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SPINNING SONG — mlv visitor - Printable Version

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SPINNING SONG — mlv visitor - candorosa - 08-11-2018

One of the first things he had to sort out now that he was leader was alliances. From what he could tell, the Vale's only alliance had been with Snowbound and everyone else was neutral. He could work with that, it'd help him focus on cultivating the alliance at least. But damn, he needed to work on networking; nobody knew who they were. Maybe that had been fine for Videogames, the man had seemed wary of outsiders but that way of life seemed boring to Lemy. Regardless, the whole political aspect of being a leader was why Lemy was currently traveling to Snowbound. But man, these Snowbounders sure had it rough. Who would want to live in the freezing cold? Lemy pulled his cloak closer to his body, suppressing a shiver. He guessed he shouldn't complain though, a little inconvenience was fine in order not to lose the alliance.

Lemy set the gift basket he was carrying down on the snow upon reaching the border. The tomcat released an inaudible sigh as he rolled his neck to get rid of any cricks. After he was done, he took a deep breath. "Hiya hiya! I'm from Moonlight Vale - I've brought gifts and news!" He called out with a smile, tail wrapping around his paws as he sat down. He pushed the gift basket closer to the border, filled to the brim with items ranging from fresh-kill, human foods, accessories, some herbs he had snatched from the shaman's room, and his personal favorite, weapons. Those were neatly covered with cloth so people wouldn't accidentally hurt themselves on the sharp edges.

Re: SPINNING SONG — mlv visitor - MirrorEdge - 08-11-2018

//Is that Luck from Black Clover I see?
"Hello." Gwen was the first to approach, it seemed, as the grey kitsune trudged her way through the snow, and pupiless eyes settled on him, before adding, "H-how is Moonlight Vale doing?" The Snowbounder offered Lemy a polite smile as she waited for a response, before finally noticing the basket. "Oh! Is that for us?"

Re: SPINNING SONG — mlv visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash had been beginning to wonder where Moonlight Vale was. She expected them to be visiting more often, now that they were allies, but unfortunately they didn't appear to be the case. They were a smaller group, she knew, and likely had other things to worry about (such as making sure they didn't die out), but Videogames had been the one to come to Snowbound and visit and introduce himself and his group. Though then again, Videogames hadn't asked for an alliance right then and there, and Atbash had been the one to do that, by travelling to the group herself. But that still didn't mean they couldn't just... not do things. "Welcome to Snowbound!" Atbash chirped as she came over, standing next to Gwen as she arrived. "I'm Atbash, the leader here. Could I interest you in some hot chocolate while you visit?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: SPINNING SONG — mlv visitor - madster - 08-12-2018

henri was the moonlight vale's ambassador, alongside tsuyu, but honestly his visit hadn't been that fruitful. he figured there wasn't many members of the other clan, and the pragmatist in him wondered why they kept an alliance that didn't seem to be very beneficial. still, he wouldn't question atbash since she knew a lot more about clans and shit than he did. he was confused about it all, honestly.

he offered the stranger a smile, even if he couldn't see him. had to keep up appearances.