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todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - Printable Version

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todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - snare - 08-11-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Okay, he was a little late to the punch on this.  But hey, he had to prep for this little activity.  It meant he got to go exploring like he always wanted.  Snare got to wander about the territory to collect things to substitute for paint.  Really that was the most exciting thing about being given this task, getting to go out on his own to get the needed supplies.  Various fruits and foliage mashed into paste, clumpy sand bits from the beach, and other materials mushed together into colorful materials that would wash off with enough effort but would stick to pelts and skin easily.

The wolf puppy set all his pelt paints across the soft sands of the beach, placing them in piles on top of leaf bundles in a half circle around him.  Snare would sit before it, plopping his rump onto the soft grain and thumping his tail against the ground.  It wasn’t a big job admittedly but he still felt important for it.  ”Everybody!  We’re gonna paint ourselves today!”  Snare yipped into the air before he leaned foreword and dunked his front feet into a pile of yellow material, using the color to paint wrapping rings around his front legs, his pale eyes determined and focused, surprisingly so for a simple task.

(FINALLY DONE.  Meant to be longer, but im super tired tonight lol)

Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - Luciferr - 08-11-2018

The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult,
but I feel that he understood that difference, more than anyone knew.
"I hope you have enough paints in that case" a slightly sardonic reply rumbled as the large dragon peered down at Snare with a raised brow - painting themselves hm? well Luci kinda had a lot to cover in that regard, on the plus side - black was a lovely canvas for the neon 'tron' aesthetic paints if one so chose - and if the paints actually glowed.

would certainly help to spot him in the night flights in that case - he mildly snorted at the thought.


Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - goodsprings - 08-11-2018

"you mean, we're allowed to get paint on ourselves?" captainpaw's gaze had a mischievous spark as he looked over the sweet smelling paints. he stopped in front of a dark blue paint, and carefully dipped his paw in. he examined it at first, giving it a curious lick before grimacing. okay. they smelled nice, that was about it.

captainpaw continued with marking each of his white-patched shoulders with a blue paw print of his own. then carefully adding dots from his neck down his chest. he turned to lucifer with a proud grin, puffing out his chest.

"i look like pincher! but with my own stuff added." he declared, his tail curling over his back before looking over the other colors. he wiped his paw on an empty leaf before going for the red, putting small circles over his cheeks and the tips of his ears. "do you have a mirror, snare?" the calico looked toward the wolf pup with a smile as he asked.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - VANDAL R. - 08-11-2018

Even when you don't speak of the devil, she appears anyway—Vandal's like that, annoying, always everywhere or nowhere or anywhere in between. Hearing about paint has definitely attracted her attention enough to tempt her out of hiding, creeping towards the group with a limp in her step and a glimmer of mischief in her neon eyes. Painting herself comes secondary to painting other people, and she knows just who to target among the gathered Typhooners.

She approaches the paint, nosing him kindly as she passes him (she's careful, though, not touching any of the painted bits so that she doesn't accidentally ruin his masterpiece). The outer edges of her eyes crinkle as she flashes Snare an impish smile, dipping her talons into electric-blue paint. For a second, she simply stands there, immobile—and then she's whirling around and throwing a lob of paint towards Lucifer.

Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - Kian. - 08-11-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Paint?  The rusty spotted cat's brow raised as he arrived on scene, just in time to see Vandal aim some directly onto the massive dragon, Lucifer.  Hi lips quriked into an amused grin.  That was one way to go about it, he supposed.  "I like her style," the Irishman laughed.  Nonetheless, he decided he might do something.  Two simple smears across his cheeks, one above the other, both in red.

A vauge memory from ages ago surfaced in his mind; chasing his twin around an open field, trying to smother him with mud - not exactly paint - while Raziel hid in a tree, trying to stay out of it by reading.  Kian had to wonder just how much of a handful his parents had thought they all were.  Oh well.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - ROSEMARY - 08-11-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary, unfortunately, has no sense of style - and she knows this. Still, she imagines that her natural ocelot coloration looks a lot like paint anyway. Strolling up, the witch glanced at the others, before looking at the cans, and then back to the others. "Any suggestions for me?" she asked, looking at Vandal in particular - she trusted the mutated creature's input on these matters most of all, for some bizarre reason.

Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
He watches as everyone starts picking out colours, asking for opinions or simply jumping straight into painting with some amusement - so absorbed that he doesn't pay attention after Vandal first joins them - Inclining his head in greeting but beyond that he'd gone back to simply watching the others amuse themselves.

so of course when something hits him, he starts minutely - before he shifts and looks down at the bright electric blue now splattering one half of his right shoulder and neck, he blinks and then catches Vandal's paws that same bright blue.

oh, oh really now?

his face is carefully neutral as he reaches for a bright Violet and with all the gravitas of something that should be more serious than a giant dragon with one set of claws caked and gripping a globule of the goo-ey paint, whaps the wad with great precision aiming for [member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member]

well he hadn't started this, that was entirely on the winged wolf, she had only herself to blame.


Re: todays the day | weekly task/pelt painting - Character Graveyard. - 08-13-2018

Others were covering themselves in paint? That sounded like fun. He'd never done anything like this before in the old world, so it would certainly be a nice thing to try out. A lopsided-grin, the short-male would make his way over to the gathering group of his fellow crewmates. Red-eyes would eagerly search for Bakugou or Tokoyami, but to his disappointment, neither of them were on the scene, so he decided to take a seat beside Lucifer- chuckling as the large male chunked some paint towards Vandal.

Then he'd walk over to Snare and he would offer a grin in the younger male's direction. "Hey, do you mind giving me a paint palette based on the colors of a rainbow?
tags :: updated 7/26: