Beasts of Beyond
WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - Printable Version

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WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - arrow - 08-10-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
Everything hurt.

For this once, in this swamp where everyone was getting their ass kicked by mental instability and mother nature herself, big ol bitch, there was no injury involved. No, no, just too much alcohol and a little bit of stress. Arrow was typically a more upbeat member of the swamp, always had her stupid ass jokes and tried to keep the mood as positive as she could. But she was still a mortal being with emotions of course, and eventually fell prey to the nagging sense of irritation with some recent events and her own damning self consciousness eating away at her. So as any shit decision making person would do, she drank herself to Hell. And that's how she got here, emerging from her abode after about 3 days, finally sober enough to walk but having a violent hangover, one that did, in fact, involve puking up her stomach contents, which already wasn't a whole lot.

Pushing open her door with one ear flipped inside out and death in her eyes, Arrow winced at the subtle noise from her fellow rogue mates doing their everyday little things. She groaned. "I am God's mistake."

Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - aya - 08-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell's nose wrinkled at the ugly smell of alcohol emanating from Arrow as she padded up. "You need some water or anything?" Aya knew the physical causes of hangovers, being that alcohol was literally poison, but she didn't think Arrow would be very grateful to be talked at incessantly - so, she kept the sentence short and her voice a little quieter than usual. She could ask what on Earth had pushed Arrow to drink herself half to death later, when Arrow didn't look one loud word from homicide.

Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - ophelia. - 08-10-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The sound of voices made Ophelia lift her head, blue eyes immediately settling on Arrow's disheveled figure. She hadn't properly met her yet, so this was one hell of a first impression. Before the more judgmental part of her could take over and make assumptions of character, she pushed that aside and summed this up to be a one-time thing. She'd properly introduce herself some other day, she supposed, when she were a little less... inhibited.

"I can assure you that even if you were God's mistake, you definitely aren't one of the worst they've made." Stepping up near Aya's side, she gave a small nod as the tortoiseshell spoke. "Water would likely be a good idea, if you can stomach it."


✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"sorry arrow. That title's already been taken by me," sliding forward on quiet paws unhindered by injury or broken bones, stocking made her way to the oriental. Wrinkled her nose at the obnoxious odor of alcohol, and let her cyan eyes momentarily absorb the sight of those bloodshot eyes, and the subtle smell of puke.

There were already others before her-- suggesting water. She had no need here, really. And stocking wasn't the best at emotional support. When it came right down to it, the former angel was actually a few steps short of being emotionally incompetent.

"Can I ask what got you I'm this mess? Or is it top secret info? Don't worry, I dont mind and i won't nag."
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - arrow - 08-10-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Yeah...water." She muttered in response to Aya, blinking to get a better look at the tortoiseshell, swearing that the other two just appeared out of nowhere. She blinked and they were there. Ooooh fuck.

This was definitely not the best time to introduce herself to someone new, after all, she was both so out of it that seeing a stranger almost convinced her that she was hallucinating from alcohol poisoning, and of course, she was not usually in this state of mind. "Thanks." She managed a small grin, wincing at the soreness of her abdomen. So much for being productive.

"Shit, you got me there." Aw, fuck. Stocking was pretty cool, but there was still a sense of shame that came with someone she knew seeing her wasted to hell and back. "Got a little stressed, had a few, turned into a few more." She could feel the headache creeping up on her as she spoke, silently cursing herself out. She did not have the strength nor time for this, her fault though. "Wasn't even my intention to get piss drunk, meant to get a little tipsy for the night." So maybe this was a lesson, a kick in the face to punish her for lack of self control. She didn't feel like elaborating any further than she had, after all, her point of weakness was none of their business, and she'd rather forget it.

Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - Leonidas - 08-10-2018

leonidas would be able to recall the times when he could refer to himself as "stressed" a long, long time ago. it was back during the time when he was just like any other corporeal being existing in this dimension; he had emotions. as great as those sound, they were killing him and making him into something else that he didn't want to be; but also longed for in order to stray away from who he is now [he'll always deny it, but does he truly not feel anything about anyone?]. today he'll wholeheartedly admit that he will not bat an eye to someone in desperate need. if they are unable to handle adversity on their own, then they are simply too pathetic to be existing. but what does he know? he's only been alive for who knows how long. opinions apparently.

anyway the demon just so happened to be in the general area when he overheard their little conversation of "relieving stress" and getting "piss drunk" and "water". the only part that was really audible - and relevant - was the getting drunk part. "aww lemme know if you are gonna do it again; love to join you." the maned wolf commented cheekily. he wasn't sure how long it's been since he's had any of this world's drinks. why not take the opportunity to do so?


Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - madster - 08-10-2018

malphas honestly didn't really get hungover. he was pretty young and didn't drink that much- he was a lightweight, pretty much- so he woke up feeling fine. still, he had experienced it before after particularly boozy nights, and knew it was miserable. he wasn't sure what was worse- the hangovers or his current withdrawals. still, arrow was in luck. their resident medic knew how to how help hangovers.

he came over to arrow, offering her a snicker. "lighten up on the booze, will you?" he said, joking with her. still, he felt kind of jealous- she could drink without getting addicted, unlike him. "i think you're just hungover." he diagnosed her quickly, after listening to her story. "uh, yeah, drink lots of water, but i've heard it helps to eat a hearty breakfast.." he flashed a toothy grin. "cat meat's rather hearty. i've got some in my room." he joked, making light of the fact he was a cannibal. "but my point does stand. here's the doctor's orders- calorie load and keep drinking water. and try and take a nap. if you're really suffering, i can give you some pain pills or somethin'." he said, tilting his head.


✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
despite it all, despite the dull wall of apathy that seperated her from the hearts of other's, arrow was a friend. A dear one at that. A swell one full of funny jokes and maybe at some point stocking had taken a liking to the other felidae because of the courtesy they had given to stocking-- from her moment of crash landing in the middle of god knew where, up until this point.

"I'll go get you some water, Yea? Don't stress about getting up to get anythinf. Hangovers hurt like hell. For the next few hours, I'll be your personal maid. If anything, It's probably my excuse to wear a kinky servant outfit," she clucked her tongue at the oriental witb teasing, faux delight. "Lucky girl."

the knowledge of arrow being overtaxed with whatever burden she carried upon her shoulders was shitty in itself. She wasn't too eager to strain the oriental further by having her walk while her head was pounding and roiling and her limbs most likely felt like lead. Stocking knew hangovers very well. She had done it before.

Stepping away from the crowd momentarily to grant arrow space, stocking turned away to spot the healer approaching. She offered him a brief, rare smile; something that barely cracked her face as she by him, brushing past him with a brief moment. A tail trailing amongst his side playfully before she headed deeper into town. Water, yes. She needed water.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: WELL FUCK A DUCK -- OPEN / HUNGOVER - arrow - 08-14-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Mmm, delicious." She responded to the lighthearted offer of cannibalism, inwardly thinking to herself she'd much rather be eaten right now than to eat another. "Calories, nap, water. Gotcha." So no death, that wasn't an option. Understandable. "I'll make sure to let you know if I feel agonizingly like shit. Then drug me up." She managed a small but cheeky grin despite the gradual pounding in her skull, she was determined to stay afloat here.

"I'll let ya know when I'm in the mood for bad decisions then, big guy." Arrow swayed slightly, blinking in mild confusion at the maid comment. Oh, boy. "I can't wait." She stuck her tongue out, part of her actually wanting the dark colored femme to do so. She was out of her mind at the current moment, so she didn't see the little brush of the tail Stocking gave to Malphas, on any other day she would have teased the fuck out of him.