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MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - Printable Version

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MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - Pele N. F. I. - 08-10-2018

So she'd been asked to hold an herb harvesting class. Kinda funny since the only other member younger than her was Amnia, the class would mostly be comprised of adults.

Her and Elio had set up base in one of the orchard's buildings, using the nearby fields as the class' gathering space. Invitations had been sent out accordingly in Elio's usual writing fashion, each sealed with one blue hibiscus to show immediately who the letter was from. She figured in a place of creativity, being a little extra now and then for fun wasn't a bad idea.

She'd pulled in a piece of plywood to hang her papers on, and would later detail both pictures and instructions to her..pupils. Now all they had to do was wait for them to show.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - Mama - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“Hello Pele,” the cougar rumbled a gentle greeting as she made her approach, offering a smile which seemed lighter than most she shared, a gentle touch of warmth within the gesture. Still the memory of the child, bloodied and seeking assistance yet seemingly unwilling to permit any to help, was within her thoughts and it made her rather happy to see Pele doing well.

As for the lesson it had been rather surprising to find the letter though there had been no second thought as to whether she would attend, though no traditional healer she found the mind rather fascinating having to switch her own radical thinking before. It had been a difficult road, parting from the role of a solider beaten into submission and taught to listen, only to be allowed creative freedom, permitting to do as she pleased and be herself, the trauma of it lingering still.

It hadn't taken much for her to find the orchid for she wandered the mountains for much of her days and had grown to enjoy the place, though the building had been another matter. A few errors had been made but finally Ishayu had come across where Pele had chosen to set her lesson. Deciding a place close by her would be best the cougar settled herself comfortably, curious as to what Pele had in mind for this lesson of hers.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - JA´SUNNA - 08-11-2018

Ja'sunna isn't quite sure why she had become a recipient of such invitations; she's hardly taken the time to get to know anyone new joining their little port town, spending day after day holed up in her boathouse carving a manner of items in preparation for opening shop. She'd been outside for a smoke when she found the letter neatly perched on her welcome mat, bright against the black rug and the dark-wood floor. When she first read through what the invitation was for, she'd decided then and there that she would likely not be in the mood to leave her nest, leaving the letter, forgotten, where it stood.

Plans change as quickly as days, however, and the scarred tigress finds herself wandering towards the small class with her lips pressed together. Healing is more of Mimi's thing, but she figures, finally, that it couldn't hurt to learn a thing or two—the basics, at least, could probably save her life someday. Besides, hadn't it been her that said she needed to be a jack-of-all-trades? Knowing first aid would be beneficial to her, undoubtedly. "I am assuming we are to use the more... conventional method of healing, yes?"

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - axiom - 08-11-2018

© lexasperated
"Finally crawled out from under your rock, I see," Quantum banters with a chuckle in her throat as she rounds on Ja'sunna. Attempting to brush shoulders with the pale tigress, she takes a seat next to her sister. Now her vermilion eyes turn to Pele, as she gives the kid a slight nod - she's glad to see that her weekly task seemed fitting for the girl, especially since Quantum needs to learn a little bit about herbs and healing. Like Suna, she sucks at it - usually she left all that to Mimi. Still, she knows increasing her skillset here can only help her in the future.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - Pele N. F. I. - 08-11-2018

"Hello everyone! And yes, I suppose this would be the more 'conventional' method. Today we are just going over basic herbs, their uses, what to avoid and how to prepare said herbs after harvest." The what to avoid was her way of saying contact poisons. One touch and suddenly symptoms, poison ivy fell under this category.

"Basic herbs are ones you hear of time and time again, poppy seed, catnip, chamomile and the like. More often than not these are your main pain relievers, anti-inflammatory herbs and infection defenders. Herbs that are essential for treating battle wounds and I know that those here at the moment are well equipped to battle." She nodded to Elio who hung up a paper titled 'Pain relievers to gather' in all uppercase letters, detailing what each one looked like in a picture along with its name. The same was done for anti-infammatory, infection prevention and basic non-herbal tools.

"You can split up or work together to gather these, but gather at least three of each afterwards I will tell you how to prepare them for storage."

//Pain relievers: Poppy seeds, Dock leaves, raspberry leaves
Anti-inflammatory: Blackberry (berries or leaves), chamomile (flowers),
Fights infections: Chervil (leaves or roots), Marigold, Oak leaf
Other tools: Sturdy bark/branches, cobwebs

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - JA´SUNNA - 08-11-2018

"Crawled under one rock only to stand under another," comes Ja'sunna's response, sharp tail sweeping around to point at the towering mountains range that serves as Sunhaven's biggest defense from ne'er-do-wells. Despite her deadpan words, the sudden warmth in her vermilion eyes is enough to indicate that she particularly loves the mountains, as well as its odd, blooming nuances. As her sisters would know, she's taken to traveling them whenever she's not at home, seeking to capture the most beautiful sights for future reference. Each hidden nook and cranny would be found eventually, even if it's the last thing the scarred tigress is to do.

It's because of her knowledge of the mountains that she knows, exactly, where to go—dumb as she is with basic first aid, her memory is sharp and her eyes sharper, and she stands still for several seconds to brand the drawn images into the back of her head for safe-keeping. Some of them, she already recognizes based on their illustrations: poppy pods, raspberry and blackberry bushes, chamomile, marigold, and oak. Her tail curls in delight. Cobwebs and branches can easily be gathered later, and she can just ask someone to help her with dock and chervil. She would rather focus on what she recognizes and worry about the rest later.

A pierced ear flickers, and her vermilion gaze sweeps around to pick apart the gathered faces. There aren't a lot, but it doesn't matter. The smaller the number of people, the more comfortable Ja'sunna is, and the tigress turns to Pele and shrugs a powerful shoulder. "We can all just go together, can't we? I would definitely appreciate some help with that—uh... chervil."

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - rhosmari - 08-11-2018

He wasn't too much of an expert when it came to land plants. There were so many of them and back when he had lived on land he hadn't exactly been the type to give two sticks about some plants that couldn't oo and ahh at the beauty presented to them. For lack of better works once a woman he had been stuck up and he didn't know if that was the reason for his curse or not or if it had been something else. But since living in the sea he knew all manners of plant life there and what they were used for. Still, coming up on land had been a tough call for him, especially when he had left his siblings and that broke his heart most of all. A light breath escaped the mutant as he made his way over, eyes brimming with curiosity as he took in what Pele was talking about. So this was a minor herbal discussion and he waved his fin in greeting to everyone that had already showed up for the lesson. After all he was sure he would do well if he was put in a group and at least he wouldn't look...dumb. He might say something idiotic though and he frowned just slightly.

Settling down he looked at the bark and the paper, eyes narrowing just a bit before he decided to finally speak up. "I'd like tae be in a group. Any takers to help a poor fish out?" He chuckled softly as he moved his paws a little in the grass, gaze shifting over all of the females there before he looked to Pele then. He wondered if he could have a private session with the child so he could get some lessons on what plants did what. He wasn't exactly the fastest learner but he wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - Mama - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Maroon toned eyes turn to watch the banter which flows so easily between the sisters, a gentle smile curling about her lips though she is quick to shift her attention, holding no desire to be caught staring. Never had she held such a bond before, the other within her own litter had been killed early and though it saddened her to think upon her own brother it gladdened her some to know he had not gone through the same trials as she, had never faced the blades or claws of those who were meant to be friends. Some part of her longed for that bond, to be close to family once more yet they had deemed her unworthy for simply being herself, and so she sought it elsewhere.

Turning once more towards Pele it became clear she knew most, if not all, of the herbs she spoke of for Ishayu had taken to crafted her own tea blends with various herbs, some others she had come across as she walked the mountains most days, drawn the rocky paths which cut them apart. In a similar fashion to Ja-sunna the cougar thought to focus on those she knew of rather than those which she held no recognition of, committing those few to memory.

As once more the tigress spoke her head suddenly snapped around, brow lowered in a look which seemed almost quizzical, wondering as to what purpose she sought to work with them all. Though she had only come across the other in passing already Ishayu had thought of Sunny as more a loner than anything else, drawn to her siblings and rarely interacting with others outside of them, but she would be the first to admit her judgement of the other could be wrong.

“I would be happy to work with all, it would make things easier but if you think it best to split up I have some knowledge on herbs,” speaking within a soft tone she looked towards Monroe as he approached, offering a soft chuckle at his words. He seemed a pleasant fellow and spoke lightly of his appearance though it was easy to tell he was self-conscious of it, a small dip of her head given as a greeting towards him.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - axiom - 08-12-2018

© lexasperated
her mouth quirked up in a slight smirk at her sister's answer, a small chuckle leaving her throat before the little class began. The tigress nodded as she listened to the kid rattle off the names of the plants and the categories, though her vermilion eyes ended up drifting towards the billboard halfway through the kid's speech. She squinted; in her unfamiliarity with the herbs, she thought they all looked... basically the fucking same. She wondered, with confusion and newfound respect, how medics could keep all of this shit straight. Just correctly identifying three almost-identical green thingies seemed impossible.

Glancing at Ja'sunna as her pale sister spoke, she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't mind going as a group. Honestly... this shit confusing as fuck," she replied with a slight snort, to both Ja'sunna and Mama Ishayu. The flowers she could identify as unique, given they had differing colors, but she doubted all of them would be in bloom, anyway - wasn't August pretty late for blooming flowers? "We'll help your poor fish ass out - you can't be any worse than me. Just watch me confuse a goddamn rock for one of those fancy plants," Quantum answered Monroe with a deep laugh. She didn't usually use self-depreciating humor, but she knew she sucked at healing and wasn't going to pretend she'd be useful in a group hunt.

Re: MINT IS GONNA STICK TO MY PAWS FOREVER || herb class/wt - PIERCE - 08-14-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Healing was not something Pierce would be interested in had it not been, one, for him always seeming to end up in the medicine den for one reason another, and two, for his older sister having been head medic in his very first clan. She had always been treating him when he was sent in, with anything from a small cut to the wounds from a torture or raid. Her voice had always helped more than anything, gentle and kind enough to help him keep calm, but so obviously wise- Lottie had been someone that you couldn't help but trust. Both she and Pierce had been hurt in their lives, unbelievably so, but they'd taken it in two entirely different ways; her, taking the route of healing to ensure no one had to hurt on their own, and Pierce, taking the route centered around anger and fighting and protection, as he wanted to make sure nobody ever experienced what he had at the hands of friends and foes alike. Pierce didn't want to hurt anyone, he really didn't, but, intentionally or not, directly, emotionally or otherwise, he was really good at it. She may even still be alive if it weren't for his own naivety, which had basically enabled the person who had driven her to insanity to push her over the edge.

He didn't live in that old place anymore, though. He could start anew, or at least try. While the serval knew he would never truly be able to stray from his roots that he so despised - he always had, really, all the fighting and war had been a stupid accident -, he could at least try to mend his previous mistakes, try to help others in a method that was harder to mess up than his previous ones. He could never pursue medicine, no, he knew that, but helping the healers out every once in a while made him feel a little bit more achieved, a little bit more like a good person, and besides, he could use some more knowledge on illness and the like to help keep Clementine healthy.

He arrived next, a bit late, but he figured that didn't matter, as he'd heard the assignment. It was simple in concept, but in action? That may not be the case. "I can help out, too, if you guys need," offered the effeminate feline as he approached, coming to stand near Ishayu and tossing the other serval a quick smile before he turned his gaze back onto Quantum, Ja'sunna, and Monroe. "I'm not, like, an expert, or anything, but I know some of the basics." It sounded like that would be enough, for this class, at least.
