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Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Printable Version

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Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Dimitri - 08-11-2018

They were so excited. The alters were clamoring and he could hear them all trying to talk. It's so sunny! Divertimento was right. It as warm and sunny here, it was so nice on his fur.  and pretty! I like it here! Can we stay here? He didn't have to shapeshift his fur to deal with the cold like he did in Snowbound. His fur could be nice, groomed, and short here. No, Daisy. We're the ambassador now. We'll be visiting though! Wouldn't that be fun? "Perhaps." The idea pleased him greatly. Why wouldn't they jump on this opportunity?
Maybe we'll find a nice girl here, wouldn't that be scandalous... "No, Donovan. Shut up." Maybe it was just easier for him to talk outloud. Plus he was alone right now... Ya think they have shark here, partner? I'd love to eat sharks.
They knew that these people wouldn't require blankets or warm things, so he tried his best.
Daisy gave up one of her stuffed animals, a bird. Donovan made another bottle of his perfume, "Chocolate Roses", Divertimento gave up a used chess board, with the pieces in a bag. The perfume bottle had a clear label on it, with the name of the scent, and a warning to let it sit for a few month to ferment.
They picked up flowers on the way here, roses, lilacs, and daffodils.

He supposed it would be worth it to tell them about Snowbound's new trading system.
He arrived on the beach, feeling sand between his paws, and picking them up to stare at it. He'd never seen sand before. Don't do it. A moment of hesitation, then a lick. He recoiled and tried to spit it out, dashing over to the shore and sticking his mouth in the water.
Also bad. It was salty. He returned to his basket, tongue stuck out and trying to lick it off on his fur. His eyes wandered over the floating houses. He figured, that was where they lived, but... he didn't know how to get over there. So, he'd stay on the beach, sticking his pas in the warm sand and trying to memorize the texture.

This would be a terrible time to dissociate, haha... bitch.

Stop it. Okay. Things.
  1. New Trade System
  2. Events?????
  3. Market...
  4. Fuckin.... ????
  5. Smile!
  6. Them them the territory is great!

Well. That... wasn't helpful. Guess he'd have to wing it.


Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - GRIMNYTE - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]"Are you sight-seeing, or do you have a purpose that isn't standing around outside of town?"

A voice floated from above; Stellamaris poked her head down, staring blankly at the unfamiliar feline twitching about on Sunhaven's beach. She'd been up to no-good again with the coconuts, even if the second half of trying to get them down was spent watching the stranger mess around before she decided to intervene. The clouded leopard climbed down from her perch on the tree head-first before rounding on Dimitri nonchalantly. He smelled like he came from a different group, from the many scents that hung off of his coat. And when she cared to look closer, he also had gifts.

Did he want to trade? Perish the thought ... he seemed too flighty to be here on such simple business. Why would he come all this way to just do that, anyways? Sunhaven was small - from what she heard, none of the other bigger groups wanted much to do with them. Why a small trader would run all the way out onto their shores just to go back and forth on prices was beyond her. Nevertheless, the large she-cat would skewer Dimitri with her gaze, patiently awaiting his reply. Stellamaris had never been shy about her blunt manners, but that had never kept her from remaining polite.

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Mama - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It had spread somewhat quickly that the attempt to gain an alliance with Typhoon had ended poorly, though she might have guessed as such for their choice of considering themselves pirates only spoke of their ill-will toward all but their own, but she had not learnt much beyond that, taking the mantle as ambassador herself for it seemed a curious task, one which might lead her to materials. For a short time the albino cougar merely watched the stranger from where she perched upon a boulder not far off the beach, enjoying the warmth and breeze. Ishayu had been spending a great deal of time within her forge, preparing it for she had two orders to complete but gathering the needed materials was a hassle, and so it was no uncommon she was one of the first to find the strangers who wandered onto the beach.

This time she was beaten to the punch though she was able to watch Dimitri's display, a look of disgust and pity twisting her features as she watched him lick the sand before trying to drink the sea water, a mistake she had made as well for she had not known better having seen the ocean for the first time that day. Another minute passed as she watched Stella climb down the tree she had perched within, a soft hum escaping her as she watched, before she rose herself, taking up a slow pace.

Unlike the clouded leopard she held the possibility he had come for trade, eyeing the basket he had brought but offering no inquiry about it, having already come across one who had sought to trade, the plans for the agent's dagger safely tucked away in her forge. With the necessary words having already been spoken Ishayu offered a smile devoid of emotion, more the twist of the lips was for show than anything while those red eyes scrutinised the Snowbounder, awaiting a reply before she spoke.

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - JA´SUNNA - 08-11-2018

Ja'sunna, while known for her silence and stoic demeanor, has vibrant and outspoken opinions that differ from Sunhaven's current situation as a whole. The situation with the Typhoon can be rectified—she believes that, with a little effort, they can gain the coastal warbound clan's respect and trust, enough to form the alliance that failed to manifest the first time around. To have such a powerful ally by their side would allow them the peace to live without fear, to live with confidence, to live life like it should be lived. She's hopeful, bright-eyed, weaving plans into her mind to turn the situation around and steer them towards success.

Snowbound, however, is something that she isn't all too keen on. Word spreads fast between clans, especially among merchants, and she already knows of Qua's discovery of Snowbounds'... peculiar treatment of their allies. They have no respect, no gratitude, no awareness, no sympathy; they are unworthy of an alliance with Sunhaven, unworthy to be treated with what respect they lack, and it's all too tempting to let them fester from the inside out until they are nothing more than the rotting bag that they are—Stop.

The white tigress' teeth click together, reaching out to grab her unruly thoughts before they could fly away with the idea that it's alright to be thinking that way. Pulling down, she shoves what she can into the far recesses of her mind, the barren shadowlands where they belong, never to be seen by the light of day. When she approaches the Snowbounder and the two gathered Sunbearers, the look on the large feline's face is as unfathomable as it's always been, not a single twitch out of place. Between fang-piercings on her brow-line and cheekbones, Ja'sunna's vermillion eyes flicker from one direction to another, scanning their surroundings and ensuring that there are no hidden threats before finally allowing herself to sit down behind the two others.

Lips pressed, the tightly-wound tigress says nothing, but what else is new?

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Dimitri - 08-11-2018

Oh no, oh no- the tom felt his tail run between his legs and ears flipping back the sight of the trio. Dimitri... had a problem with bigger animals. It wasn't their fault. His father had been bigger than him and he just- he just- it didn't help he was already stunted! Dimitri's fur started changing to a dapple pelt and a gasp released from his body.
Oh. Wait. What was going on? Okay. That's right, they were in Sunhaven. "Hi there! I'm Diverimento, that was Dimitri, and we have multiple personalities! Hi!" There was a big smile on the dapple brown's face and his tail flicked back and forth.
"Okay, so, um- god, what were we here for?" He dug in the basket and pulled out the list, reading over it. "Okay. Not helpful. Whatever. But- but-!" He dug in the basket again, pulling out a little canister. His arms shifted into grey monkey arms, holding it in one hand and grabbing the string with the other.
"I am proud to announce that Snowbound has decided to put your clan on a trial alliance-" He pulled the string, confetti busting out of the party popper. "Yay!" He smiled brightly, near radioactive green eyes giving off the same expression. "Which I hope becomes a full alliance as we would love to visit here more often!"

"Your territory is so nice, by the way. Is that where you guys live? I love it!" He jumped slightly and if he was human- would have clicked his heels. He gestured over to the floating houses. "That's so cool! I wonder what would happen if you got a hole- nevermind that's not important! It's so warm and nice here- I'm sorry- sorry- I just- we just haven't been anywhere this nice- ever! I love it!"

"Uh- this basket is for you guys, and I'll wait for a few more to get here to tell you guys about business, ok?"

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Mama - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Well this was all rather strange.

For a mere moment her maroon gaze rose to touch upon Ja'sunna, one she was slowly becoming familiar with for she seemed out and about much of the time the cougar herself was, offering her a slight smile over a voiced greeting. It was as the Snowbounder began to speak that her attention found him once more, a fictional brow raising as his words seemed to simply tumble from him, a mess of sound she struggled to put much meaning behind.

A soft hum rose from her pursed lips and Ishayu thought better of questioning him upon the matter of his various personalities, the shift within his colouration all too clear though he wondered at how he would speak if another was present, this disjointed, almost thoughtless mess of words speaking of excitement. “Well, thank you for informing us and giving us this chance, I will be sure to inform Jericho if he doesn't show,” it was a struggle to keep her voice flat, devoid of any emotion for the want to snap at the other, to speak of the rumours she had heard, deciding holding her tongue was better for all.

“Yes it is, and only time will tell if anything might happen,” a faint note of curiosity touched her voice as she offered the answers to Dimitri's inquiries, a faint curl to her lips for it seemed most though of the land as such. Indeed it was a wonder, a patchwork of various types of land joined together to form a wonder all its own. At mention of the basket her gaze turned to it though was quick to rise when business arose, wondering as to what else needed their attention when the matter of the temporary alliance had been settled.

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - madster - 08-12-2018

amnia was pretty clueless about the other clans. all he knew was there was earth, and then a little tiny place known as sunhaven. and that was it.

clearly, though, that wasn't the case. the strange-color kitten padded over, sliding next to stellamaris. she was the most familiar, after all. he studied the other, listening to him talk. "multiple personalities?" the child asked curiously, tilting his head. did he have multiple personalities? no, there was just amnia. but this person introduced himself as divertimento, which was different from the claimed host body, dimitri.

he pushed ahead of everybody else, a grin on his little face. "hello! my name is amnia! i am a member of sunhaven!" this was obvious, but amnia usually stated the obvious. "please inform me what your clan is like! i wish to gain the information!"

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - PIERCE - 08-12-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce knew this guy- not well, no, but they had lived in Snowbound together, and he had always liked the other tom. No one had learned of Dimitri's multiple other personalities until soon before Pierce left the clan, but he had heard it through the grapevine and it had made pretty simple sense to him. In fact, he was pretty sure he'd lived with a couple other individuals in the past with a similar condition. It was no big deal, and either way, Pierce had really liked the guy. "Diverimento?" echoed Pierce, the name and face unfamiliar, though he had heard the brief mention of "Dimitri", and he definitely knew that voice.  "It's so good to see you again! How are you? How's Snowbound?" Perhaps it was a lot at once, and, realizing such, he slowed down, a small laugh escaping his lips as he offered the Snowbounder a gentle smile. "Anyway, uh, thanks for visiting! I hope we can stay allies," purred the slightly older male, giving a faint wave of his tail.


Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Dimitri - 08-14-2018

"...Will Jercho be joining us?" The alter asked, tilting his head and his ear tipping back. "Regardless, we have a few events that will be taking place in the coming weeks and you folks will be invited! There will be iceskating, ice fishing, a polar bear plunge, and! Drumroll please!" He started beating the sand. "A Masquerade!! YAY!"

Don't tell them too much.
"Snowbound is cold all year around, and we don't like it that much because we have to shapeshift our fur to handle the cold weather." That was really the only thing he planned to tell them. He saw Pierce approach next, head tilting the other way now at this greeting.
“I'm sorry, do we know you?”

Re: Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door [o, SNOWBOUND AMBASSADOR] - Mama - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“I am unsure, if you wish I can see if I can find him,” speaking quickly she hoped it was enough for this Diverimento, unsure of exactly where Jericho was at the present moment. It seemed he was a hard one to get a hold of, appearing for a time only to drop away, busy with something or other though she expected as such for the group seemed largely new.

“Oh,” the soft sound of surprise escaped her before she had a chance to stop it, eyes widening some small fraction. Largely contained to the barren landscape of a desert the cougar had little experience with ice or snow and so the mere idea of it was largely foreign to her though some travellers had spoken of it before, of the frigid temperatures of both. As he continued to speak she found her mind wandering, thinking upon exactly what this snow was like. Surely it was not as cold as he made it seem, but then why would so many lie of such, each experience seemingly the same. “Thank you for the invitation to the events.” The hearthkeeper held no ability to accept or deny the invitation and so went to the route available to her, offering a slight tight smile.