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[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Well, she'd been asked to join a guild and do an event, right? This was her idea of that.

The warfare guild was more suited to what she was made for. After all, she didn't have any interest in herbs, and being too social with others just got her annoyed, so moving around and preparing for battles didn't seem like too much of a bother. So, her first contribution to Sunhaven would be teaching them how to properly climb. Her species had been made for trees, and to see her relatives struggle to mount a single branch rubbed at her the wrong way. She had an advantage, being more flexible and all, but it still pained her more than anything else to see someone else fail at the thing she was most passionate about.

Jericho usually held meetings at the fountain, so Stella would linger around it, just enough to bring attention to herself. "I'm holding a climbing class out in the woods. If you want to join, just follow me."


[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There had never been a reason behind her needing to learn how to climb, the minimal vegetation of the desert was rare and those trees she had come across had been covered in spines, a measure to protect themselves which had left her rather unwilling to learn in her later years, though she had attempted it many times as a child. Now it seemed it an impossibility for her to learn to climb with any skill for she lacked a forelimb and thus the ability to grip well, though with time she planned on remedying that.

“If you don't mind I would love to watch, learn a bit, though I don't believe I'd be able to do much,” a smile curled pale lips as Ishayu drew closer to the smaller feline, trying to not outright stare. Though her life had been spent around a rather eclectic mix of creatures never had seen come across one such as Stella, rather pretty if she dared to admit such.


With the amount of time she and her sisters have spent traveling the world, Ja'sunna has acquired many odd skills in order to become more resilient. A traveler, after all, must learn how to take what life has given, and use it to their advantage in order to thrive in the beckoning wild. Those too unyielding to adjust to life's many hurdles are often the same ones whose bones she takes to decorate her own home; they serve as a reminder to her, a reminder to do and be better. She doesn't want to be like them, to be another femur in someone else's twisted mane—she doesn't want to die because she had not been prepared, for in her eyes, it is the most humiliating death one could be given.

Climbing is one of the many things she's picked up during her travels. While tigers are known to be capable of climbing if the situation calls of it, many of them seldom do and lose the skill when it counts. While once talented in the art, Ja'sunna hasn't climbed a tree in far too long that she understands the need to re-hone her skills. Who knows when she might need it next? Whether to grab a tantalizing fruit nestled high in the forest canopy or to simply give herself a vantage point, climbing is a skill that she knows she should always be capable of.

"I have climbed before," comes the tigress' smoky voice, honey over gravel as she makes her approach. Each muscle, each limb pulses with strength underneath her short, white coat; her movements are powerful but precise, tuned so finely that each deviation from the movements of her body is infinitesimal, almost invisible. The scarred feline stops next to Mama, bowing her head in greeting towards both Bearers before taking a seat. "Not recently, however, so forgive me if I am a little... rusty."

Re: SETTLE DOWN .*✦ CLIMBING CLASS | WEEKLY TASK - rhosmari - 08-11-2018

He wasn't stupid. Well, he liked to think he wasn't stupid and he hoped that he wasn't the type to risk his life for a pretty face. But then again he had done much dumber things and he really hoped she would notice him. A soft sigh left his muzzle as he shook his head. Perhaps he was just being a fool and he wasn't hoping for something that wouldn't be. Well, it wouldn't be the first time and he didn't see something like what he wanted happening. Still, he would be happy to be friends regardless of how he felt and that way he didn't have to go through the pain of rejection. That was the perfect idea! He held his head up and a smile pulled across his muzzle, serrated teeth shark teeth visible or just the moment. A solution that would benefit everyone in the end and he walked forward with a calm step toward where others were following Stella. Climbing was not his strong suite that was for sure.

He would rather not risk tearing the webbing of his paws or tearing up his skin. Though he was happy to come along and watch the show and teaching. If only to just be around. Coming up behind Mama he gave a light nod of his head to the female and then toward Stella as well. "I'm not much of a climber lassie. But I'll be sure tae watch and take notes down." He was a swimmer and he did things better in the water. His gills shifted a bit as he followed after the clouded leopard, attempting to keep his eyes off of her because he'd rather not be that creep that watched someone or stared. Ugh. He shook his head a bit as he gave a soft breath, ears pulling back a bit because of his own thoughts. Today was going to be a long day.