Beasts of Beyond
[ NO PLACE FOR A HERO — JOINING ] - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]In his experience, Winterwolf has found that the people most tempted by the offer of a second chance are the ones who know that they can't take it. There's no easy way out of your past. It's a long and exhausting trudge towards the future — he's not unaware of the joke there. Everyone prays for tomorrow, yet it comes as another today. It took a certain initiative to stop waiting for tomorrow, but Winter didn't earn it through his own patience, or through any particular choice. Hopelessness had torn through what little defenses he'd built up; he had never known a life other than the one filled with a monotonous routine. Day in and day out, nothing would change, nothing would improve. A dead end job, someone might joke, but Winterwolf is hardly the person to try. He takes his life with a little more than one grain of salt. There's no restart button, no second chance. Like anyone else in the world, he most he can do is roll up his sleeves and get to work. It takes time, like anything else.

He ends up walking without goal for long enough to think, though eventually it turns to radio silence. Only the crunch of fresh snow underneath his paws keeps the lion company, and however unwelcome the weather is, the cold bite keeps his head on straight. A frown sharpens an already watchful expression as he pushes himself through it. Distaste never quite fades from his expression. (When does it ever?) It's funny, that his wandering should lead him to a place that he detests. Even if he was named for it, winter was his least favorite season. Everything about it was inconvenient. The snow, the ice. The lion can't even fully settle to the ground once he finds himself at a border. Light, fluffy snowflakes settle onto his back as he waits, a stark contrast to the deep black and grey. He can see a village in the distance, through the white flurries that blur his vision. All he can hope is that it's warmer than this.


i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
It was true that you couldn't run from your past, no matter how hard you tried. Atbash learned that the hard way, as evident by the scars she now bore, given to her by her youngest brother. He attacked her for 'betraying' him, and he believed that she should be punished for it. Atbash had tried running away with their eldest brother, Vigenere, but he eventually pushed her away, leaving her open for Caesar's attacks. Hell, Atbash was still running away from her past, since she definitely wasn't trying to face it. That was one of the reasons she got rid of The Typhoon as allies, was because of Caesar.

Luckily for Winterwolf, it didn't take Atbash to arrive at the border. Slowly, the she-cat had become confident enough to walk to the borders on her own without being with Izuku or Cry, but that was mostly because she had to, as Snowbound's leader. "Hey there." Atbash greeted the lion at the border, allowing a small smile to form on her face as she neared him. "What brings you to Snowbound? Could I interest you in some hot chocolate, too?" Even if he wasn't joining, coming all the way out here had to be awful, especially considering Snowbound's terrain. Besides, she needed to get into the habit of offering it again.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #FB9B85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I AM IN CONTROL!

Unlike the others, Nui does not run from her past.

She embraces it wholefully. Even allows herself to reminesce upon time's grace. Because she is proud of where she comes from. Proud of what she has done. The blood. The viscera. Nui revels in it. Unashamed. Unabashed.

Quiet little feet fall, silencing the crunch of snow. Snowflakes fall all around her Ina flurry, like ashes of divine hue. Not heralding destruction or fire. But the opposite.

The snow is what nui perhaps, finds the most comforting about snowbound. She has gotten used to it, soothed by it's gelid freeze. She has spent far too long within the city not feeling anything to not be excited by the frost's embrace. The sensation is what provides the polarheart with a subtle thrill.

Ice lacing her veins, the gal lopes her way towards the border. It wasn't hard to spot Atbash in the distance, like a beacon of golden. She fixes her gaze on the newcomer; cranes her head back at the height of the american lion. Large, and unlike any other lions she's had the pleasure of witnessing.

Clucking her tongue to get the liquid flowing, she speaks.

"I am Nui Harime. And may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"



[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]It's a lucky person that can find peace in their history that. That can revel at it. Winter had never had the luxury — from having no history, to forging his own, there had always been some shame. Empty, but haunting. No real escape from it. Even now, it rises like bile and burns at the edges of his memories. The few stable things he had left. Gone, or just fading. Not gone enough to forget, of course. Just gone enough to feel bitter. Perhaps he should be grateful that his decisions had never been so great that they affected the lives of an entire group, but then again, his decisions still ended with death and misery. Blood stains the pads of the lion's paws, deep into the cracks of his very existence. No matter where he goes or what he does, there's far too much red for him to even dream of washing it out. But he does. Dream, that is. Hope. Just that one day, in one life, he'll have done this right. Winter doesn't even believe in heaven or second chances, only fate, combined with the idea that his choices will always be his own. A strange ideology, to be certain.

He supposes his thoughts on his past also extend to the cold. Unlike the other two, who have adjusted well enough to enjoy the location, at least in part, he's been immersed in enough cold to last him a lifetime. Why he allowed himself to wander this far was a mystery — maybe Winter simply needed the challenge. As the two approach him, he wonders if he's found it. They don't appear particularly frightening, but he knows better than to judge on such simple criteria. Cold blue eyes snap crisply between them, only the rarest hints of warmth in his expression. The first is when Atbash offers him hot chocolate, a little twitch of his mouth saying that he wasn't entirely opposed. Still, the lion shakes his head. "No need," he murmurs, though his voice carries. The second person gets less warmth but more interest, Winter's head cocking like a curious dog for just a moment. "Winterwolf, but Winter should suffice." Nothing shorter, the firm tone of his voice makes that clear. "This is Snowbound?" Almost exactly what he was expecting. Good. "I was hoping to stay for a while."


i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
If anybody thought Atbash was frightening, she'd probably laugh. She was probably the least likely person to be threatening, even as a demon. "This is Snowbound," The she-cat confirmed with a smile. "You're welcome to stay if you'd like, Winter. We'd be glad to have you!" She noticed Nui's presence of course, and gave the other female a nod of greeting.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Clancy wasn't sure if he was running away from his past, or just running away in general. Dema was a huge part of his past, was practically his whole life until just a few months ago. There wasn't any escaping the past so soon, especially when it's teeth snapped at his heels at every twist and turn. Maybe someday. His thoughts were turning from tombstone grey to having flashes of sunlight yellow - a hope that things would get better. Thins were so new here in Snowbound, so much better. Clancy could not help but have hope for the future. Isn't that what the Banditos had wanted for him when they sent him off into the snow?

The tabby was walking slowly through the snow, exploring the territory while he had free time. He wasn't aware that he was close to the border until he heard voices, gaze swiveling from his paws to the small group of animals a few yards away. He hesitates for a moment, remembers the strangers that had turned up outside of the walls of Dema, remembers those animals turning up weeks later, walking the streets, eyes cloudly, throats smeared black. Clancy feels darkness start to settle at the edges of his vision, stuck between a memory and the present. He tries to settle down, amber eyes focusing on the lion standing at the border. He wasn't anywhere near his old slot, he was with his new clanmates, and there was somebody at the border. He could do this. He could be apart of the daily life of the clan.

When his fear is just a fading scar pink, Clancy makes his way to the group, seeing the faint sunburst orange of Atbash's voice fade into the air. The tom carefully avoids standing next to Nui, the memory of the molly offering up a mouse's frozen heart fresh in his mind. The girl made him nervous, though it was really only first impressions at the base of his fear. Her voice was cherry pink, a light shade that was like fear to him, but she seemed bright and welcoming here. He keeps his attention on Winterwolf, though, intrigued by the ice blue shade of his voice. He offers the lion a small smile, blinking out from under the hood of his jacket to see the stranger's face.
  • "Hello, Winterwolf. Welcome to Snowbound. I'm Clancy."

He introduces himself after a moment, stopping himself from cringing at the shade of red his own voice was. It never mixed well with others. Not in Dema, with their grey's and black's, or the Banditos with their shades of yellow.