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song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - Printable Version

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song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - adomania - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The ascendants. It was the first of many clans on their list, a foothold in a path that they were more than willing to take. This was not their first choice, although it hadn't been their last either, but sometimes you had to make do with what you were given. Mercy was patient; they would wait as long as they had to in order to make it to where they wished to be. For now this strange group with their fascination with the stars would be their home, however short the stay might prove to be.

Perhaps it would have been different if they knew such... passive groups tended to look down upon the actions which Mercy was accustomed to taking. Being a murderer for hire wasn't something they found particularly pleasing, but it got the job done. It got food on the table, as it also sated their need for knowledge. There was only so much that the moral person was willing to do in order to gain information about the body, about what made a person bend but not break, and everything in between. It was science; cruel, perhaps, but brimming with untapped potential.

Someone had to do it. No one else understood that, however.

A soft sigh left the canine's parted jaws as they stood on the border of the clan that they expected to soon become their home. A soft smile was plastered onto their lips, gentle and as angelic as their body appeared. The downy white wings and golden accents helped to portray what they wanted others to see. An angel, merciful, serene... they were good at lying, too, although it wasn't all a rouse. They weren't a cold blooded murderer, never seeking out others unless there was already a bounty on their heads. Not that it made it any better in the eyes of the truly merciful, but Mercy could care less about that.

Thankfully, their ruse made it hard to determine that until it was done.

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - MOONMADE - 08-10-2018

[size=9pt]/hey ado!!! welcome. do u want this retro to the lockdown or? theres about 4 chars who aren't locked in the observatory so they can greet him, but if u want it open to everyone you might want to do it retro??? up to you!!

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - adomania - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// ahh I actually would prefer just the locked out group ! Makes for interesting plots down the line, but thank you for the welcome !!

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-10-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
He had been hired as a killer. No, he wasn't considered a mercenary. In the eyes of those that knew of the project that he had been with, he was worse than that of a mercenary. He had dealt with a couple of them during this time, as they were usually hired by Charon to do their dirty work and to protect the alien technology that they had managed to acquire during the meantime. He wasn't sure who had ultimately come out on top, but mercenaries were full of surprises. There had been one instance where one almost got the better of him and Carolina during a raid. The guy had equipped himself with a flamethrower and nearly burned them alive. Their armor could easily protect them from being burned alive, but it didn't prevent them from being looked alive either. The inside of the suit could reach temperatures that could most certainly kill them if they weren't careful enough. But it was two against one when it came to the Freelancers, although Washington was fairly certain he didn't do all that much to help Carolina who took it upon herself to fight him 1v1. Ultimately, she won the fight, but he remembered that it was the same day that Maine got shot in the throat over and over again as they managed to get the upper hand on them. Those that were trained well enough weren't the type to take lightly, and Washington knew that.

Did he think killers for hire was a thing in the world that he was in now instead of his own? Of course not. He didn't think something like that was possible for animals to really do effectively. Sure, some of them had skills that they could use in the likes of a battle, but was that the best way to go about it? He was fairly certain that they wouldn't be able to keep all evidence away. Although, there wasn't exactly finger print scanning or cameras that they needed to worry about so maybe they had it easier on them. The Freelancer didn't know and at the same time didn't care all that much. He was worried about getting everyone out of the Observatory. The lockdown having literally shut everything down, including the vents that would provide them with oxygen. Washington didn't know a way to override the lockdown from the outside, and he was one of the four animals that were actually outside of the facility. It was frustrating because if he was a human again, it would be so simple for him to break down the door with explosives but that didn't exist here. There was also a chance that he could kill someone with the shrapnel if he wasn't careful. His other worry was that the Typhoon would catch wind of whatever was happening with the outpost and make their attack.

There was a potential for them to get slaughtered, but Washington would sacrifice those that were capable of fighting first and maybe leave the rest to die while figuring out how to at least save the children and his comrades. He didn't have a whole lot of morals when it came to killing, but if it benefited the mission and the objective, then he would do everything possible to make it happen no questions asked. The armored smilodon was exhausted from going back and forth from patrols to figuring out and gaining records of what was happening inside of the Observatory. He needed to make sure that no one from the Typhoon made it in. He would kill them on site if they were going to become a problem to him. Thanks to the helmet he constantly wore, it meant that the Freelancer wasn't capable of catching scents. Instead, he was forced to use his sight and hearing to find a stranger that he had never seen before. Lugging all of his armor around could certainly be exhausted after a period of time, and he hadn't had any sleep since everything happened as he was worried about those that were inside. This meant he was more than likely going to snap at those that entered the outpost, and he already didn't trust anyone in the group anyway except for a select few.

White against green though was a fairly easy color combination to see out of the blue, even for him. The armored smilodon wasn't exactly stealthy, and it was easy to hear him coming with each step that he took his metal armor rattled on his body. He also weighed heavier than that of a lion despite being the size of one, so his pawsteps also sounded heavier. It seemed like he was the first one on the scene to come across a hybrid looking wolf. Washington didn't know that they were simply mutations and believed them to be something else. A bird, and some type of deer to explain the horns. His facial expressions were hidden behind the helmet visor, but it wasn't like he was really showing all that much emotion. He towered over the other but kept at least 10ft between him and the wolf. Washington's body, as usual, remained tense, as he craned his neck to the side until he heard his neck crack.[b] "What is your business with this outpost?" Washington questioned in the deadpanned and soldier tone that he usually carried. It was obvious that the smilodon wasn't the trusting type and was fairly closed off. He had no way to tell if this guy was from the Typhoon or not, and if he figured out the other was tricking him, he wouldn't think twice about snapping the canine's neck. Although, he wasn't that great in fighting in the strange body that he was in. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as glanced around, not moving his head, making sure the other was alone.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - Suiteheart - 08-12-2018

In a past life, Suiteheart had been an assassin. She sold her specialized skills to those with the largest wallets, but she did sometimes kill for sport. It had been fun in those days. She had relished in watching the life leak out of someone else's eyes. It had come so easily to her, to Aerona, back then. And now a vampire, she felt the familiar call of murder whispering in her ear. So far, she had kept the beast at bay.

Gilded amber eyes burned into the form of Mercy as she came to stand beside Washington. His angelic appearance should have put her at ease, but she was paranoid these days. The white feline didn't trust herself much less anyone that stood at the border. Margaery's actions had ripped away the trusting part of herself for a while.

A heavy silence hung in the air after her arrival, and finally she broke it to ask, "You got a name?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - Margaery - 08-12-2018

Killing had always come too easy to Margaery Mikaelson. Her father had ensured that when he exchanged her mortal soul for an immortal one dependent on the blood of others- a price that, originally, she thought to be too steep. She hadn't originally wanted to be  a murderer. It had felt wrong, inhumane, horrible, but as centuries came and went, the chocolate point had become surprisingly desensitized to the act. Now, it hardly bothered her, the monster that lurked just beneath her honeyed smiles and gentle disposition - Genevieve - nothing more than a familiar friend (if you considered their somewhat at odds relationship friendly). She did experience brief periods of absolute melancholy towards the state of her soul and the implications surrounding her survival though, but she repressed her feelings of anguish in favor for the rush of power that overwhelmed her every time she cast aside another victim. She'd atone for her sins another day. She couldn't let herself dwell on her circumstances.

Unfortunately for the chocolate point, she was stuck in one of her brief periods of turmoil. Suiteheart was still very much of the impression that she had left her willingly and Margaery, too afraid of the consequences that were associated with the truth, let her believe just that. It was easier that way, and the vampire would much rather have her wife hate her than see her and their children dead at the paws of her father. Sacrificing her personal happiness seemed trivial compared to that outcome and so she laid in the grave she dug for herself and refused to complain. The anger that emanated from her wife did make appearances such as this one difficult however, an obvious frown dancing upon brown features as she padded forward to greet the newcomer.

[color=#b59693]"Hello," She said gently, trying (and failing) to smile at Mercy, [color=#b59693]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson. Welcome." She left off the second part of her last name for obvious reasons. Suite would probably rip her to pieces if she introduced herself as Margaery Mikaelson-Folie. Besides, under this guise, she had to behave as if she wasn't even worthy of her wife's last name. It was the least she could do to make the lie a little more convincing.

Re: song of the golden dragon [ open / joining ] - adomania - 08-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]They didn't know about the interpersonal relationships of both political aspects and those that plagued the members of the Ascendants themselves, nor did they particularly care about understanding them. They were never interested in why clans fought, only in the fact that it gave them a good opportunity to gain intelligence in means that seemed far more explainable to those on opposite ends. During war, captures and tortures were commonplace. Mercenary work was difficult in times of peace, as it often left one or more clans on the brink of war despite Mercy's claims of being neutral. It was why they tried to stay out of clan life as much as possible, but occasionally the life got lonely...

Or, more importantly, they were running out of resources and needed to stay somewhere for a while to leech off of those that belonged to others. But that was a detail they were more than willing to omit.

A smile danced on the canine's maw as the group approached, each face scrutinized underneath the politely kept expression. The tension seemed to radiate off of all of them in waves, but they knew better than to question what had caused it. It wasn't their business, and they knew from personal experiences that such subjects tended to be touchy... and others were more than willing to rip your throat out with one wrong word. So Mercy kept quiet, instead addressing the questions that were thrown almost instantly their way.

"Mercy. Joining," their response was as curt and brisk as Washington's, but toned down to be far softer.