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I COME FROM A LINE OF CROOKS — cavalrychoirs - Printable Version

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I COME FROM A LINE OF CROOKS — cavalrychoirs - musey - 08-10-2018

nabulione buonaparte > cavalrychoirs bonaparte-harbringer | "cav"
male | he/him | bisexual
2 years | ages at random
prev. leader of the knights of eden and the rift (ff)
the ascendants | observer

pallas cat | ref
— a stocky pallas cat of average height. his expression is often rather distant, focused - cold grey eyes peer out from thick fur, set just above a short muzzle that tends to carry a natural scowl when he isn't working hard to look a little peppier. his easy smile and vivid expression of emotions, though, seems to carry a charm that negates his usual frigid edge.
bearhound | ref
— a hellhound, standing approximately five feet at the shoulder. the hound's features are heavily mutated to resemble a bear, with wide facial features, a short muzzle and stocky limbs. across the back of the hound are scales much like that of a pangolin, reaching around the neck and down the back as an armored mane. his bobbed tail best resembles that of a white-tailed deer.
faceclaim | voice | tba

chaotic neutral | entj | leo sun
byronic hero | a father to his men | self-made man
— lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse imperdiet nisl et risus interdum bibendum. cras placerat condimentum maximus. curabitur tristique neque non cursus tincidunt. nulla in mattis ligula. ut quis justo porta, pellentesque lectus ut, porttitor turpis. maecenas ultrices, velit vel viverra laoreet, nisl velit euismod nunc, non consequat quam velit id lectus. mauris tempus, arcu eu placerat mattis, ex magna venenatis mauris, quis ultrices nisi sem eu augue.



romantic | on and off with sola mortem, finnishwars praelium
close friends | malkyn rhodes, bastilleprisoner
friends | tba
family | the harbringers, the bonapartes

pallas cat | mild difficulty
hound | extreme difficulty
tag to attack | tba

items | mutation, aesthetic elemental (shadow/"darkness"), amorphous