Beasts of Beyond
storage — you're the cure - Printable Version

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storage — you're the cure - ceilidh - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:65%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"]table of contents
— index
— goals/checkilist
— characters
  • fischer, soothsayer of the typhoon
  • isidore, observer of the ascendants
  • bottleblonde, member of sunhaven
— other stuff

Re: storage — you're the cure - ceilidh - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:65%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"]to do checklist
transfer over character tags (3/3)
— update signature
— achieve a four post minimum for a week
— get enough for water elementals (nearly there!)
— fix up isolde's tags

Re: storage — you're the cure - rochelle - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:65%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"]SO, YOU'VE LEFT IT ALL BEHIND YOU
  • rochelle fischer | ♀ | bisexual
  • neda x hydris (npc x npc) | created april 2013
  • the typhoon | soothsayer (healer)
  • former leader of the styxys (a npc group)
  • black smoke maine coon w/ clouded gray eyes | two years old
  • round build | soft facial features | voice reference
  • reincarnated from original wolf body | blind
  • easy offense | hard defense | medium mental/emotional
hufflepuff, horned serpent, abnegation, lawful good, isfj
  • wise | compassionate | thoughtful | composed
  • defensive | sharp | serious | nonviolent
  • insecure | oppresses self | distrustful
  • extensive knowledge of medicine
badass pacifist, mother nature, archnemesis dad, face-heel turn & heel-face turn, being good sucks, humans are bastards, if you kill him, you will be just like him, it's all my fault, refusual of the call, survivor guilt, stronger than they look
in depth during her time in her birth group, she served as a diplomat to other surrounding groups. improving group relations and being able to intelligently speak on group matters made fischer a diplomatic and composed individual. she learned the art of not just putting up a confident and calm front, but becoming that facade, absorbing it into herself. as a leader, she began to understand the viewpoint of others better, realizing that her own way wasn't necessarily the way it should be. for that, she learned to be welcoming of other's opinions, and also how to handle conflicting ones. a mediator of sorts, rochelle has a soft spot for many individuals she meets, and finds it hard to favor one person over another. she finds it easy to become compelled and interested in someone, whether it be friendship, kinship, or romance. while motherly isn't exactly the word best to describe her, her aura radiates of comfort and she finds it easy to calm others down with words. as rounded and grounded as she is, these traits all come from a place that fischer harbors deep feelings of sadness and grief towards. there is a part of her that she has killed for space of this better self, and while she does her most to beat this part of her out and away, it sometimes takes hold, stifling her. fischer's upbringing, and who she used to be, reflect greatly on who she is now. As a child she was vulgar and violent, willing to kill, rather than die, for something. this brash loyalty is what makes her feel so ashamed of herself. it's a side of her she doesn't let show, a part of herself she isn't ready to show people. it makes her secretive of herself, and she finds it hard to open up, fearing it would show her weak-mindedness. fischer's mother overthrew and killed the leader of their group, and at the time, fischer was impressed by her, astounded by the power of the female. looking back on it, her values have changed, and she sees that she could be a much more powerful female without resorting to violence like her mother had. still ... there is a part of her she fears exists, a part that is uncontrollable and un-salvageable, and she goes lengths to suppress it. this also stems from the knowledge that her father is the god hydris, who is inherently evil and toxic.
religion fischer follows the goddess nereides and her family of water gods/goddesses. fischer herself is the daughter of hydris, the god of pollution, though she does not see herself to have god blood within her, deeming herself unworthy.
  • nereides is the primary goddess of all water, the sea, rivers, lakes, streams, every drop of water. She was birthed many children, who are gods and goddesses of water in their own right. prayers towards nereides claims general faith, and will bring spiritual harmony to those that worship. one might pray to nereides for being able to drink water, for finding water, or in general any benefits that come from her providing water.
  • nelaid is the goddess of waterfalls and rushing water. prayers to her are done so to bring back the stream of a dried up river, or to just in general praise the beauty of water. some specific prayers to nelaid can ease rushing waters that turn violent like riptides or rapids.
  • nedis, the god of rainfall & storms is an emotional one. some say the young god often feels unhappy and will cry in the form of rain. other times, however, he will grow angry and violent, sending hurricanes and monsoons upon the earth. prayers to nedis come in the form of hymns for rain during drought, in which he will weep tears of joy for his worshipers.
  • nidea is the goddess of healing water, as well as water in association to life, birth, and fertility. nidea is found in water that brings health to those that consume it, as well as health overall. those wishing to have children and have healthy births will often pray to nidea for that purpose. nidea's prayers particularly focus on life coming from water, as one day all will return back to water.
  • nidros is the god of water in association to death and the afterlife. while he doesn't pertain only to death caused by water such as drowning, he does cling to those souls that have died because of such circumstances. praying to nidros will not prevent someone from dying, that is done for nidea. Instead, prayers to nidros will see that one reaches the afterlife safely and peacefully for eternity, praying that they have returned to the water at last.
  • hydris is the god of evil and polluted water. he is essentially the equivalent to the devil in her religion. during her entrance ritual to the typhoon, she learned that hydris was her father. ever since that moment, she has chosen to go by fischer instead of rochelle, as she is ashamed of herself for being his child. hydris brings death and sickness to those via polluted water and other sickness, and praying to him is seen as evil and against the wishes of the other gods. he often tries to intervene with the plans and intentions of nidros and nidea.
  • will not attack first | will not kill intentionally
  • bold or underline or @ when attacking | no kill/capture

avatar dump:

Re: storage — you're the cure - ISIDORE. - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:60%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"]TELL ME SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING
  • white serval | 18 months
  • chiseled, muscular and tall build | sharp face w/ round features
  • hard offense | medium defense | medium mental/emotional
  • scarring on underbelly and back | blue/green heterochromia
  • gryffindor | true neutral | libra
  • thoughtful | hopeless romantic | brave
  • intellectual | escapist | easily led
  • botanist | sensitive | journals
    — being raised by prestigious parents, isidore always was driven to achieve the best- not because he wanted to, but because he had to. he had seen the repercussions of disobeying his family, in the form of his little sister isolde being abandoned by their mother and father only at the age of six months. he feared that she perished on her own, and was even further terrified for the same thing to happen to him. while he kept up the front of an elite young boy, he quickly grew up, and began to long for a liberated life. he took up botany as a way to escape his home, though his parents looked down on the practice. once he was a year old, he left his home, much to his parent's dismay, and began to travel the french countryside, where he was born. he met a girl his age, fleur, a bright blonde feline, and they quickly fell in love. however, she was terminally sick, and as they prepared to get engaged, her health deteriorated, and she shortly passed away. he often finds himself finding qualities of fleur in the people he meets, and quickly falls in love with him, unfortunately.
  • will attack when provoked | will kill intentionally
  • bold or underline or @ when attacking | no kill/capture

Re: storage — you're the cure - bottleblonde - 08-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:60%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"]YOU CAN TAKE ALL THE TEA IN CHINA
  • bottleblonde | ♀ | bisexual | boo, botts, blondie
  • npc x npc | 2 years old
  • sunhaven | sunbearer
  • warm, gentle voice
  • tortie van | blue/brown heterochromia
  • freckling of brown on chin and nose | big round eyes
  • limp hind left leg | smells of wisteria & honey
  • easy physically | easy mentally
  • hufflepuff | neutral good | cancer
  • hardworking | passionate | careful
  • sensitive | lamblike | nervous
  • sympathetic | warm | naive
  • will never attack when provoked | will never kill
  • bold or underline or @ when attacking | no kill/capture