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THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - Printable Version

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THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - Seina - 08-10-2018

Inu was not sure how much longer he could take this isolation inside of this darkness. Even though his clanmates tried to lighten this place up in different ways he was still stuck inside of here. That did not settle well with him and he felt that. Despite them being apart now, they where still connected with each other. At the moment it might be faint but he knew they where. At times he could feel the others emotions streaming through him, and right now.. he was trying to get him to lose it!. Playing with his emotions. Inu had no idea it was only his paranoia speaking right now since thier link was still weak and thin. You're going to lose it just like you did with Mercy only this time you won't be able to stop.

Inu was terrified that something like that would happend. Keeping himself in control had never been his strongest side especially not under stress. Only feeding of preys did not exactly help the vampire either and the hunger really started to grow inside of him now. For how long had they even been stuck inside of here now?. Time seemed to be slipping away from him growing more anxious over it as well. What if he never would get out? or if it was to late?. Before figuring out to get out from here what if the hunger become to difficult to control first?. Just look at them. They are all food existing only for you to feed from.

The voice spoke again and as Inu sat there glancing around the room could smell this delicious smell come from all of them that made his mouth watering inside. He could hear thier heartbeats, and his eyes locked themself on places that would be perfect to dig his fangs into thier skins. For some bare seconds Inu sat there in a trance as he hungrly stared over the crowd and took out his tounge to give a lick to his muzzle. They smell so good.. But that was then he snapt out from it, his eyes widening in terror over the thought that just had crossed his mind. "No!." he suddenly bursted out aloud and got up on his paws to then dash away to run elsewhere there not as many where which brought him even deeper into the darkness. When he believed he was away from everyone would stop to catch his breath. Tears started to fill his eyes, hating this, he really did. His absolute worst fear was to lose himself against his own hunger.

Being a vampire was nothing more then a unpleasant experience.

Re: THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - musey - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]This was what Cavalry feared. That the panic would become all-consuming, that the nameless terror that haunted them would reach a peak in their collective conscience and drive them all over the edge at once. He'd done well to keep to himself thus far for that very reason, searching for answers by his own means - books, and what he considered a reasonable amount of pacing and pondering - and avoiding the din of the crowds that moved through the shadows for fear that riots would grow out of hunger, listlessness.

He is exhausted, anger blurring in the corners of his vision when the wailing sirens give another round of ear-piercing screams. He's had little sleep from the noise of it all and little to eat, little to drink, aside from what rations they have divided among them. Like a weary soldier he is no longer fond of the battle, only interested in the fastest, even the easiest way out.

Cav is alone with his thoughts until, rather suddenly, he is not - and before him stands a fellow that looks worse off than the rest of them, pale and scared behind widened eyes. The stocky feline steps back, lets Inu have his breath as he collects words of his own. He is not the best with comforting words but Cavalrychoirs is not a feeling man, at least not with strangers such as these. The best he can do is try to keep them calm, and bring them back to the present. "...There, there."

There's a candlestick on his belt, which he pauses to light with a match. In the soft orange glow he makes out tears in the canid's eyes, and, frowning to himself, he reaches for a handkerchief only to realize that he's left his greatcoat, and thus the remainder of his inventory, with his mount - who was still trapped outdoors. He could only hope little Marengo had been led to shelter and had no chance to run off for the hills, if only for the fact that his belongings were rather valuable to him. That was a silk kerchief he would have offered, and he wasn't sure where he'd go to acquire another.

But his worries are tangential at best. Cavalrychoirs approaches slowly by candlelight, the flickering flame held out before him to illuminate Inu's terrified features. Like coaxing a frightened deer, he speaks low, soft. "You're in safe hands, there's no need to panic. What's the matter, hm?"

Re: THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - ★ HAZEL - 08-12-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel's experience with vampires was suprisingly limited; despite Margaery and Suite both being of the blood-sucking species, she had tried to avoid certain interactions that might taint her opinion of them. She knew of the struggle of starvation, and how horrific the deprivation of blood could affect them. She briefly recalled sitting in Margaery's room, trying to convince herself that the women wasn't dying despite her ashen appearance. Now Hazel was just glad both vampires were outside, where there was a constant food source.

Currently, though, Hazel was trying to catch up to Cav, having bounded after him a few moments prior to him talking to Inu. Admittedly, she was searching for a distraction - to rid her mind of the lingering silence, of the itch crawling against her skin, of the pull of panic in the back of her throat and tug of her powers struggling to break through the floors of the observatory. Her attention latched on to Inu the moment she noticed the gentle pulse of his aura in the edge of her vision, his inner turmoil a mere shift of energy to her. (Bastille was always better at reading auras; Hazel generally used them to sort out identites and differences from the norm.)

Hazel didn't know Inu very well, but she was fairly sure he was in her buddy group. Therefore, she felt somewhat responsible for his wellbeing, though there wasn't much she could do about it short of mothering him. Glowing golden eyes shifted from Cav (also somewhat of a stranger to her) to Inu, blinking as she tried to sort out what was wrong. "It's Inu, right?" She asked, voice quiet and attempting to match the level of sincere calm of Cav's tone.

Re: THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - BASTILLEPAW - 08-12-2018

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[Image: 2LFVCD6]
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[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille had little to fear in the darkness or confinement himself. Certainly, he was sick of being cramped up inside with no where to go, tell-tale signs of restlessness eating away at him, but it was low scale and easily manageable by running "patrols" through the Observatory in search of any changes to their situation. No, his struggle was the fact that everyone else was at odds with things, their emotions running high and creeping into him; he could ordinarily control his abilities as an empath, but his souls were unstable and continuous close exposure to their panic and discomfort like this was more than his endurance could handle. Daily, he walked through a sea of thick, grimy emotions, felt them swept him up with them; he would reach his room to find himself suddenly feeling second-hand unease or frustration, and it could take him sometime to shake it off.

That morning, he was drawn towards Inu by two pulls: the first was the intensity of his distress, alerting to Bast of something wrong from one of the other halls; the second was the golden cord that linked him to Hazel, their bond humming faintly as he chased it to her like a siren song. Instinctively he stopped at her side, something like panic and horror sinking into his bloodstream: he could feel waves of some form of resistance, of trying to control himself, of hunger clawing at his throat. It took him a moment to realize it was radiating off of Inu, and he felt vaguely apologetic that Hazel might suffer through phantom emotions through their bond now that he was was there to pick up Inu's like a live-wire.

[b]"What's going on?" he asked finally, gaze flickering briefly to Cav, but he didn't resister him as any sort of threat. Inu's issues seemed more internal, based on his emotional reading, and Bast turned his attention back to him as he struggled to turn off the empathy.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: THIRSTY MIND ¤¤ open - Seina - 08-13-2018

[Image: __by_mamasaurus-dc7dgwz.png]
Out of all times, why had someone find him now out of all times?. Inu had thought no one had followed him but for some reason a voice reached out for him that was very unfamilliar for his ears. Ah stranger just like everyone else. Usual he was fine with that but perhaps he had grown so used to have people there for him that now it felt so odd for him to be back all on his own again. Inu could feel his body tense up as one of his eyes settled themself on this man. There was something about this male that rubbed him the wrong way. There was a feeling inside of him that told him to not trust this male and he always followed his instinct no matter what. At least something he was good about it was to be able to tell if a person meant trouble or not. This one just felt of.

Inu eyes grow wide when that candlelight come up in his face with that flame that terrified him in more then one way. Some vampires had a fear for fire, and Inu was not an exception having had a bad experience when it come to fire. Taking a step away from this man along with the flame turned himself around to face him properly. Safe hands?. Lair." S-Sorry, i just... can't deal with being locked away in here very well." he half lied, telling the truth of not being able to handle to be locked up like this but was lying about why he had run away before. Swollowing could still feel that hunger inside of him that urged him to attack and if not Hazel would have arrived maybe he even would have done it. Only one second of lost control was all that was needed for him to lose it.

Swollowing, again flattered down his ears a bit and chewed a bit on the inside of his cheek. Go away, leave me alone!. Just go.. he thought in pleading to himself. Nervousely smiling at Hazel now there was something about her...something in the way that spoke that reminded him a bit about Mercy. She had been a such kind soul, caring for him and always being there for him. She had treated him like a son even after she had found out what he was. Even if she had believed he needed to be cured from his vampirism like it had been some sort of illness had still been there for him, trying to help and that had really been all he had ever wanted. So it was a bit comforting for him that someone reminded him about her but at the same time he found himself missing her even more now, wishing she was here to tell him that everything would be okay.

Nodding his head to her his smile died of again. How did she? - oh, he believed he remembered this one now. Wasn't she from this group he had been grouped up with?. Yeah, he believed he had a faint memory of this female having been there.

When he thought he could handle this Bastilleprisoner showed up and that made his anxiety rose inside. If he had known how ease it was to read him of from the other right now, Inu would have paniced. His worst fear was if someone found out especially from the leader himself. " I j-just paniced so i r-run away, s-sorry for causing t-trouble." he said nervousely with his shaky voice as he looked everywhere but not over at Bastilleprisoner. It was in time like this he wished he was better with his poker face. Inu had once been good at it at one point in time however...since parting from his host his emotions seemed to be all over the place. It was extremely hard at times to pick them up and put them at thier place. Now was one of the times thanks for circumstances.