. Taking care of an entire crew would start to wear on one's mind, for sure.

  /ish ending


★ -- Exodus had never seen paper before. Especially one with such colorful pigment.

Pincher had set up his origami not too far away from the nest of the typhoon's resident feathered troublemakers. She smelled his familiar scent, took on the crisp smell of barely used paper (a curiosity to her), and gingerly trotted from the refuge of her family's nest.

Wicked little feet glided over smooth, hot sand as Exodus lurked out of view. Venturing closer. Stupefaction overtook her primal instincts; Exodus knew Pincher well enough. But what he was doing, so seemingly entranced and focused on his uncanny art, was something different entirely.

But Exodus, was but no means a shy creature. Months of living around the bizarre inhabitants of the island made her bold within their face. She did not falter, even as she trotted forward to sniff at the vividly hued sheets layed to rest upon a towel. Pincher's paws were working intricately, carving the strange material into shapes she couldn't comprehend. Exodus stopped watching after she realized she could not comprehend his patterns.

Belatedly, she sniffed a sheet of paper, then nipped at it's fragile and delicate skin. When no response came to head, and Exodus quickly became bored, she decided to  busy herself with the matter of turning her focus onto an unfamiliar face.

Nostrils flexed as she turned to Paper, busy taking in it's scent. On any other day, the fiesty child would have 'greeted' the other with a wondrous little tweak to the skin with her teeth. For now, a bit part of her attention had been captured by Pincher's craft.

Re: CALIFORNIA BURN — ORIGAMI - Character Graveyard. - 08-15-2018

Kirishima had always been the kind of person to push themselves past their limits. There had been a time in the old world when he had been lackluster and insecure, as he hadn't been able to stand up for others in his class when a villain had been threatening them. Instead, Mina had stood up to them, though she had also been terrified. So when he had been accepted into U.A, the confidence he had lost had been regained.

The Beta had been strolling around the Typhoon's tropical forest when he had decided to roam onto the beach and he quickly noticed Pincher, Papercutter and one of the recently born raptors. Then he saw the origami figures that the Captain was making and putting on the water. A look of awe would form in his crimson-eyes and he would remain silent, so he didn't bother the older male.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: CALIFORNIA BURN — ORIGAMI - snare - 08-17-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare was always looking for something to entertain and participate in, his energy boundless and seemingly never ending.  The wolf pup had been stomping along the shoreline during one of his self imposed patrols looking for something to do or somebody else, making footprints in the grainy substance when he caught sight of Pincher up ahead.  He paused in his big pawsteps, looking at him and his craftwork with a curious gleam in his eyes.

The young Striker would trot towards the Captain, his head tilted slightly in curiosity as he approached.  "That's pretty."  Snare would say, looking at the origami creations as he blinked softly.  "How do you do it?"

Re: CALIFORNIA BURN — ORIGAMI - bubblegum - 08-17-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
given her situation, perhaps it would make more sense for her to stay within the submarine. it certainly would be less taxing on her physical health. she had tried to rest a little bit, and this time she didn't even feel any better after that attempt, but she couldn't help it. she needed to keep moving. there was something going on and no one else knew about it. no one else knew, but they were in danger. all because of her and her stupid mistakes.

she could not tell anyone. she could not reveal what she was truly doing to anyone. she could not tell anyone of the potential threat. the only way to keep them safe would be for her to just remain quiet and do as decius says. or, at least, do as the male says until she is able to take care of him herself. he told her exactly what would happen if she didn't.

goldenluxury had considered staying inside, isolating herself. perhaps that would be the safest option. that way there was no possibility of accidentally slipping up around anyone, and that way she could heal faster. but, call her crazy, she did not trust decius' warning. she did not trust he wouldn't hurt somebody just because she did just as he said. she needed to did not. she needed to check up on everyone. she needed to make sure he did not kill deldrach. she needed to make sure no one was hurt.

that was why she pushed herself onward. she needed to move.

seeing a crowd usually is what drew over goldie, however the added scent of her papa between the rest is what lead the girl to force herself over quicker. her legs shook, dragging close to the ground as she clearly struggled towards them, pain apparent in her expression. it hurt to walk, but she had to do it. there was so much going on. the way she sees it, she has no other choice.

the girl does immediately feel a bit of relief by the presence of her papa, a strong warmth, only so intense for him, entering her gaze. she does not even look at what is happening at first, she simply moves herself besides her papa until she is gently sitting against him, legs quivering. her tired eyes would then scan everything, almost hanging a little lazily as she took in the calm environment.

he was folding papers - origami. she recalled him telling her of how he is good at it. that's exactly what had caused her to start doing it. she wanted to share it with him. she wanted to make him proud of her and show him she could be good too. "y-ya gotta ff-fold the papers a certain w-way. it depends on what sh-shape you're trying to m-make." she would first reply gently to snare's question, eyeing towards her papa's creation. "hmm, i'm c-certainly not as g-good as y-you, papa. they're v-very nice."