Beasts of Beyond
THE BERSERKERS - Printable Version

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THE BERSERKERS - Orion - 08-10-2018

[glow=#000,2,300]the berserkers ✪[/glow]

[glow=#000,2,300]the maddening group of carnies[/glow]

Located on a vastly large plain, the Berserkers take pride in their all-nighter habits and insane attributes. With many attractions to visit, from the ferris wheel to the local bar, they tend to have a wide range of experimental and non-judgmental places for everyone to express themselves in. Even the nastiest people have a place here.

The Main Tent ―
These are where the main sessions happen. Armed with a wide area for seating three-hundred and sixty degrees around the arena, this carnival tent is often used for meetings and public torture settings of the most innocent creatures.

The Tents ―
Most members will stay within tents as their homes. Larger families have their own dedicated tent while loners have smaller, constricting areas to work with. Though, the stronger are more willing to fight for larger areas if they please.

The Ferris Wheel ―
In the middle of their camp is a broken down ferris wheel from many years ago. Many scale this ferris wheel to feel the thrill of the air persisting as they go higher, others take a seat and drink the night away, but a small few choose to do other things. It's up to the dealer.

The Gala ―
Thinking of throwing a special event or wanting to forget about last night's episode, then visit the Gala. The Gala is a specialized bar with an open dance floor and a wide array of pleasures at hand per request. Upon arrival lies a conspicuous black door under a red velvet awning and a bouncer standing at the door, but the inside tells a different story. The walls are plastered in band posters, neon signs that scream alcoholic, and black lights that shine upon the the dance floor. In the corner lies a silver-lined bar table and several red velvet bar stools to sit upon, along with a glorious display of the finest drinks in the nation. Along with this, a moderately-sized, charcoal dance floor lines the back of the room. With the floor also includes a stage for smaller performances. Bands often preform here in the midst of the night, but sometimes there can be a boring (in their opinion) appearance of poetry slams or improv. Perhaps, though, a torture session will be held here.


Wheel of Fate ―
Don't know how to celebrate the day or torture the newest arrival in the prisons? Spin the wheel of fate! With all the torture methods listed below, along with fun traditions with a sick and twisted spin, the wheel of fate brings plenty of opportunities to do.

High Striker ―
Located in the main tent's arena is a high striker, also known as a strength tester, carnival game that's often used to see who can ring the bell. In this case, this iconic red and yellow game is used for something other than that.... something more... disastrous. Upon deceiving the faction, a royal position will drag out the traitor from their cell and onto the sandy ground until they reach the middle of the area. Then the torturer will appear in the spotlight. With a hammer in hand and grin upon their face, they wander over and place the victim's head upon the steel plate. To make it simple, they then finish the job. After all, who wants to read about brain being splattered everywhere?

Hurricane Wheel ―
Uh-oh! Someone's strapped to the knife-throwing wheel. Now if only someone was masterful at throwing knives, then this wheel would seem oh-so harmless, but sadly, that was not the case. Let's just hope they miss.

Twisted Pretzels ―
When looking for information, Berserkers may resort to this method of torture. By twisting parts of someone's body in natural positions and breaking bones, they put the victim in overwhelming amounts of pain. Often, the less flexible, the better. Those with double joints are no longer seen as freaks, but instead as frustrations for the members.

Sawing Box 'Illusion' ―
It's not an illusion.
That's why the quotes are there.

Within the The Berserkers, there are many opportunities for others to gain ranks for their proficiency in punishment or dedication to events. One significant thing is that the Berserkers does not have a second-in-command. They have a single leader. While it is not a dictatorship, they keep charge of the clan and choose their successor before their death in a will, not announcing it publicly. If there is no assigned leader, showmen and splinterheads may fight for the throne. If there is only one showman/splinterhead, then they may reign freely without competition unless challenged.

Ringmaster ― Ringmaster, sometimes known as Ringmistress or Ringleader, is the leader of the group, often entrusted with the group's main events.
Maverick, played by [member=1]Orion[/member]

Showmen ― Showmen and women are highly respected members of the group who will often throw events that range from bitterly sweet to straight up torturing their enemies. They are also in charge of minor raids. They are equivalent in power to Splinterheads.
Unnamed, played by @???

Splinterheads ― Splinterheads are the brute force of the clan. Though they do not hold events like showmen, they are often entrusted in making a rut in their enemies. They are equivalent in power to Showmen.
Unnamed, played by @???

Trouper ― Semi-high position who has truly dedicated themselves to the group.
Unnamed, played by @???

Posse ― Regular members.

Punks ― Apprentices and children of the group.

Clowns ― Prisoners held captive and tortured by the Berserkers in their free time. Prisoners may come from any clan that is labelled as an enemy at any time and can be tortured as pleased.

[glow=#310506,2,300]relations and rules[/glow]
The Berserkers are very wary of trusting others. Usually they'll be persuaded into alliances if they are benefited personally or if they need an extra hand in a battle, but that is often rare and unheard of. Also.... Who says there was any rules here? Hurt who you want, when you want.

Allies? None as of right now.

Neutrals? None as of right now.

Enemies? Everyone.


Generation One: Maverick
The former 'Marvelous' Maverick, or you might know him these days as 'Mad' Maverick, was once a brilliant talented young mind with his eyes set on the carnival. After rising through the ranks, being raised by them, and becoming one with the group he joined, his mentality soon began to deteriorate. Eyes stared at him in all directions, voices in the audience began to judge him, and figures began to taunt him within the stands during his performance. Eventually, he lashed out. Upon lashing out, he was removed from the premise and acted out violently. Hence, his once glorified name now becoming a shamed phrase around the park. In fury, he revolted.

With an iron fist and a sympathetic facade full of mischievous persuasion, he took it upon himself to start his own group. The Berserkers rose from the ashes of his destruction and oppressed carnies, misfits, and more followed his actions. Soon enough, they became a group of comfort for those who felt out of the ordinary and who wanted to live without constraining rule. No rules meant more chaos. Hence The Berserkers came the face of willingness to take the step in the much needed direction, along with quick choices and violent measures to get what they wanted. No one would judge them... ever.

To be continued.

Generation Two: ???

Re: THE BERSERKERS - tequila - 08-12-2018

track! will remove if required uwu